

Strategy Research on Developing Modern Logistics System for National Material Reserve System

【作者】 李强

【导师】 孙宝凤; 包鸣洋;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 交通运输工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 国家战略物资储备是保障国家军事安全和经济安全的重要手段。论文对国家物流储备系统发展现代物流战略进行研究,对于充分利用国家物资储备仓储资源,提高紧急状态下应急响应和物资保障能力,确保国民经济和国防安全具有十分重要的战略意义和现实意义。论文以调查研究、文献回顾和实证分析与理论研究相结合的方法,回顾了现代物流发展状况及各国战略物资储备管理实践,围绕国家战略物资储备职能的实现、储备仓库核心竞争力的培育和提升,运用SWOT分析方法,重点分析了现代物流发展对国家物资储备系统的影响及发展现代物流的必要性,指出了国家物资储备系统发展现代物流的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战。基于上述分析结论,论文提出了国家物资储备系统现代物流发展战略;进而,对国家物资储备系统现代物流发展战略的实施方案进行了论证。即根据发展战略对现代物流体系进行了规划设计,同时从整合利用资源、建立信息化系统等方面对国家储备系统发展现代物流的基本原则、基本内容、实施步骤和实施效果等进行了具体设计和详细论证。

【Abstract】 National strategic material reserve is essential to the security of national defense and economy. The article focuses on the strategy of developing modern logistics system for national material reserve system, which will results in great strategic and practical significance in making the best of national material reserve, improved abilities of response and material support in time of emergency, and ensuring the security of national economy and defense.With methods of investigation, literature review, empirical analysis and theoretical research, the article introduces the development of modern logistics and the management practice of strategic material reserve of different countries. Also, in order to realize the function of national strategic material reserve, and to cultivate and improve the core competence of reserve storehouses, the article, using SWOT, highlights the analysis of the influence of modern logistics on national material reserve system and the necessity of modern logistics, and it points out the advantages, disadvantages, opportunity and challenges the national material reserve system will meet when developing modern logistics. Upon the above conclusion, the article not only puts forward the development strategy but also demonstrates the implementation scheme for national material reserve system to develop modern logistics. According to the strategy, the article brings forward the planning and design of modern logistics system; it also designs and demonstrates, from the angle of resource integration and information system establishment, the basic principle, basic content, implementation steps and effects in details.ChapterⅠ, Introduction, gives an analysis on the background and significance of the article, introduces the research methods, research object and innovation of the article and the basic structure of it.ChapterⅡ, Developing Trend of Modern Logistics, explains the form, concept and characteristics of modern logistics, analyses the operation mode and constitutive system of modern logistics and generalize the tendency of both domestic and international modern logistics.ChapterⅢ, Status Quo Analysis on Logistics Development of National Material Reserve System, stresses the explanation of the general situation and functions of China’s national material reserve on the basis of introduction of national material reserve of foreign countries. And it also offers an analysis on the status quo, management and existing problems. Furthermore, it demonstrates the necessity and urgency for national material reserve system to develop modern system.ChapterⅣ, Strategy Analysis of Modern Logistics Development of National Material Reserve System, represents an analysis on the conditions for national material reserve system to develop modern logistics and the direction and efficiency in infrastructure integration with the strategic method of SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats short in SWOT). And after the analysis of SWOT in details the national material reserve system may meet with developing modern logistics and will bring forward the operation mode for national material reserve system to develop modern logistics.ChapterⅤ, Modern Logistics Strategy Implementation Plans for National Material Reserve System, is the core part of the article. On the basis of the above chapters, it brings forward the implementation plan for the national material reserve system to develop modern logistics. And it represents a concrete and fire-new design in basic principle, basic content, implementation steps and effects to establish modern logistics system.ChapterⅥ, Conclusion & Research Prospect, sums up the main conclusion and the issues worth further research.The following are the conclusions:With the resource integration and the reserve system networks, scale and integration should be the way for the national material reserve system to develop modern logistics.In order to gradually achieve a comprehensive logistics service, an alliance with other logistics corporations to extend the service is necessary.The development should organically combine the modern administration of national material reserve with socialized logistics service.Although further theoretical and practical research is needed, based on the long-time practice in the field of material reserve, and because of the special function and status of national material reserve, the article, using SWOT, analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and competitors the national material reserve system will meet, and brings forward the strategic implementation scheme when developing modern logistics. We should do more research in the specific application approach, i.e., the application range, system establishment, policy supporting, development of information system and other operation details and so on. This research field is just underway.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】F253.4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】340