

The Thoughts about the Criminal Victim Status of Legal Person

【作者】 杨瑜

【导师】 张旭;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 法人是商品经济发展的必然产物,同时也对经济的发展发挥着重要作用。但伴随着法人的发展相关的问题也随之而来。法人这一特殊的主体应该如何得到法律更好的规制与保护成为时下一个重要课题。法人在民法上的地位不必多言,已经得到了确立和保护,笔者认为,法人在刑法上的地位也应受到关注。法人的刑法地位问题在以往的讨论中更多的是被倾向于对法人犯罪的相关问题的讨论,诸如法人犯罪主体资格的确认以及法人刑事责任的确认,虽然在学界一直是争论不休,但是承认法人犯罪,以及法人应该承担相应的刑事责任和接受刑罚处罚的肯定说日渐显示出一种优势来。而另一方面对法人作为刑事被害人这一问题却鲜有讨论。法人在社会发展中的地位以及现代被害人学的迅速发展,都向我们显示了法人作为刑事被害人应予关注的重要性。故本文着重探讨法人的刑事被害人的地位,以便引起更多学者的重视,同时也期望通过自己的论证能对法人刑事被害人地位的理论研究及其理论构建做出一点有益的工作。

【Abstract】 The legal person is the inevitable product of the socio-economic development, simultaneously legal person’s appearance and development is in turn impetus social economy development. Because legal person’s status is so important, it is necessary to be clear about legal person’s status in the law, especially the protection in the existing civil law is insufficient, legal person’s criminal law protection is necessary. In our country criminal law academia about legal person’s subject of crime status’s related questions, many scholars have discussed and there are many literatures, confirmed that the theory for the legal person’s subject of crime is obviously superiority. But about the legal person criminal activity victim status’s related questions have rarely been discussed. Actually there are many discussions in the Japanese educational world. Therefore this article takes the Marx dialectical materialism and Deng Xiaoping Theory as the instruction and integrates civil law and the criminal law correlation theories and attempts through introduces and studies of the Japanese criminal law educational world unifies the Chinese criminal law existing elementary theory, further studies legal person’s criminal victim status in criminal law, elaborated emphatically, when legal person’s personality right receives the harm, whether to break through the traditional criminal law theory, recognized that the legal person for such as extortion the crime and the libel and so on criminal victim’s status related question ,which violates individual law profit crime, and summary analysis this theory has profited from the significance to our country criminal law, causes more scholars by the time to this question ponder.The first part of the article, as a question statement, mainly introduces discussion’s related theory to the legal person criminal activity victim status question in the Japanese criminal law educational world. When they discuss this issue, they mainly take aims at legal person’s coercion crime and the force crime establishes or not as the angle of view, there are negative and definite two theories. Negative says are mainly protested by Professor morimotomasuyokiand and otaniminoru .They thought that the legal person cannot break through traditional the criminal law theory to become the coercion crime and the force crime’s criminal victim. But Professor imaitakeyosi as a representative of many scholars said positively. He thought the legal person could become the above two crime’s criminal victim.The second part shifts the angle of view at domestic, mainly expounds about realistic foundation of that legal person becomes to criminal activity victim of violating the individual law profit crime. The civil subject status’s establishment of legal person has experienced the long process, but this process had demonstrated that it is true that the legal theory is the real life reflection The legal person system in our country civil law’s establishment and the development, enormously has promoted legal person’s development, also following it is more important to protect the legal person rights and interests. When existing civil law to legal person rights and interests protection is insufficient, the suitable criminal law protection is very essential. Moreover, correlation theories of legal person criminal activity status establishment, may also provide place of the warning for the legal person criminal activity victim theory discussion Legal person’s criminal subject status includes the legal person as perpetrator’s status and victim’s status. When discussing legal person criminal activity victim status, the author thought that it is necessary to discuss the corporate crime subject status .This discussion for us has very big advantage. Because legal person’s criminal subject status (including subject of crime status and crime victim status) takes a question two aspect, there should be the mutual connection. The corporate crime subject status question’s discussion experienced from denied to denial of the denial process, this process will also certainly provides certain realistic foundation for the legal person criminal activity victim status discussion, because this question also means to grow out of nothing and to break tradition and to adapt the society’s development process. In addition the corporate crime subject establishment’s correlation theories cannot analogize the legal person criminal activity victim’s correlation theories directly. The legal person criminal activity victim’s status should also seek own in-depth reason.The third part mainly unifies the preamble to elaborate rationale of the legal person to become the criminal victim. This is the key point of this article. This part has two questions: the first question is about legal person personality right when the legal person takes the criminal victim. The author believes that according to the legal person existence we can approve the corporate structure is one kind of solid fact belonging to the reality existence organism equally with the natural person, each legal person is the living