

Research and Implementation of Networking Stack for Wireless Sensor Node Operating Systems

【作者】 谢鸣

【导师】 陈纯; 卜佳俊;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)是由集成传感、运算和无线通信能力的嵌入式节点组成的自组织动态网络。早在1999年,美国的《商业周刊》就将“网络化的微型传感器技术”评为21世纪最重要的21项技术之一。无线传感网络在森林防火,环境监测,军事部署等许多领域都有广泛的应用,是近几年来的研究热点之一。随着无线传感网络节点研究的不断深入,节点操作系统的研究也取得了突破性的进展,特别是最近的五年来,相继涌现出了像TinyOS、SOS、Contiki、Mantis以及RETOS等无线传感网络节点专用的操作系统。无线通信技术无线传感网络操作系统的关键技术之一。一个无线传感网络节点操作系统网络协议栈的研究和设计的水平,直接关系到整个无线传感网络的通信性能,关系到无线传感网络节点能量的优化,关系到用户对无线传感网络应用程序的开发和应用。如何实现一个高效、低功耗、灵活易用的无线传感网络节点操作系统网络协议栈是无线传感网络操作系统研究中的一个极具挑战性的工作。本文在综合考虑和分析现有主流无线传感网络操作系统网络协议栈的基础上,提出了自己的无线传感网络节点操作系统网络协议栈的分层设计原则。Senspire网络协议栈包括三个层次,分别为无线通信层、资源管理层和网络支持层。无线通信层直接与底层传感器硬件平台进行交互,提供硬件驱动同时为资源管理层提供统一的驱动接口。资源管理层位于无线通信层与网络支持层之间,使用无线通信层提供的接口,提供资源管理和并发服务。网络支持层为用户提供实现网络协议的高质量服务、邻居列表和消息缓冲池的完整接口支持。本文最后展示了通过实验验证的Senspire网络协议栈的测试结果,包括发包率、低功耗、灵活性和易用性方面的表现,获得了良好的实验结果。

【Abstract】 A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is composed of a large number of sensor nodes. These nodes have the capability of sensing, computing and communicating. In the year 1999,"Business Week" of America considers WSNs as one of the 21 most important ideas for the 21 century. WSNs become very popular in recent years and are broadly used in many areas, including forest fire detection, military surveillance, environmental monitoring, etc. With the development of WSNs, great progresses have been made in the area of sensornet OS research, e.g., TinyOS, SOS, Contiki, Mantis and RETOS.Networking support plays a central role in the design of a sensornet OS. A good design and implementation of a networking stack will improve communication performance, reduce energy consumption, and simplify user application development. However, it is challenging to implement a flexible, energy efficient, easy-to-use networking stack on sensor nodes with severe resource constraints.In this thesis, we analyze networking stacks of the state-of-art sensornet OSes, and then present the main principles of our layered design networking stack for the SenSpire Operating System. SenSpire OS’s networking stack consists of three layers, i.e., the radio layer, the resource layer, and sensornet layer. The radio layer implements device specific functionalities and provides unified interface to the resource layer. The resource layer sits between the radio layer and the sensornet layer. It uses the interface provided by the radio layer, provides resource management and concurrency control for the upper layer. The network support layer provides useful services, e.g., neighborhood management and buffer management, to implement specific network protocols.At the end of this thesis, we show experimentation results of SenSpire OS’s networking stack, including transmission throughput, energy consumption, flexibility, etc. We demonstrate that our networking stack is easy-to-use, and is promising in simplifying WSN application development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】TP212.9;TP316
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】750