

Study on Processing of Baggage in Air-Rail Inter-modality in Yangtze Delta

【作者】 郁敏

【导师】 杨东援;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 上海机场客流的快速发展,对机场集疏运道路形成了巨大的压力,要求机场发展旅客公共集疏运系统。空铁联运,作为一种公共集疏运模式,可以为旅客提供一种可靠性高的快速集疏运方式。同时,长三角交通基础设施的建设为上海机场旅客空铁联运提供了实施的基础。国外对机场集疏运系统研究表明,托运行李服务对提升机场公共集疏运服务水平有着重要的影响,同时也是机场集疏运系统规划设计中的难点。本文对国外托运行李服务成功案例进行分析、比较,加深了对空铁联运托运行李服务的认识和理解。本文首先借助质量管理的过程识别方法,对空铁联运托运行李处理进行分析。将行李处理过程细分为子过程和活动,以明确每个处理环节的输入、输出、资源和控制,从而得以清晰表述空铁联运托运行李处理过程,辨别处理过程中的关键问题。包括有:服务目标的明确、参与各方的合作和航空运输对旅客行李的特殊要求。其次,结合长三角地区轨道系统运输管理特点、行李处理方案和我国航空运输相关法规,本文进一步明确在长三角空铁联运托运行李处理模式研究中的关键点。主要是托运行李的安检和行李集疏运与航空运输的衔接。在此分析的基础上,对长三角空铁联运托运行李处理模式进行设计。按照服务水平的不同,可以划分为三大类:提供远程行李托运服务、不提供远程行李托运服务和折中策略。同时,本文深入分析了这些处理模式的流程、实施所要具备的条件,并从服务水平和实施的可行性两方面对这些处理模式进行评价。最后,对长三角空铁联运托运行李服务的市场潜在需求进行分析,并对需求分析方法进行介绍。近期在浦东机场的调查结果显示,国内机场航空旅客对托运行李服务有一定的可接受度。

【Abstract】 The rapid growth of civil aviation demand in Shanghai airports led to the congestion in roads towards these airports, which stimulated the development of ground access system to airports. As a good choice, air-rail inter-modality could provide a reliable and rapid ground access service. Additionally, air-rail inter-modality was made possible by the complete complex of transportation infrastructure in Yangtze Delta.The cases around the world indicated that the service of baggage is a very important factor in ground access system to airports. Furthermore, creating a strategy to deal with the problem of baggage is a challenge for all designers of airport ground access system. This paper obtained a thorough conception of processing of baggage in air-rail inter-modality by analyzing and comparing those successful cases.Firstly, the processing of baggage was analyzed in this paper with Course Methodology, which was widely used in Quality Management. This paper divided the process of baggage into sub-processed and activities, to express the process of baggage in air-rail inter-modality clearly and identify the key points, which included deciding the goal of service, the cooperation involving every aspect in the system and the special criteria of airport passengers’ baggage.Secondly, these key points were analyzed on the background of the regional distinctions. Some of the key issues during processing of baggage in air-rail inter-modality in Yangtze Delta were emphasized, such as the security issue, the connecting between ground access transportation and air transportation.Base on the analysis above, the service of processing of baggage in air-rail inter-modality in Yangtze Delta was designed. According the level of service, three modes of the service were developed, which were off-airport baggage check-in, do not assume off-airport check-in and hybrid strategies (strategies of partial processing). Furthermore, this paper studied the necessities and procedures of these modes, and evaluated the feasibility and level of service.In the end, the potential of baggage service in air-rail inter-modality was investigated. The results showed that quite a number of airport passengers considered the services were necessary and would use the service when it is available.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】F512.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】260