

Analysis on the Influencing Factors of China’s High-tech Products Trade

【作者】 王伟

【导师】 李晓;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,中国高技术产品对外贸易面临较为有利的发展环境,高技术产品出口的持续快速增长,推动了国民经济跨越式发展。目前对于中国高技术产品贸易影响因素分析的研究还属于一个较新的领域,研究的广度和深度都较为有限。为了进一步促进中国高技术产业发展及竞争力的提高,使中国从贸易大国向贸易强国转变,本文在以前学者研究的基础上进行了进一步的探讨。本文首先对国际贸易影响因素理论进行了系统梳理,并概括介绍了中国高技术产品贸易的现状。在此基础上,本文对中国高技术产品贸易的影响因素进行了实证研究,通过建立引力模型,来分析贸易伙伴国的经济规模、技术水平、区域分布,发展水平和出口管制政策等因素对中国高技术产品进出口贸易流量的不同程度的作用,借以考察对中国高技术产品贸易影响显著的因素。研究结果显示:中国的经济发展水平和APEC组织对中国高技术产品出口影响显著,而中国的经济发展水平和美国对华的高技术产品出口管制等因素对中国高技术产品进口影响显著。本文分别从技术创新、充分发挥外交对贸易的促进作用、加强国际合作和区域经济一体化等方面,就进一步促进中国高技术产品贸易进行了探讨,并提出中国高技术产业发展的五点建议。

【Abstract】 In the history of human civilization, the emerging of high-tech products always promoted productivity of human society to advanced level. In today’s growing competition in economic globalization, economic strength and scientific and technological innovation ability has become the keys to national competitiveness factors. In recent years, China’s high-tech industry trade developed rapidly. Trade of high-tech products has a good growth momentum, which led China’s overall merchandise trade structure to further level.Development of high-tech products trade is an inevitable choice for China. Europe and the United States have the most powerful technology. Europe and the United States high-tech products exports account for the majority of the world’s high-tech products exports. China is a developing country with relatively backward technology. Consequently, according to traditional economic theory, China’s high-tech products to the European-US trade deficit should exist. Quite the contrary, China’s high-tech products with Europe and the United States have the highest trade surplus. The same technical power, the technological level of Japan and South Korea worse than Europe and the United States. But China’s high-tech products to Japan and South Korea’s have a largest trade deficit. Why is there such a phenomenon? Does China have been technically beyond these countries. How can we further promote China’s high-tech industrial development and upgrade China’s industrial. These are people are generally concerned about and trying to find answers to problemsThis paper studies the impact factors of China’s high-tech products trade. In this paper, the China’s high-tech products trade and the profile of issues and influencing factors will be studied. This paper investigates what strategies should China make, and by which China’s high-tech industries can be rapid and healthy developed. This paper will study China’s high-tech products trade on the basis of empirical research, then establish the framework of this paper. This paper study China’s high-tech products trade factors based on four aspects:Chapter one introduces topics significance of this paper, explores the definition of the concept of the high-tech products and high-tech industry, gives a review of the existing literature on the structure of this arrangement, and introduces the main viewpoints of innovationThe second chapter describes China’s high-tech products trade an overview of the development, such as China’s high-tech products trade development speed, size and structure.Chapter three,China’s high-tech products trade Empirical Analysis. Using the gravitational model, exam the affect factors of China’s high-tech products import and export trade. Calculate a number of trade partners in the import and export potential, and conducted an initial classification and sorting. Based on China’s high-tech products trade empirical research, that the conclusion of the study is: the assumption that other conditions remain unchanged, China’s economic growth, economic growth of trading partners and China’s accession to economic organizations factors were important affect factors of china’s high-tech products exports. Because of the special nature of high-tech products, the distance between the trade partners and china has less affects on China’s high-tech product exports. The development of China’s technologies has a insignificant effect on China’s high-tech products export. this shows that the Chinese science and technology can’t fully transformed into real productive forces. In addition to the above factors, Some developed countries’trade controls policy are also importance affect factors of China’s high-tech products import. In the economic globalization, China’s economic development still affected by the Cold War mentality, this is no longer an economic issue, but a matter of the political and military complex international issues.Chapter four, on the basis of above chapters, this paper summed up China’s high-tech products trade development strategy. Such measures include: increase investment in science and education, upgrade technology into real productive capacity, technological cooperation, improve the environment and conditions of technology imports, make full use of WTO and APEC economic organizations, follow the path of independently innovation Road and the establishment of specialized anti-high-tech export control mechanisms.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】F752.6;F276.44
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】454