

The Comparison Research of Lean Production System Exercise

【作者】 简敏

【导师】 任建标;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来特别是上世纪末本世纪初,精益生产在全球制造型企业中日益显示出强大的优越性,在世界范围内也日益得到普及和推广。精益生产和精益思想也越来越成为各种企业改造自身业务流程和提升企业竞争力的战略性武器。对于作为世界工厂的中国,其意义显得更为重要也更迫切。由丰田TPS(Toyota Production system)发展演化而来的精益生产体系虽然理论架构是统一通用的,但在企业运用层面,不同类型的企业,即便是生产型企业,在具体实施运用这一生产体系时都会呈现出显著的差异性。本研究在总体阐述精益生产体系的理论基础上,主要从精益企业文化和精益流程工具两个层面来分别阐述精益生产体系各组成要素在不同类型企业的实践运用。本研究透过两个不同类型企业,即产品导向流水线型和单件装配型,具体运用精益生产体系的实践个案比较,以期探讨精益生产体系在不同类型企业,主要是生产型企业,运用时所呈现的差异性,结果我们发现:(一)没有精益企业文化就没有精益生产,精益企业文化是各种企业推行精益生产体系的先行基础。(二)精益生产流程和工具,企业应该根据自身的产品特点和行业特点,在精益生产理论的原则指导下,灵活运用,并没有固定模式。

【Abstract】 Recently Lean Production show more and more advantage in global manufacturing enterprise , and was widely used and spread in the world as well . Lean Production and Lean Thinking also was used as a strategical weapon by more and more company to improve own operation process and enhance market share. To china as“world plant”, it is more important and urgent to spread Lean production .Lean production derived from TPS (Toyota Production System) is common in theory frame , but it often shows big difference when different type of manufacturing company implemented it .This thesis first tell the lean production theory frame , then tell the exercise of two different companies from lean culture and lean tools , namely flow line manufacture and assembly manufacture . By comparison ,we find that:(1) Lean culture is the foundation of lean production for all kinds of company . There is no lean culture, there is no lean production .(2) Lean tools show big difference in exercise in different type of company as the lean production theory is same . Different company can use it freely based on the product special requirement with the guide of lean production theory.

  • 【分类号】F273
  • 【被引频次】14
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