
IP over WDM系统在城域网中的设计与应用

Design & Application of IP over DWDM in MAN

【作者】 宋修贺

【导师】 肖石林; 倪晨鸣;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当前城域网的发展有两个很明显的特征,第一个特征是业务IP化,包括语音、数据、图像以及各种视频在内的多种应用都通过IP封装传送;第二个特征是WDM在城域网中得到广泛应用,WDM的应用解决了城域网对传输带宽的需求。通过WDM技术,一根光纤可以提供相当于原来几十倍甚至上百倍的带宽。这两个特征使得IP over WDM成为今天城域网的一个最佳解决方案。在本文的开始部分,介绍了城域光网络的常见的一些解决方案以及IP over WDM的网络架构;在第二部分介绍WDM中的一些新技术(如ROADM),这些技术对WDM在城域网中得到广泛应用起着巨大推动作用。文章的第三到第六章是本文的重点部分,基于一个实际的VOD视频点播系统,开展了IP over WDM系统在城域网中的设计与应用技术研究。通过对Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM的系统软件及硬件分析,结合公司业务发展的需要,设计和实施了视频点播系统的骨干传输网络。网络采用Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM作为传输平台,实现了东方有线(OCN)的视频业务传输。其中,第三章介绍了这种传输平台的硬件组成,第四章介绍了该传输平台的网管系统,论文的第五、六章是VOD视频传输网络的设计与实施。这个VOD视频点播系统是东方有线公司为了满足市场对互动电视服务的需求提出并组织开发的。该网络工程的主要工作已经完成,目前正在试运行中。该《IP over WDM系统设计及实现》具有一定的创新和现实意义:首先,该网络由四个独立的双纤通道保护环网构成,与公司现存的网络相比,该网络结构更简单、生存能力更强、投资成本更低,因此具有一定的现实意义;其次,网络采用多业务WDM作为传输平台,满足视频传输的同时,还可以为其他网络提供传输备份,另外也可以为需要的用户提供波长出租,从而有效节约网络投资成本,提高了投资回报率。本人作为本次项目组的成员,在本次网络设计和实施中,主要负责网络的设计工作,参与现网状况分析、资源需求分析,以及网络的建设和测试工作。在网络设计和实施中所有遇到的问题都是通过项目组全体成员集体讨论来解决的。基于本人在项目中的工作及论文的完整性,论文开始部分介绍了城域网发展的概况,在网络设计之前,对网络所采用的传输平台的软硬件做了说明。

【Abstract】 There are two obvious characters in the development of MAN: One is“everything over IP”. Today, all kinds of applications, including voice, data, and video, are packed into IP and transmitted in the internet. The second character is that the WDM obtains widely used in the MAN. The WDM application resolves the need to bandwidth in the MAN. A fiber can supply hundredfold bandwidth via WDM. These characters enable IP over WDM to become the best solution in the MAN.At beginning of the paper, it introduces some common solutions in metro optical networks and the network construction of IP over WDM. In the second part of the paper, it tells some new technologies such as ROADM in WDM, and it are these new technologies that put WDM being widely used in the MAN today.The part from third charter to sixth is the key part of the paper. Basing on the needs of the OVD (Video on Demand) system, it has done some research on the design and application of IP over WDM in the MAN. Though analyzing to Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM system, and thinking of the needs of OCN in VOD system, the transmission network of VOD is designed. The network uses Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM as the transmission platform, realizing the transmission of OCN video services. In the third part of the paper, it tells the hardware composition of the system, and in the fourth part, it introduces the network management function of the system and in the part of fifth and sixth chapter, it is about the design and application of the transmission network in the VOD system. In order to meet market’s need to interactive TV, the system of VOD is put forward and developed by OCN, and now most of the work has been finished, and it is trial-running. There are some innovation and practical value in the paper“Research & Design of IP over WDM in the MAN”: firstly, the network is made up of four optical path protection rings, and comparing with the existing network, the network is simpler in structure, stronger in survivability, and lower in cost, so it has higher practical value; secondly, the network is made up of multi service WDM platform, it can not only satisfy the need of video transmission, but also bear other services and supply light path lease, it can backup the backbone existing, too. So it can reduce the capital expense and improve the rate of investing.As main number of this transport project, my main responsibility is network designing, and also I attend other part of the project, such as existing IP network analyzing, resource demand analyzing, and equipments installing, testing. All the problems met in the project were resolved though discussing among the whole team numbers. For the integrity of this paper and take the advantage of my attributes to project, this thesis introduces background and research status of MAN. Before designing, we should get to know function and character of the transport platform, so it adds some description about the hardware and network management of the transmission platform in the paper.

【关键词】 城域网IP over WDMVODROADM
【Key words】 MANIP over DWDMVideo on DemandReconfigurable OADM
  • 【分类号】TN929.1
  • 【下载频次】190