

EAI Platform Construction Based on SOA

【作者】 屈晓光

【导师】 左万利;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 任何一个制造企业,从前期的采购、生产准备,到中期的试制、生产,再到后期的销售、售后,必然为一个完整的过程。在进行信息化应用的过程中,所使用的各个不同的系统都是针对生产的某个阶段,各个系统之间通常是相对独立的,这样不同的信息系统就将一个完整的制造体系分割开来。企业必然要求下游系统所需要的数据能够从上游系统中获取,不同系统中的数据能够进行共享,所有信息系统能够整合为一套完整的信息体系。即使所使用的信息系统属于多家公司,这种需求也很迫切。本文以启明公司为例,主要研究的是基于SOA的EAI平台建设,重点在“平台”上,而不是具体的某个应用场景中的某些具体应用整合。EAI平台在架构上确保不同的业务系统基于统一的整合平台,实现各应用系统间无缝整合的平台化机制。对已有系统,通过平台首先进行整合,对未建或在建系统,则必须基于平台框架进行搭建,从而确保统一平台的构建,在一开始就在机制上确保了系统间的信息共享、互联互通和业务流程协同,确保了各子系统被有机地整合在一起;也保证了支撑平台的不断完善和“与时俱进”的发展,使得平台的滚动发展是整体的、联动的,从而在根本上避免了“信息孤岛”的产生。EAI平台将不同系统间的执行过程连接起来,让一项工作能在应用系统间有效的执行,使各应用程序间流程管理更合理、更科学。本文以启明信息技术股份公司的几大应用系统为例,结合国内外EAI方面先进的技术及成果,参阅了相关领域的一些论文,最终提出了EAI平台的设计原则及架构。

【Abstract】 With the development of Enterprise Information System, more and more applications are being used, and the interaction among the systems has become increasingly important. Since each system uses different technology, and being deployed on different operating systems, it is extremely difficult to integrate these systems. As the business interaction among enterprises has become increasingly frequent, more and more information needs to be integrated by information technology, which also caused the need for effective integration. This application integration needs to cross enterprise network, even internet, also taking in the firewall settings, the situation is very complicated.QiMing IT Company, for example, the several Information Systems which all belong to it also has a lot of needs that transferring information among themselves.such as BOM generated in the PDM system needs to be integrated into ERP and SCM system, the information of providers, contracts, price in SCM system need to be used in ERP system. The inventory information, financial information generated in ERP system need to be showed to vendors in SCM system.Most of the traditional method of integration is using synchronization technology in database layer, through the establishment of Materialized View or Trigger in databases to import data directly into databases in other systems, the shortcomings of this approach is that when the integration is in a cross-LAN way, the stability of network will be the point that determine the success of the integration. Another common way is using intermediary file, whether xml or csv format which according to the agreement of the integrator, the data transfer among different systems, and the shortcomings of this approach is lack of transaction control, and it is difficult to say whether the data file transmission is done. Both of the methods above are point-to-point integration approach, when new integration requirement arrives, it will be necessary to do a large number of modifications, and they did not sufficiently consider the network situation, they can work in LAN, but if integration occurs in WAN, it can not be resolved.Technically, Webservice become the ideal solution to integration among the systems, Webservice provides a distributed computing technology that is used on the internet or intranet through the use of the XML standard protocols and message formats to demonstrate commercial applications. Webservice uses XML and XML-based standards, such as SOAP, WSDL and UDDI. These technologies enable communications among applications can be independent of programming languages, operating systems and hardware platforms.Webservice satisfactorily resolved external interface-exposing problem in each of the application system, it can be good to shield all of the different technologies, the deployment of the different operating systems and different network environment.Webservice is a realization of SOA which is a coarse-grained, loosely coupled service structure. SOA is a collection of services, and the services communicate with others through standard communication interface that has been precisly defined. Interface is defined in a neutral approach, so it is independent of the hardware platform, operating system and programming language.This makes the services can communicate with each other in a unified and common way. Based on SOA and Webservice technology we can build an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), ESB in the enterprise is based on the Enterprise Data Bus (EDB), it provides a service promulgating mechanism to promulgate services in different systems.Service is a kind of futher abstract of data,it shields the implementation details.So,data can be packaged into a variety of services , it could be WebService services, JMS, HTTP services, the ESB provides service management, intelligent routing services among the calls.Business Process Management Bus (EBPMB) directly reflects workflows among different information systems, it uses BPM technology to unite the workflows, combined with business processes RuleEngine technology to implement the intelligent running. Enterprise business processes correspond real processes in enterprises, it is the end-to-end business process management.Workflows inside an information system call the EBPMB service to pass on the data that have been handling in it, and the EBPMB carries the data to another information system. As a result, business process management bus directly reflects the value of the business, changes "process splits”, saves processing time, and provide value-added IT infrastructure for the enterprise development.Now we come to the conclusion, enterprise data bus EDB, Enterprise Service Bus ESB and Business Process Management Bus EBPMB in the EAI platform constitute the "nerve trunk road" of entire enterprise IT systems, EAI platform discarded the original rigid structure, laid the IT foundation for sharing IT resources, building value-added IT infrastructure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】217