

Design and Realization of Wireless Feedback System Based on CC1100

【作者】 刘文光

【导师】 王树勋; 胡封晔;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 如何使传统的课堂面授教学实现信息化,实现信息技术与学科课程教学的整合,这是21世纪全球基础教育革新和发展面临的重大课题。在传统教学模式中,教师通过学生的表情仅能宏观的、大概的得到学生的学习状态信息,不能实时、快速、科学、准确的了解学生课堂接受效果。为了解决这个问题,本文设计了无线反馈系统来增加教师与学生之间的互动反馈。主要工作体现在三个方面。(1)本文研究了短距离无线通信技术,应用ISM射频芯片通信技术完成了无线反馈系统的设计与实现,其中包括无线反馈手持器、无线通信模块和无线反馈控制器的软、硬件设计与实现。(2)本文对无线通信模块射频PCB电路进行了合理的布局、布线和抗干扰设计;对电源输出进行了不同的滤波处理。实验证明,本文设计的无线反馈手持器、无线通信模块和无线反馈控制器能够正常稳定的工作。(3)本文对无线反馈系统进行了性能测试。实际测试表明,无线反馈手持器在低功耗的基础上实现了键盘作答、液晶显示等功能;无线反馈系统能够实现各学科客观题的随堂测验和抢答游戏等功能,为早日实现在课堂教学中的应用奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Wireless Feedback System is an important component of the "Information based teaching tools and the application of basic platform". To achieve the interaction and feedback between teachers and students in the classroom teaching, it can be used Irda, Bluetooth and ISM RF chips and so on short-range wireless communication technology. This paper has balanced the advantages and disadvantages of each short-range wireless communication technology, considered the advantages of flexible usage, long communication distance and large network capacity and so on of ISM RF chips communication technology and adopted ISM RF chips at last. Wireless Feedback System, using ISM RF chips, can achieve the quizzes and responder functions of the objective questions; The various answer forms, like multiple-choice questions, yes or no questions and mathematical calculation questions, can inspire the students’learning positivity; Besides, the PC can also deal with the realization of the attendance names, answer statistics and teaching management functions.The main tasks and contributions of this paper are as follows:(1)This paper has fully researched the short-distance wireless communication technology and applied ISM RF chips for the design and implementation of Wireless Feedback System, including software and hardware design of wireless feedback terminal, wireless communication module and wireless feedback controller.(2)This paper has adopted reasonable layout, wiring and anti-jamming design to the RF circuit; The power output is dealt with the filter circuit, which is effective to reduce the sharp pulse interference of the step-up DC-DC converter output, thus the power part reduces the effect on the RF circuit. Experimentation has proved that wireless feedback terminal can reply with keyboard and display with LCM; Wireless communication module can realize the wireless transmission of data; Wireless feedback controller can harmonize the data transmission and make Wireless Feedback System work stably.(3)This paper has tested the performance of Wireless Feedback System. The real test results prove that the consumption of wireless feedback terminal is lower to 120μA through the keyboard circuit improvements; Through the communication protocol and packet formats, the quizzes and responder functions is achieved in the point-to-multipoint Wireless Feedback System; Moreover, the responder function is reliable, the data conflict will not happen; The design and implementation of Wireless Feedback System laid the foundation for the application of the early realization of teaching in the classroom.The paper is divided into six chapters, the detailed arrangement as following:Chapter one summarizes the background, significance, compositions functions and roles of the Wireless Feedback System and introduces the research contents of this paper.Chapter two introduces the main features and performance comparison of the short-range wireless communication technology in detail which has laid the foundation for ISM RF chip communication technology selection of Wireless Feedback System.Chapter three details the hardware circuit design of the wireless feedback terminal, wireless communication module and wireless feedback controller, and achieves the low-power circuit design of wireless feedback terminal and the PCB layout, wiring and anti-jamming design of wireless communication module. Chapter four details the software design of the wireless feedback terminal, wireless communication module and wireless feedback controller, and realizes the wireless transmission of data; according to the system communication protocol and data formats, the quizzes and responder functions is achieved.Chapter five debugs and tests the hardware and software of the wireless feedback terminal, wireless communication module and wireless feedback controller, the key performance parameters and innovation of Wireless Feedback System is given.Chapter six is the summarization and expectation of this paper.The research significance of the Wireless Feedback System lies in: Wireless Feedback System creates a new concept of interactive teaching. It is the breakthroughs of education and technological. With the technological innovation, education has advanced at the same time. Its application has changed the one-way instilling teaching mode of traditional classroom teaching, fully embodied the students as the main mode of instruction, deepened educational technology products in the teaching of applications and made the classroom equipment, such as computers, projectors, with the help of the multi-media teaching resources as well as the Wireless Feedback System, play a new effectiveness and create more teaching mode applications. Wireless Feedback System, by working together with Interactive Electronic Whiteboard, Subminiature Electronic Whiteboard and Wireless Discussion Board System and so on, can implement "Information based teaching tools and the application of basic platform", which has pioneered the high integrity of the information and interactive teaching environment, promoted the classroom teaching information. At the same time, it conforms to "11th Five-Year" plan for accelerating education information pace and has great realistic and long-term significance.The innovations of this paper are as follows:(1)In the traditional teaching mode, the teachers can get the students’learning status messages only macroscopically or probably, they can not read the students’receiving effect real-time, fast, scientific and accurately. This paper proposes the use of Wireless Feedback System to achieve the interaction and feedback between teachers and students in the classroom teaching, the system’s application provides students with a space for independent thinking and relaxed environment for study and provides teachers with effective feedback, which is a basis for the default and generated dynamic adjustment.(2)The traditional responder function uses " transmit after press " working, it is easy to generate the data conflict In this paper, comparing "waiting time" is to solve the data conflict in the responder function of the point-to-multipoint Wireless Feedback System, experimentation has proved that the responder function is reliable, the data conflict will not happen.There are still some problems concerning the manufacture of Wireless Feedback System remaining to be solved:(1)The consumption of the LCM is great when LCM displays contents, optimize further so as to reduce power consumption.(2)As the distance communication of wireless communication module is short, optimize wireless module so as to achieve longer distance communication.(3)Optimize communication protocol and explore a more rational, more efficient communication protocol.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】567