

The File Analysis of the LiaoHe Oilfield Investigation System

【作者】 李春富

【导师】 徐高潮;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 文件解析是辽河油田测井系统的重要组成部分,从人们所不能直观识别的文件中将需要的数据提取出来,以界面的形式将数据直观的展示给用户,或者保存到数据库中,以备后用。从整个系统构设计考虑,项目组自己定义了一种专门的中间层文件格式,用来保存其他的各种文件格式,同时还可以保存井的其他的信息,这样在使用文件数据的时候只需要对这一种文件格式操作,从而提高了整个系统的扩展性和可维护性。文件解析要研究的主要内容为PE716、XTF以及中间层文件格式(GL)三种数据格式,将前两种格式的数据文件转换成中间层文件格式,并解析中间层格式文件,将其保存到数据库中。前两种数据格式在油田勘测项目中尤为常见,这就需要熟悉这几种格式的结构以及数据格式定义,同时设计好自己的文件格式,一个好的文件格式的定义,对于整个系统开发起着至关重要的作用.

【Abstract】 The subject is based on the investigation system of LiaoHe Oilfield,surrounding the analytical research work for the format of the document with java,Through the study of PE716 and XTF file format and on the bases of theiradvantages and disadvantages in practical application, a middle layer file format wasdefined and named GL file format. It is Used to keep all the original data, sopropitious to distill data, development of the entire project, and expansion of thefollow-up work.For the investigation data processing or Analysis of data files, understandingthe recording format is very important. None but know the format of data forprocessing that the only way to read data correctly, format Conversion, dataprocessing and mapping work. The file of PE716 is used as a workstation format inLiaoHe Oilfield, it saves less information and includes the basic information and curvedata. The basic information stored in the head, it includes version information、thedate of documents generated、the number of curves、curve name,、initialmeasurement depth and the end depth、the average interval sampling、the samplingpoints. The part of the data is essential to map, but this file format involve little basicinformation for the wells, so filling other basic information to this file is required, inorder to be used by the system as a whole, this work completed in the course of middlelayer file generated. The data of PE716 file is not very big. So in the part of readingdata, the memory is not required very high. XTF is a file format of ECLIPS 5700Investigation system, it contains a lot of information, and made up of two majorcomponents—header block and data block. The smallest unit is composed of records,the length of each record is 4096 bytes, the header block usually includes eight records,The subject is based on the investigation system of LiaoHe Oilfield, surroundingthe analytical research work for the format of the document with java, Through thestudy of PE716 and XTF file format and on the bases of their advantages anddisadvantages in practical application, a middle layer file format was defined andnamed GL file format. It is Used to keep all the original data, so propitious to distilldata, development of the entire project, and expansion of the follow-up work.For the investigation data processing or Analysis of data files, understanding therecording format is very important. None but know the format of data for processingthat the only way to read data correctly, format Conversion, data processing andmapping work. The file of PE716 is used as a workstation format in LiaoHe Oilfield,it saves less information and includes the basic information and curve data. The basicinformation stored in the head, it includes version information the date of documentsgenerated、the number of curves、curve name,、initial measurement depth and the enddepth、the average interval sampling、the sampling points. The part of the data isessential to map, but this file format involve little basic information for the wells, sofilling other basic information to this file is required, in order to be used by the systemas a whole, this work completed in the course of middle layer file generated. The dataof PE716 file is not very big. So in the part of reading data, the memory is notrequired very high. XTF is a file format of ECLIPS 5700 Investigation system, itcontains a lot of information, and made up of two major components—header blockand data block. The smallest unit is composed of records, the length of each record is 4096 bytes, the header block usually includes eight records, the number of record indata block relies on depth of the curve, the type of the curve and the data type of thecurve. XTF documents allow different characteristics of curve coexistence, such asthe depth of the initial curve, the end of depth, sampling rate, and types of curves canbe different. After header block of XTF file is data block, the data block is used tosave the data of xtf file, Along with the increase of depth measurement the file ismuch larger. If XTF document containing various imaging logging data, data will beeven greater, there will be more problems such as data read, the slow processingspeed, less of memory. So in the actual development of the introduction, java memorymapping technology was imported to accelerate the data read. At the same timeaccording to the actual needs of the project designing a middle layer file format,which preserves all the information of wells requested for the system. It can be usedas a direct source of basic information and map data those in the Liaohe Oilfieldinvestigation system. Middle layer file format includes header of file, staticinformation, header of object, data block, object information block, In order tofacilitate the reading of data, each part are set up the guidelines which is pointed tothe next part, guidelines address need to calculation according to each part of the size.The file analysis software is a part of the client in the oil field investigation, softwaredesign used by Applet which can be nested in WEB, Client users can operate it byApplet, Applet can accept the request through the Servlet so as to implemente thecorresponding operation.The managers who have a certain competence landingsystem in the client browser, request files parsing. After the analytic function has beenstartup, batch original document should be imported first, then convert them to themiddle layer files that is GL files. GL file as a temporary document preserved in thehard drive of client machine. After batch GL files imported, they will be parsed to the final data and then upload the final data information to the database throughapplication logic layer.In this paper, the key technologies and related code of designand implementation for the document analysis software hava bean provided , throughthe design and implementation, analysis research work which is based on the LiaoheOilfield System investigation have bean completed .Document analysis softwaredevelopment ultimate goal is to integrate hundreds of file formats, all the documentsof Oilfield will be translated into the middle layer file, and provides a unified fileformat for the system. Along with the development of oil field equipment, there willbe more file formats. So the expansion of a unified interface is required for theanalytical software, and facilitate the integration of document format. Because theamount of data information kept in the XTF document is very large, it is not all usedactually in projects developing, we filtrate the excrescent information in the course oftransforming to the middle layer file, so as to avoid take too much space. And it limitsthe time of data reading and data information filtration, decreasing effectively thewaste of the space and time.It is key point to establish the format of the middle layer file in the softwaredeveloping. Because it is great significance to design a format which can containhundreds of formats of the documents to the software developing. It not only needcontaining the character of so many documents but need a reasonable structure ofdesign to read the subsequent document conveniently. So the team define a middlelayer file format based on researching sufficiently on the format of PE716 and XTFdocument.. PE716 document format is less information and XTF is tooredundancy ,and Such documents make up this shortcomings .Before the User with acertain competence in the requesting parse this documents in the management of theclient, pages can be provided through the browser window supplementary information related to wells. At the same time requesting document analysis from the sourcedocument, Well servlet spread information through internal software into the middlelayer file. The operation aim at this format not only facilitate the operation of theanalytical software development, but also provide more uniform Interface to thesystem, facilitating the pick-up of wells information and data extraction, the middlelayer fiel has saved the entire information which is required by the well . All therequired data in this system can be accessed from this file .Not only this mesospherefile can increase the less information of PE716,but also can filtrate the XTF file,delete the trashy information ,so it can avoid the bad affect and increase the efficiencyof mapping.Liaohe Oilfield investigation, as the main element of the study, the results ofresearch is obtaining final information from original data of the oil field investigation.And provided a distributed solution based on the platform, It is the key technologiesthat must be grasped as a self-development capacity ,and the important meaning forthis thesis research.

【关键词】 文件格式解析PE716XTFGL
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】92