

The Constraints and Metallogenic Prognosis of the Jinchanggou Copper-molybdenum Deposit in the Jidong City, Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 陈雪

【导师】 李绪俊; 王建新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在对前人地质及物化探资料的综合分析和二次开发的基础上,对金场沟钼铜矿研究区的地层、构造、岩浆岩等进行了详细解剖,较全面地总结了矿区内钼铜金矿化的地质特征、分析了区域和矿区成矿条件以及不同期次和类型侵入岩与区内钼铜金矿化的关系等。研究认为矿区出露的花岗闪长斑岩、闪长(玢)岩属富钾钙碱性岩石系列岩石,可能为与次火山作用有关的超浅成酸性侵入体。其晚期岩浆热液为主要的成矿介质和矿质来源,与岩浆热液活动有关的角砾岩筒及区内NNE-NE向的断裂构造为矿区主要控矿构造。在对矿区矿化、矿物组合和矿石组构特点研究、成矿阶段划分和构造控矿特点讨论的基础上,建立了金场沟铜钼矿的成矿模式。依据研究区矿床地质、土壤地球化学、地球物理等成矿信息分析,总结了研究区矿床的找矿标志,建立了矿床综合预测模型并优选出有利的找矿预测靶区6处(Ⅰ级靶区2处,Ⅱ级靶区4处),为今后找矿指明了方向。

【Abstract】 The Jinchanggou copper-molybdenum deposit is located 50 kilometer southeast of the the Jidong City, and it contains an area of about 7.3 km2 and is at a longitude of 131°01′00″~131°03′00″E and an latitudes of 44°52′30″~44°54′15″N.The copper-molybdenum deposit lies at the northern end of a polymetallic metallogenic belt in the Taipingling uplift in the Khanka-Bureyan block and it is adjacent to a regional sinistral strike-slip fault belt called the Dun-Mi fault belt to the southwest. The faults related to the Dun-Mi fault belt in the studied area apparently had an effect on the magmatic activities and controlled the metallogenesis in the area.The deposit under study is controlled both by several NNE-trending faults (F1~F2) and by hypabyssal, sub-hypabyssal breccia pipes which are thought to be related to the hypabyssal intrusions exposed in the area. The Ore-controlling breccia pipes are unique and major characteristics of the copper-molybdenum deposit.According to the vertical zoning of the breccia pipes proposed by Baker(1985),we consider that the denuation of the No. I,Ⅳbreccia pipes are weak and they are well-preserved; other pipes could have reached their middle portion. So, based on study of these breccia pipes, we think that the deposit is potential at deep levels.Based on the research on the Mesozoic intrusions in the area, it is found that the ore bodies are spatially controlled both by the granodiorite porphyry and by the faults. The formation of the copper-molybdenum deposit is closely related to granodiorite porphyry in both time-space and derivation of the ore-components. Late magmatic hydrothermal fluids are responsible for the main source of the ore-forming fluids.Major ore minerals include chalcopyrite, molybedenite, pyrite and so on. The ore structure is characterized by development of veinlet, breccia and veinlet–disseminated structures. The Ore texture includes corrosion, metasomatic texture, platy and hypautomorphic granular ones. The ores averaged at about 0.274% of Mo, 0.62% of Cu and 3.93g/t of Au. The geological and geochemical studies of the Jinchanggou copper-molybdenum deposit indicate that three types of mineralizations, breccia-, veinlet- and veinlet disseminated-are frequently met and the first type is most extensively exposed in the deposit.By compiling data from the previous researches, and based on the study on the ore fabric and the mineral assemblages of the deposit, we have classify the evolution of the deposit into four metallogenic stages. The metallogenic model of the Jinchanggou copper-molybdenum deposit is set up based on the detailed summary on the geological features, the ore-forming constraints and on the spatial distribution of the ore bodies.By comprehensive analysis and summary of the geological, and geochemical and geophysical information of the deposit, the indicators for searching the new and blind ore bodies are listed as the followings: 1)both the NNE-trending and the NW-trending faults controlled the distribution of the diorite porphyrite and granodiorite porphyry and the intersection parts of the two differently oriented faults and granodiorite porphyry body controlled the distribution of breccia pipes; 2)The breccia pipes are the favorable sites for the existence of the Mo(Cu) ore-bodies; 3) granodiorite porphyry are the main host for the breccia pipes and for the Mo(Cu) ore-bodies; 4) alteration to malachite, covelline, pyrite and chalcopyrite and silicification, are the main proximal alteration of the host rocks. In anomalous concentrations of elements maps of soil samples at 1:10000 scale, high anomalous concentration and apparent element concentration centers are thought to be the direct indicators for Mo(Cu) minerlizations in the deposit. Higher polarizability(Fa>5.0%), low resistivity(ρ<400Ωm) are important indirect indicators of the conceal ore bodies in the studied area.Based on the metallogenic model and ore constraints of the deposit, combined with the ore indictors summarized, the paper has made some target prediction. 2 first rank, and 4 second rank, of the ore body targets have been defined, and among them one is most promising.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】P618.51
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】363