

Vibration Analysis and Optimization Design of the Drum of the High-speed Tire Test-bed

【作者】 付密果

【导师】 陈宇东;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 固体力学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着车速的不断提高,原有的轮胎试验台已经不能满足试验的需要,人们又设计出了高速轮胎试验台。高速轮胎试验台主要用于测试和识别高速情况下,车辆轮胎及悬挂系统等的动态特性,为进行整车及车辆各组件的动态性能研究提供依据。本论文研究的对象是高速轮胎试验台中的一个重要组件——转鼓。在车辆的高速性能试验中,由于转鼓本身的动态性能将对试验结果的好坏产生直接的影响,所以,转鼓自身的动态性能设计将是整个高速轮胎试验台设计中的一个关键环节。为了在工作时避免共振的发生,就必须在转鼓设计时就大幅度提高转鼓的第一阶固有频率,这是整个转鼓以至整个试验台设计中至关重要的一环。该转鼓的设计还有另外两个特点:①转鼓外环的内、外表面均可作为被测轮胎的接触面,使得该试验台可以同时进行两种(部)车辆高速性能试验的要求;②转鼓直径达到4m,使得与被测轮胎接触的转鼓外环的内、外表面均能够比较真实的模拟车辆的实际行走情况。本论文应用拓扑优化方法及模态理论,运用有限元软件为转鼓设计出了三种不同的模型,为了使铸造工艺尽可能的简单及总质量尽可能的小,最终提出了最优模型,使得转鼓的第一阶固有频率得到了大幅度提高,从而避免了在工作时共振的发生。在模型确定之后,又利用有限元方法,对最优模型进行了尺寸优化、模态灵敏度分析及最优化设计,最终为最优模型各部件定下了较为合理的尺寸组合。该尺寸组合不仅使转鼓的总质量减轻了22%以上,而且也使转鼓的第一阶固有频率提高到了90Hz以上,优于国外同类试验台转鼓,从而满足了各方面的设计要求。

【Abstract】 As the vehicle speed increases, the original tire test-bed can’t meet the need of the test. Automobile high-speed tire test-bed is designed. Automobile high-speed tire test-bed is mainly used to test and identify the dynamic characteristics of vehicle tires and the suspension system in high speed and provide basis for the research of the dynamic characteristics of the whole vehicle and each component of the vehicle。The drum, which is an important component of the automobile high-speed tire test-bed is the subject of this thesis. During the test of the high-speed performance of vehicles, the dynamic characteristics design of the drum will be the key step in the design of the whole automobile high-speed tire test-bed because the dynamic characteristics of the drum directly influences the result of the test. To avoid the resonance during the work, the first eigenfrequency of the drum should be increased greatly in the design of the drum. This is very important in the design of the whole drum and even the whole automobile high-speed tire test-bed. The design of the drum has two other characteristics. First, both the inner and outer side of the drum outer ring can function as the interface of the tested tire, which enables the automobile high-speed tire test-bed to test the high-speed performance of two vehicles at the same time. Secondly, the diameter of the drum is 4m. This makes both the inner and outer side of the outer ring of the drum, which contact the tested tire, truly simulate the vehicles’ actual running condition.This thesis uses topology optimization theory and carries out the modal analysis and design optimization using the finite element software, Hyper Works. According to the result of topology optimization, we get three kinds of finite element models for the drum and the first eigenfrequency of the drum is greatly improved. However, these three models have their own advantages and disadvantages. For the first model, the first eigenfrequency is the lowest, but the manufacture technology is simple; for the third model, the first eigenfrequency is much higher than that of the first and the second model, but the manufacture technology is complicated. All three models can not fulfill the following conditions at the same time: first, to increase the eigenfrequency of the drum structure as much as possible; secondly, to lower the casting technological requirements as much as possible; the quality should be as light as possible. To make the structure of the drum more reasonable, we get the fourth design scheme synthesizing the former three design schemes.After the structure of the drum is determined,we optimize the size of the fourth model by OptiStruct and make the total mass of the drum decrease 18% on condition that the first eigenfrequency is not lowered. Then we carry out the model sensitivity analysis and optimal design of the revised model using ANSYS. Through model sensitivity analysis, we get more sensitive design variables and revise each design parameter reasonably. The result of the revision is that the mass of drum is reduced by 413kg on condition that the first eigenfrequency is above 90Hz. To get a more ideal design, we make full use of the merits of the finite element software ANSYS and carry out the optimal design of some more sensitive design parameters on the basis of sensitivity analysis. The result of optimization is that the total mass of the drum is decreased about 115kg on condition that the first eigenfrequency is above 90Hz. After the size optimization, model sensitivity analysis and optimal design of the best model, the first eigenfrequency of the drum is higher than 90Hz and the mass of the drum is reduced from 12.85ton to 9.99ton. From the above discussion, under the guidance of the Finite Element Theory, Topology Optimization Theory and Modal Analysis Theory, we get the more reasonable drum structure(the fourth finite element model).And the application of the finite element software-Hyper Works, Pro-E and ANSYS greatly reduces the cost and the design cycle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】U467.52
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】238