

The Development and Dilemma of Media Literacy Education in Taiwan

【作者】 邱伟

【导师】 赵振祥;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 1988年台湾解除戒严、尤其是1993年开放有线电视经营之后,台湾政治与资本力量蜂拥着进入媒体行业。资本力量和政治势力的恶性竞争与相互博弈直接形成了媒体畸形生态及其内容的低俗化和民粹化倾向。台湾媒体素养教育理念的觉醒正是源于对过度商业化和政治化的媒体的批判。台湾社会对媒体“第四权”和公民传播权的期望促进了媒体素养教育理论在台湾的萌芽,而西方国家的媒体素养教育理论则是台湾媒体素养理论的直接源头。自1993年以来,在学术界和民间团体的推动下,台湾媒体素养教育在调研评估、师资培训、出版教材以及课程设计等方面已经取得较大的进展,并促使台湾“教育部”制定了《媒体素养教育政策白皮书》和《补助办理媒体素养教育活动的实施要点》等相关政策。鉴于其诞生的特殊背景,台湾媒体素养教育不仅把提高受众的媒体素养作为基本目的,更强调对媒体恶劣环境的改造和健康媒体环境的建构。然而,由于台湾媒体素养教育是以“拿来主义”的西方媒体素养教育理论作为指导——它已经在表现出台湾社会环境中“水土不服”的种种症状,其相应的实践不可避免地触及台湾媒体生态背后的党派竞争格局和资本力量的切身利益,因而台湾媒体素养教育面临着很大的阻力与挑战。本文是中国大陆第一次较为系统地对台湾媒体素养教育理论与实践发展进程的研究。其主要创新之处在于从更为宏观的视角透视台湾媒体素养教育发展进程背后的各种政治与经济因素的角力,并从传播制度和政治传播的角度分析台湾媒体素养教育的挥之不去的“紧箍咒”。

【Abstract】 With the removal of restrictions in 1988, especially the opening of cable television marketing in 1993, the power of politics and capital in Taiwan rushed into the market of mass media. The fierce competition of political and capital power led directly to the deformity of media ecology ,even vulgar and political contents in the mass media. As a matter of fact, the awareness of literary education in Taiwan media circle resulted from the repudiation of the excessive commercialized and politicalized mass media.The people’s expectation that mass media should be the Fourth Right and ordinary citizen should have the right of communication promoted the sprouting of the theory of media literacy education in Taiwan, and theories of media literacy education in western countries were the direct origin of the theories in Taiwan. Since 1993, with the efforts of academic associations and social organizations, the media literacy education in Taiwan has made great progress not only in investigation , evaluation, teacher-training and curriculum design, but also in pushing the Ministry of Education in Taiwan to set out some related policies, such as the White Book of Media Literacy Education Policy and the Implement Main Point of Subsidizing Media Literacy Education Practice.Considering the special environment, the media literacy education in Taiwan not only deemed the improvement of audience’s literacy as the basic objective, but also put much more emphasis on the transformation of adverse media environment and the construction of healthy media environment. However, because the media literacy education was based on the theories which derived from western countries, it has turned out to be something unsuitable in Taiwan. The practice based on these theories inevitably had a great impact on the competitive structure of political parties and groups and the vital interests of capital forces, which were hiding behind the media ecology in Taiwan. All in all, the media literacy education in Taiwan faced, face and will face up with the strong obstruction and challenge.As far as Chinese Mainland is concerned, it is the first time to research systematically the theory and practice of media literacy education in Taiwan. The main creativity of this paper is to unveil the development of media literacy education in Taiwan and to reveal the influential factors---the competition and contest of political and capital forces----with a more macroscopical perspective. Meanwhile, this paper puts emphasis on the perspectives of communication system and political communication to analyze the lingering obstruction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】G219.27
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】428