

The Design of Instrument for Measuring Electrical Parameters Based on GPRS

【作者】 任晓萍

【导师】 郭树旭;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 通用无线分组业务GPRS是一种基于GSM系统的无线分组交换技术,提供端到端的、广域的无线IP连接。作为现有GSM网络向第三代移动通信(3G)演变的过渡技术(2.5G),GPRS在许多方面都具有显著的优势。本论文根据国内外电量检测仪器的发展现状,提出了一种基于GPRS的电力参数测试仪的设计。采用的MCU+ASIC方案,具有高速高精度DSP功能,大部分数据处理工作都由专用集成电路完成,减轻了微控制器的负担,简化了电路设计,提高了系统稳定性和精度,可对电流、电压有效值、有功、无功功率、视在功率及正反有功、无功电能、无功功率所在象限、电源频率、温度进行高精度测量;同时具有远程控制、分时计费、过电流保护、逆相序检测、缺相保护和实时时钟显示功能,GPRS远程抄表采用ZSD3122型DTU,还可以通过RS485总线与上位机通信,通信距离约1200米。论文对交流电气参数测量方法进行了阐述,介绍了仪器的设计思想与方案,以及从硬件及软件方面采取抗干扰措施,并对系统进行校准及详细指标测试。

【Abstract】 With the continuous expansion of the size of the cities and the growing population, the use of electricity in the fast-growing, the distribution of point-of-use more widely, the traditional manual meter reading methods facing enormous difficulties. To improve power management standards, and achieve a fully automated network, the development of automatic meter reading is imperative. With the development of modern electronic technology, communications technology and computer network technology has made rapid progress, and the combination of the two is further evolved many new forms of communication and telecommunication systems, automatic meter reading system for the realization of providing more the reality may be.GPRS, General Packet Radio Service, is a system based on the GSM wireless packet switching technology to provide end-to-end, wide-area wireless IP connectivity. As the existing GSM network to the third generation mobile communication (3 G) evolution of the transitional technology (2.5 G), GPRS, in many respects, has significant advantages. Accordingly, this paper consumption at home and abroad in accordance with the development of detection equipment, a power based on GPRS parameters tester design.Based on GPRS wireless smart meter monitoring and management system from the main distribution centre stations (from the management of mainframe and server communications), GPRS communications network and the scene smart meters or wireless intelligent terminals, such as meter reading consists of three parts. China Mobile system uses / EDI existing GPRS / GSM network, wireless intelligent terminals with the meter, such as the background of all the central engine systems to exchange information through China Mobile / EDI data communications gateway, by the power companies for fixed public distribution centre Network IP address, realized meter data and data center real-time online .connection to the system. Centre-meter and communications between the use of GPRS communication technology, all GPRS meter terminal through the GPRS mobile communications access to the Internet, and then centre-meter According to find host IP address, establishing connections. Then centre can be used to monitor and control the meter and other terminals.This paper discusses the parameters based on GPRS electricity tester design, the design of MCU used in the ASIC + programme, a high-speed high-precision DSP functions, most of the data processing completed by ASIC to reduce the burden of the microcontroller, simplified circuit design, increased system stability and accuracy, and can be on the current, voltage, RMS, active and reactive power, apparent power and the pros and cons, MVA power and reactive power of the quadrant, power frequency, temperature High-precision measurement, remote control at the same time, the time of billing, over-current protection, reverse phase sequence detection, lack of protection and real-time clock display, GPRS remote meter reading using ZSD3122-DTU, also through RS485 bus and PC communications, the communications distance of about 1,200 meters.Voltage and current sampling circuit design, voltage sampling resistor voltage divider circuit used to ensure that the input voltage signal does not exceed the input ADE7758 security voltage, current sampling precision current transformer used by the sampling resistor corresponding voltage signal, signals are provided every Anti-aliasing filter. The instrument hardware circuit from ADE7758 circuit, photoelectric isolation circuits, and liquid crystal display circuit MCU, 485 / IR and reset, the memory circuit, over-current protection and remote power-control circuits, alarm circuits, such as GPRS communications module circuit group .Detector measurementsatthe scene, will be interference from various quarters, these signals interfere with the accuracy of impact equipment, lower reliability, will lead to serious equipment Dead and does not work. In the detector design to take fully into account the anti-jamming. equipment and stability, many of the measures taken to improve the performance of anti-jamming equipment. Anti-jamming measures include hardware power and grounding system anti-interference measures. The apparatus measures in the anti-jamming software major digital filtering, setting traps reduction measures, such as procedures effective way.System debugging and performance testing, this is the final test apparatus designed procedures in the laboratory at room temperature environment, the strict calibration of the system, V/25W respectively 220, 1600, 220, 1600, V/60W, heat faster, Transformer-type objects, such as power supply to test, implement the current, RMS voltage, active and reactive power, and other indicators of accurate measurement.This paper presents the meter reading programme collecting data collection, circuit design, computer applications, integrated GPRS communications, using advanced wireless communication module and application of a wide range of GSM, Internet as a platform for data transmission, Chaoshu is fast and accurate, as long as it GSM network equipment in the coverage of the monitoring center connected to the Internet, will be able to achieve remote meter reading and remote control, it can be thoroughly solved manual meter reading for all ills, but also to further the banking system and computer network, makes automatic allocation of costs has greatly enhanced the work efficiency, and has good market prospects.At present, the GPRS-based power parameters of the test instrument hardware design, production, as well as software design and debug most of the preparation of functional modules has been completed, preliminary results show that the equipment developed to the intended target.Set more than the three-phase equipment for the frequent exchange of high-precision electrical parameters of the function and meter calibration functions in one scene, is for electricity grid monitoring and management of the ideal tool.

【关键词】 GPRS有功功率无功功率
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】TP216
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】180