

Application of Composite Anomaly Abundance Method in Mineral Resource Potential Predication

【作者】 裴尧

【导师】 贾大成;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文比较系统地归纳了成矿预测方法,针对传统丰度预测方法中存在的不足,通过对该方法的改进,提出了组合异常丰度预测方法,对其中不同的计算参数重新定义,并指出了该方法的优势和应用条件。重点应用了基于相关分析组合异常丰度法和基于因子分析组合丰度异常法。针对预测区地球化学特征,对刺猬沟—苍林地区进行了334级金资源总量预测,经过运算得到刺猬沟—苍林地区中生代火山岩带内334级金资源总量为26.11吨。

【Abstract】 Resources refers to the rich collectives of solid, liquid, gaseous state material on the natural surface or within the earth’s crust. With the accelerating of industrialized process of our country, reconnoitre and development mineral resources has an important realistic meaning. In order to deploy the exploration work more scientific and improve the efficiency of prospect, to prediction and appraisal the mineral resources quantity is an important basic work.Ciweigou—Canglin area lies in the Mesozoic volcanic rock belt of Jilin Yanbian, is an important part of China’s eastern link Pacific Ocean volcano litho type gold and the copper mineralization belt. In the area has the ditch typical volcano gene hydrothermal ore deposit—Ciweigou and the quite many gold ore spots, the mineralized alteration zone scale is big, the geochemistry anomaly abundant value is high, the anomaly of Au and paragenesis element wrap become reconciled, and with alteration belt mop direction consistent, so there has a very good prospecting potential in this area. But how can quantitative evaluation the resources of the area has been a concern of the people. In the Jilin University and Jilin prospecting bureau the sixth Geological survey cooperative project:“Eastern Jilin Naozhi—Duhuangling area volcanic rock gold and copper resources potential prediction"(horizontal project), the paper attempts to establish a more effective forecasting method on the basis of the Ciweigou—Canglin area of the resources quantitative prediction.This paper systematically summed up the mineralization forecasting methods, because the element of the enrichment process and geochemical anomalies mineralization has obvious causes relations, the focus of the analysis of geochemical-based approach, in particular the focus of traditional forecasting abundance method and volumetric estimation method, its application conditions and the effect was discussed. The traditional forecasting methods in the abundance of the shortcomings of the methods adopted by the improved and the combination of composite anomaly abundance method, the calculation of these different parameters redefined, and pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of the method and application conditions. As a result of the unusual combination of different methods, resulting combination of abnormal abundance of Composite anomaly abundance method are also different, specific calculation method to be adopted by the main geochemical characteristics forecast District determined. Ditch the Ciweigou - Canglin in the mineralization and geochemical characteristics, this paper based on the correlation analysis of abnormal abundance of portfolio based on the factor analysis method and combination of abnormal abundance.Ciweigou—Canglin gold mineralization in favorable geological conditions, a volcanic hydrothermal gold mineralization characteristics. Has the golden ore deposit, the mineralization point and the quite rich mineralization as well as the geochemical anomaly, forecast that in the area has completed 1:50000 river system deposit geochemical survey and the geologic survey, achieved has forecast 334 level of forecast conditions. Put Ciweigou as an example ore deposit, summarized the magmatic rock and the structural environment the ore deposit delivers, induced the ore composition and the mineralization stage, analyzed the ore body characteristic, various ore bodies reserves and the geochemical anomaly characteristic,and it takes Ciweigou—Canglin area Mesozoic Era volcano litho type gold amount of resources forecast model establishment the foundation.Regional geochemical anomalies are found metal and precious metal mineral products effective way is the deployment of regional geological exploration and resource forecasting and mainly based on the premise. This paper from Ciweigou—Canglin regional geochemical data starting to explore the area of mineral distribution of the projected target prospecting, and the resources of the area forecast such as Wangqing and Shiliping for the purpose of the rate of 1 / 50000 of the stream sediment survey data and the use of multivariate statistical analysis methods and computer mapping technologies, secondary treatment, the re-delineation of the element anomalies 10. Delineation of the different methods used and the composition of the gold anomalies, using correlation analysis method delineated anomalies nine combinations, using factor analysis methods composite anomaly delineated six. Ore-forming elements clearly abnormal morphology space outputs, and abnormal distribution of content, for the conduct of geochemical-based regional forecast the volume of resources to establish a good basis for the forecast.Regional geochemical characteristics against forecasts were based on the correlation analysis portfolio abnormal abundance of law and based on the combination of factor analysis of the abundance of abnormal Ciweigou—Canglin area of the 334 total gold resource projections, and with the abundance of traditional law and the volume forecast results were compared, through different methods and a comparison between the known reserves of the deposit verification, the paper put forward by a combination of unusual abundance of forecasting methods, in particular those based on combination of factor analysis method is unusual abundance of obvious the accuracy and reliability.Composite anomaly abundance method has a comprehensive law abundance of strong operational results accurately the characteristics of the traditional abundance method can not fully reflect the mineralization characteristics affect the accuracy of the forecasts shortcomings. Based on the factor analysis using a combination of abnormal abundance, the hedgehog ditch by computing - Canglin Mesozoic volcanic belt of the total resources of 334 to 26.108 tons. Factor analysis based on the re-delineation and the unusual combination of six, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6, forecast the unusual combination of the resources of six tons, 4.537 tons, 1.346 tons, 8.586 tons, 3.201 tons, 2.438 tons, can be used as a favorable finding gold prospecting target.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】P612
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】151