

Business Plan of Marriage/Friendship Website in Changchun Area

【作者】 邱勇

【导师】 蔡莉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的高速发展,传统观念、习俗的改变,互联网用户规模急剧扩大,互联网已与人们的日常工作生活密不可分,网络交友正成为人们普遍接受的交友模式之一。目前,中国大陆交友网站市场正处于成长期,商业模式处于探索阶段。本论文研究是建立互联网门户网站为长春市未婚男女提供婚恋交友服务,为长春地区婚恋交友网站创业计划项目提供科学的决策依据。通过对互联网交友市场进行行业分析与市场研究,针对长春地区进行市场细分与市场定位,设计出符合地区市场需要的网站栏目与内容;婚恋网站较一般交友网更为严肃,鼓励用户诚实注册、诚信交往,对网站栏目进行诚信审核设计;为适应竞争需要与公司持续发展,组建好团队与组织结构,选择合理的营销方案与商业模式。本论文对网站创业计划进行设计和论证,对栏目内容、服务设计、商业模式、营销计划、经营状况、团队和资源进行经济效益分析和风险等分析。最后,根据对整个网站计划的全面评估,得出该项目科学的结论。

【Abstract】 According to the investigation report provided by the authority organization of China internet, Chinese netizen is about 182 million, which accounts for more than 10% out of the entire country’s population, among which, 65% single ones, 40% with associate degree.With the coming of the information times, the spreading of internet, the time and cost savings of the internet marriage, easy communication and wide range of contacting, it becomes an easy accepted marriage approach for young people. The traditional Chinese marriage medi-agency has a huge market; however, it cannot get the recognition of the young people due to bad credit and small scope. The development speed for Chinese internet friend-making market drops behind the world for more than 2-3 years. Our friend-making market goes into growing stage in 2005. the internet operation becomes commercialized, and the charging standard and service mode get more and more people’s recognition。The investigation reflects, 70% of the interviewees would like to pay for internet friend-making.In 2007, Chinese internet friend-making market scale was 500 million. It is expected to be 680 million in 2008 and 1.6billion in 2011. Changchun is the capital of Jilin Province, where the economy is developed, population is huge, also there are many colleges and has a strong influence for nearby cities, which has big market potential. After calculation, ChangChun internet friend-making market scale will be 4.08 million RMB in 2008, and in 2011 it will be 9.6million RMB. It has three marriage manners in ChangChun area: the first is traditional marriage bureau, the second is huge marriage interview meeting which is held by media, third is internet marriage. The internet marriage divide several types because different emphasis: 1、traditional 2、business 3、entertainment 4、mainly for marriage.This website creation plan is mainly for those who are twenty to forty five in ChangChun area, utilizes the location advantages and specializes to build professional and effective marriage and friend-making platform for those middle-high single people. Its professional service will help middle-high end single group to realize love and dream, to promote social harmony.This thesis analyzes the critical local websites, seriously summarizes the profit-earning mode, unique service and development prospect for the websites of the same types. It combines the local features and the humanistic situation to provide a detailed design for the website service conception and column content; also it adds the customized love service. In order to build up website brand and good reputation, to encourage members to make friends sincerely, it also sets up systematic membership credit checking policy and complains system. It designs relative charging policy for different member levels to meet various demands.Team work construction strives to simplify personnel and improve efficiency. It tries to make a platform that everyone can be responsible for their own roles and fully play their role. The department setup is flat.The investment for the website project plan is 500,000 RMB, and it adopts direct stock financing solutions, in which each shareholder will take the responsibility and share the profit based on the share percentage.After calculation, the first year of the website operation will be in the market cultivating stage, where each item of spending will be big. The first year the charging to members will not happen, and the earning from the advertisement can be neglected, therefore it is expected it will loss 360,000 RMB. From the second year of operation, it will begin to earn: it can reach 470,000 RMB for its main business and other business, and can realize 45,000 RMB net profits, which can not compensate the first year loss. For the third year, the total business income can be 650,000 RMB, and net profit can be 187,800 RMB. For the forth year the profit after tax will be 172,900 RMB, and for the fifth year the profit after tax will be 476,700 RMB.This thesis also does a thorough analysis for the risks in terms of technology, market, operation, management, finance, profit earning mode, and develop prevention actions for the above risks.The investment for this website creation plan is less, the startup is quick, the technology is mature, the target market is clear, the team is flexible and effective. After the comprehensive analysis, it shows this creation plan is feasible in Changchun area, and has realistic direction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】F49
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】688