

Research on the Assessment and Sustainable Utilization of Groudwater Resources in Shuangcheng City

【作者】 杜超

【导师】 肖长来;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 双城市位于黑龙江省哈尔滨市西部,属于松嫩平原高平原腹地,地下水是双城市的主要供水水源,近年来需水量不断增加,需要开辟新的水源地以满足日趋严重的供需矛盾。本文对双城市地下水资源进行了评价,并对对其可持续开发利用情况进行了分析。在系统分析研究区地质和水文地质条件的基础上,本文首先应用GMS软件建立了双城市地质结构模型,明确了含水层的分布情况;然后运用开采系数法、平均布井法等方法计算了地下水可开采量,并结合开采现状分析了地下水资源可开采潜力;接着应用GMS软件建立了地下水流数值模型,预报了不同开采方案下研究区地下水位的变化情况,分析了地下水开发利用中可能出现的问题;最后应用Bossel评价指标体系,对双城市地下水资源可持续开发利用的发展态势进行了评价,提出了可持续开发利用的对策。双城市地下水资源可持续开发利用处于危险态势,应严格控制地下水的开采量。

【Abstract】 Shuangcheng City is located in the west of Ha’erbin City, belonging to the hinterland of Songnen high plain. Groundwater is the main source for water supply in Shuangcheng City. There are 2 current water sources for mucnicipal water supply engineerings in Shuangcheng City, laying 8 pumping wells, with the exploitation quantity of 1.2×104m3/d. Current water supply capability of mucnicipal works can only meet the demands for residents in the old unban area. With continous development of national economy, the demands for water resources also increase. According to data statement, current exploitation quantity in study area has reached 4.62×104m3/d. Domestic and industrial demands for water in the new urban area can not be satisfied with current water supply capability of Tap Water Company in Shuangcheng City, and the contradiction between supply and demands is getting worse. Enterprises and institutions have to add self-contained wells, which makes the exploitation out of order.According to borehole data and other geologic and hydrogeologic datas in study area, the geologic structure model is established by GMS software, and the distribution of aquifers in study area is confirmed. The aquifers in study area are argillaceous silt, medium and fine sand, medium and coarse sand of upper and mid Pleistocene series, Quanternary, and alluvial deposits of lower Pleistocene series, Quanternary, bearing pore water in unconsolidated deposits. Weak confined pore water of Quanternary in unconsolidated deposits and confined pore water of Quanternary in unconlidated deposits are divided according to the properties of aquifers.The range of groundwater resources assessment is the urban area of Shuangcheng City and its cirmujacent area, with the area 363.13km2. The object of groundwater resources assessment is Quantenary pore water in unconsolidated deposits, including unconfined (weak confined) pore water and confined pore water, the depth of which are all less than 120m, belonging to shallow groundwater. The formulas of groundwater dynamics and water budget method are used to assess the groundwater resources in this thesis. Selecting data serie of precipitation from 1952~2006, use Pearson III curve to do frequency analysis, and the recharge quantity by precipitation of different guarantee rate P=50%, P=75%, P=95% and average annual situation is calculated. The quantity of available groundwater exploitation is calculated with the method of expoitation coefficient. The average annual available groundwater exploitation quantity in the area is 4.4759×104m3/d. The water quality of 27 groudwater samples in study area is analyzed, eliciting that the chemical type of confined pore groundwater in eastern and most of western study area is HCO3-CaMg; in most of northern study area, and from north to south in 2 strip areas of Jinxing County– Chengji County and Qingli County– Chengdong County, the chemical type of confined pore groundwater is HCO3-Ca; in Southern study area, the main chemical type of confined pore groundwater beween two strip areas is HCO3-CaNa or HCO3-NaCa. The quality of groundwater environment of the study area is assessed with the method of synthesis assessment. According to the calculated results, the groundwater in study area is mainly of class IV or V. The groundwater of class IV is distributed in Qingning County and Chengxiang County, while the others belong to class V, which is mainly caused by the exceeding of the ions of iron and manganese. The geologic strata in study area bearing abundant iron and manganese, water cycling slowly and continous lixiviation of rocks by groundwater makes the continous enrichment of iron and manganese in groundwater, which is caused by primary environment, not severe pollution. After treating groundwater, the water quality can totally meet the drinking standard. Assessing the quality of groundwater environment after deleting the ions of iron and manganese, the groundwater quality type in study area is mainly between class II~III.The variation of groundwater flow net in study area is predicted with GMS software. The numeric groundwater model is identified and validated firstly accoding to the dynamic data of groundwater level from May 2007 to January 2008. The groundwater level is fitted well, showing the generalization of the structure and boundary of aquifers and the selecting of hydrogeologic parameters are proper, which can truly reflect the characteristics of aquifers, then the model can be used to predict the water level. The variation of groundwater level in study area is predicted according to 6 different programs. The prediction result shows that the variation of groundwater level is mainly influenced by human exploitation. When the extend water source starts operating, the centre of the cone of depression moves from urban area to the extend water source. The central drawdown of confined aquifer falls down rapidly from 2008 to 2013, and the range of the cone of depression expand to a large area. Then the depression gradually slows down, and the cone of depression is becoming stable. Exploiting groundwater with designed quanity 3×104m3/d, the central drawndown of groundwater is less than 6m after 10 years, in the range of maximum available drawdown.Bossel indexes sytem is selected to assess the development situation of sustaianable utilization of groundwater resources in Shuangcheng City in the year 2007. The synthesis sustainable development index of sustainable development system of groundwater resources in Shuangcheng City in the year 2007 is 1.6963, belonging to the dangerous class. The development situation of sustainable development system of groundwater resources mainly depends on the subsystem of groundwater resources. Although the well social & economic developing level and environmental system have certain help for the whole system’s development situation, e.g. the improvement of technical level may reduce the consumption of water resources in production and living, which can positively influence the development situation of the whole system, but this kind of influence is limited. Keeping well develpoping situation of the system needs to solve some problems of the subsystem of groundwater resources at first, and strictly control the quantity of groundwater exploitation. Based on this, then use the well developing situation of society, economy and environment sufficiently, try to save water and improve the pumping technics, which can weaken the pressure on the sustainable utilization of groundwater in Shuangcheng City in a certain extent.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】P641.8
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】690