existence in the real life and it is an important organism in market economy activity, we can further obtain conclusion of the legal person to have the related personality right. And also the legal person personality right question is related to the question which is discussed with the legal person criminal activity victim in this article. Because only that the legal person has the personality right in some sense with the natural person not different, when legal person’s personality rights and interests such as“the life, the body, the health”and so on rights receive are violated, we can certainly think the legal person as extortion crime’s criminal victim. The author thought that the legal person has the personality right, moreover the general personality right, it will be the motherhood, the origin power to be possible to have the concrete legal person personality right, and acts according to“the multi-dimensional constructionist”to be possible to know, legal person’s personality right and natural person’s personality power is different archery target but they may parallel. According to natural person’s general personality right along with the social need to have the acknowledgment unceasingly with the technical creation such as“the life, the body, the freedom, the reputation, the privacy”and so on concrete personality right, the legal person may also be acknowledged and produce the legal person’s general personality power such as“the social life, the social body, the social freedom, the social reputation”the personality benefit law profit. Also violates legal person’s law profit to legal person’s general personality right’s violation, and when this kind of violation has achieved the crime degree, certainly must receive the criminal law the protection The second question elaborates that implementing the criminality in view of the legal person should be punished . We can know from the preamble about in the legal person personality right’s related elaboration that the legal person possibly become“the coercion crime, the exact crime theoretically, the insult crime”and so on crime criminal victims. Because the criminal law is different in the civil law and it has the particularity, the criminal law is compulsory and national volitional; it is the law to the right protection last resort. Whether can cause crime when some behavior infract in view of the legal person“the social life, the social body, the social freedom, the social reputation”and expanded criminal law penalty scope also needs to carry on the inspection of crime basis. And this kind inspection more manifests on a country criminal law’destination task function and the social reality inspection. he criminal law order protection function said that the law profit protection function, is refers to, when some behavior violates some kind of law profit, we can depend upon the criminal law to display the law profit protection function to suppress and prevent, the crime , if some behavior has encroached upon some kind of law profit it is also illegal. The author believes that legal person’s general personality right should be protected by the criminal law , legal person’s general personality benefit is the objective existence, it has society’s life, the body, freedom, personality benefits and so on property, should belong to individual law profit, moreover is also in keeping with the constitution spirit and the structure, if some behavior has carried on the violation to legal person’s this kind of law profit, certainly can constitute the crime. When moreover in the discussion the time when criminal law does involve, also concerns with the criminal law safeguard function and the protection function. The author believes that according to the modern existing victim theory as well as the Chinese social reality’s trend of development, we should regard the question with developing eyes, practically protect good legal person’s legitimate rights and interests. Therefore we should guarantee that the criminal law in the protection function’s foundation, the prominent responsibility for an offense punishment adapts as well as the crime legal principle in the criminal law about in some crime’s concrete legislative establishment guarantees the criminal law safeguard function realization. In view of legal person’s threat, the coercion, behaviors and so on slander have created without doubt the violation to legal person’s benefit, therefore display the criminal law the protection function to regulate by using the criminal law to these behaviors, punishment, thus protects legal person’s law profit effectively.The fourth part, mainly elaborates the legal person to profit from the significance as the criminal victim’s theory to the Chinese criminal law. In our country criminal law, two charges are encroaching upon the personality right the typical illustration, namely extortion the crime and the libel. But our country criminal law had not stipulated that these two crime’s behavior object, has not stipulated the legal person to be possible explicitly this crime’s victim. But according to preamble elaboration, legal person, since has the independent personality, has own property, the reputation, the freedom, then the legal person definitely may become this kind of taking natural person’s personality right as infringement object crime victim. Therefore this part elaborated emphatically extorted crime’s criminal victim expansion and the libel criminal victim expands two questions, and obtained conclusion of the legal person to be possible to become two crime’s criminal victim.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】D924
  • 【下载频次】115