

A Study and Case Analysis of the Application of Modern Educational Measurement Theory in Criterion-referenced Language Testing

【作者】 黄锐

【导师】 史秋衡;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 高等教育质量保障是高等教育理论研究中的关键问题,要保证多元化高等教育质量,考试作为衡量教育质量的主要手段,其方式、命题和评分在教学中起着至关重要的作用,科学化的考试能有效推动学生发展,规范和引导教师的教学行为,达到培养规格及教学计划的要求。本论文以检测教学是否按教学大纲为目标的标准参照性语言测试为研究对象,通过阐述基于教育测量理论的标准参照性测验的原理,与常模参照性测验相比,说明高校教学更应注重以检测学生“掌握与未掌握”为目标的标准参照测验,并通过对集美大学英语专业四级考试结果的具体分析,实证说明用A、B、Φ值和项目反应理论的三个参数,更科学地检测学生对知识的掌握程度,得出为确保标准参照语言测试对外语教学的正反拨作用,提高命题的质量,保障高等教育教学质量非常重要这一结论。论文共分为四部分。第一章绪论主要介绍了论文的选题、概念的界定、研究现状和研究思路。第二章详尽地阐述了基于传统教育测量理论下的标准参照测验基本理论。通过解释标准参照测验的兴起与内涵,、标准参照语言测试的编制原则与使用,并与常模参照测验对比,说明两种测验的异同,同时提出另一种描述分数解释方法,以及标准参照语言测试的高校教学质量测量法则,作为后文的理论基础。第三章通过对试题分数各统计值的描述和介绍,区分了常模参照和标准参照测验的各统计值的含义,进而介绍影响标准参照测验的A、B和Φ值对试题设计的指导,以及代表现代教育测量理论的项目反应理论的优势对标准参照语言测试的作用,最后用标准参照语言测试案例来实证项目反应理论的三个参数对测验的影响。第四章用实际英语专业四级考试案例进一步说明项目反应理论的三个参数对标准参照语言测试试题的影响,总结出相比标准参照测验的A、B和Φ值,三个参数的数值更科学,对试题的筛选和修正更精确,从而在提高命题质量,甄别不同能力的学生,保障高等教育教学质量提供了科学依据。结语对研究的新意和主要结论及有待继续研究的问题作了一个简单的交代。

【Abstract】 Higher Education Quality Assurance is a key issue in the theory of higher education. This includes the multi-evaluation of the quality of higher education, paper design, method of testing, score description-analysis, and the essential role of examination in teaching as a main assessment-evaluation for quality education.This study which used the Criterion-referenced Language Testing (CRLT) method aimed to examine a syllabus based language teaching. It explained the principles of CRLT and its comparison to the principles of Norm-Referenced Test (NRT) to explicate the similarities and differences between the two tests; a distinction on NRT and CRLT scores that described and presented the statistical data; an analysis on the result of Test English as a Major Grade 4 (TEM4) taken by students in Jimei University to improve CRLT; a CRLT assessment principle of the quality of Higher Education; the use of A, B,Φvalues, Item Response Theory (IRT) to guide CRLT items test design and to protect the quality assurance of Higher education. The dissertation comprises four parts.Chapter one gave a brief introduction of the main reasons for choosing this topic, literature review, method of research and identification of several concept definitions. Chapter two described in details the principles of CRLT based on the traditional theory of educational measurement. This part also described the interpretation and comparison of the contents, the basic ideas and methods of CRTs and NRTs to explicate the similarities and differences between the two tests, while to put forward another method to explain the scores. The CRTs assessment principles of the quality of Higher Education, which are the theoretical foundation of the next chapter, are presents at the end of the chapter.The third chapter introduced and distinguished the test scores between NRTs and CRTs by describing and explaining the statistical values, then introduced how to use A, B andΦvalues and IRT to guide the test design. It also offered a case analysis as an example. Chapter Four was an empirical analysis by means of analyzing the TEM4 results about sophomore in Jimei University to further prove that A, B,Φvalues and a, b, c values in IRT are better guidance to improve CRLT items designing, then concluded that we must improve the quality of designing test paper in order to identify the different abilities of students, so as to protect the Higher Education Quality Assurance.The epilogue summarized the innovation of the research and the main conclusions. It also made a simple explanation of some questions needed to continue in study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】G642.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】569