

The Some Physiological Characteristics, Microscopic Structure of Leafs and Protein Characteristics of Three Species Oleaster under NaCl Stress

【作者】 公勤

【导师】 齐曼·尤努斯;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 果树学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 沙枣(Elaeagnus angustifolia L.)是新疆的一种重要的经济树种,具有抗旱、耐盐的优良特性,本文选取尖果沙枣(Elaeagnus oxycarpa Schlecht)、大果沙枣(Elaeagnus moorcroftii Wall ex Schlecht)、东方沙枣(Elaeagnus angustifolia var orien talis(L.)Kuntze)的一年生幼苗为试材,设对照和五个处理,NaCl处理浓度为50,100,200,300,350mmol/L,NaCl胁迫处理10天,20天,30天后分别取其根、茎、叶,系统研究NaCl胁迫对尖果沙枣、大果沙枣和东方沙枣生长、体内水分、叶片显微结构以及叶片中POD谱带和蛋白质的变化情况,初步探讨了三种沙枣抗盐性的鉴定方法及评价其抗盐性。主要结论如下:1)盐胁迫10、20、30天时,尖果沙枣、大果沙枣和东方沙枣各器官及总体生物量均随盐浓度增加呈下降趋势,鲜、干重根冠比均变化幅度不大,且鲜重根冠比大于干重的,三种沙枣叶片水势有所下降,叶片相对含水量和叶片肉质化程度的变化幅度不大,尤其是在高盐条件下(﹥200mmol/LNaCl),它们仍能保持较低的水势,促进根部吸水向上运输,保持叶片内较高的含水量,使植物维持其生命活动。2)随着胁迫时间的延长及程度的增加,尖果沙枣和东方沙枣叶片中Chl总含量、Car的含量、Chla+Chlb的值有一定幅度的增加,而大果沙枣的稍有下降,三者叶片中Chla/Chlb的值变化不大,Na+含量在三者叶片中均有大幅度增加,另外,在盐胁迫30天时,对照、200mmol/L、350mmol/LNaCl的叶片显微结构比较中,三者叶肉细胞的受害程度增加,细胞间隙变大,液泡变小,但叶绿体结构完整,基粒片层清晰。3)在盐胁迫30天时,尖果沙枣和大果沙枣POD谱带的条数均为4条,但各处理间谱带的表达量不同,三种沙枣各处理叶片中可溶性蛋白质含量均呈增加趋势,蛋白质谱带数量上变化不大,其中尖果沙枣各处理叶片中蛋白条带数量无增减变化,大果沙枣在300、350mmol/LNaCl浓度时条带增加,东方沙枣在200、300、350mmol/LNaCl浓度时有条带增加,这些新增条带是否为盐胁迫诱导的新增条带,将有待于进一步研究。4)综合分析表明:尖果沙枣和东方沙枣的抗盐能力高于大果沙枣。各抗盐性鉴定指标对抗盐能力的贡献不同,其中鲜重、干重、根冠比、叶片有机物质干重、叶片干物质积累率、叶片相对含水量、叶片水势、叶片肉质化程度、Chl总含量、Car的含量、Chla+Chlb的值、Chla/Chlb的值、叶绿体的超显微结构可作为评价沙枣的抗盐性的可靠指标,叶片中POD谱图和蛋白质电泳谱图可为更好地鉴定沙枣的抗盐能力。

【Abstract】 Elaeagnus angustifolia L. is one kind of important economical tree in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, It has the strong compatibility to the salt and the drought, One-year-olds seedling of E. oxycarpa Schlecht. , E. mooceroftii Wall.ex Schlecht, Elaeagnus angustifolia var orien talis(L.)Kuntze were used in this experiment as materials. The NaCl concentration is 50, 100, 200, 300 and 350mmol/L respectively, salt treated about 10, 20, 30 days in potted mulberry under the rainproof awning, to study systemically the changes of the growth, the water content, the electron microscopic structure of leafs, the POD band and protein change situation. And discussed the research measures of salt-tolerant characters and evaluate salt-tolerant ability of Elaeagnus angustifolia L..Main results as follows:(1) After salt treated about 10, 20, 30 days, with the increasing of the concentration of NaCl, the different organs and whole biomass weight declined, and wet Root-Crown ratio was more than dry Root-Crown ratio, their had different salt-tolerant ability, water potential of leafs decreased, leaf relative water content and succulence index of leafs had changed slightly in E. oxycarpa Schlecht., E.mooceroftii Wall.ex Schlecht, Elaeagnus angustifolia var orien talis(L.) Kuntze, Especially at the strong salt concentration(﹥200mmol/LNaCl), They still could maintain the low water potential, promoted root absorbing water upward transportation, maintains high water potential in leafs, thus causes the plant to carry on the vital activity.(2) Along with the increasing time and degree of salt stress, leaf chlorophyll content, car content and chlorophyll a+b value increased in E. oxycarpa Schlecht. and Elaeagnus angustifolia var orien talis(L.)Kuntze, and decreased in E. mooceroftii Wall.ex Schlecht, chlorophyll a+b value had changed slightly in third. Na+ content had great degree increased. Moreover, in the comparison, 200mmol/L, 350mmol/LNaCl leaf microstructure comparison, three mesophyll cells suffered the degree to increase, the intercellular space filled out, the vacuole changed small, but the chloroplast structure is complete, the grana lamella is clear.(3) When salt stress 30 days, the POD band is 4 in E. oxycarpa Schlecht. and E. mooceroftii Wall.ex Schlecht, but the band color depth is different at each treatment, The protein content of leafs increased, and the quantity changed slightly, protein band was no change in the E. oxycarpa Schlecht., when 300, 350mmol/LNaCl concentration the protein band number increased in E. mooceroftii Wall.ex Schlecht, when 200, 300, 350mmol/L NaCl concentration the protein band number increased Elaeagnus angustifolia var orien talis(L.)Kuntze, whether these additional banding for the salty stress inducted, it will wait for further studies.(4) The results show: Salt-resistance ability of E.oxycarpa Schlecht. and Elaeagnus angustifolia var orien talis(L.)Kuntze are higher than E. mooceroftii Wall.ex Schlecht.. and they have the different salt-resistance mechanism,different indexes have different contributions to salt-resistance of them.plant wet height, plant dry height, Root-Crown ratio, the percentage of dry matter accumulation, organic content in leafs, water potential, leaf relative water content, succulence index of leafs, leaf chlorophyll content, car content and chlorophyll a+b value, chlorophyll a/b value, leaf microstructure, protein content can be used to appraise the capacity of salt-resistance of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. The POD band and protein band in leafs may for be able to appraise better the Elaeagnus angustifolia L. salt-resistance ability.

  • 【分类号】S793.9
  • 【被引频次】1
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