

Study on the Problem of Relevant Market Definition of Antitrust Law in EEC and U.S.

【作者】 赵业新

【导师】 曾华群;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,企业合并现象层出不穷,外资收购浪潮风起云涌。企业的市场行为正改变着市场竞争环境。如何规制企业的并购行为,成为我国反垄断立法的艰巨任务。相关市场界定既是企业合并反垄断规制的前提,也是评判企业市场行为性质的基础,在一国反垄断法制中具有十分重要的地位。欧美相关市场界定历史悠久、法律完备、实践丰富,而我国则理论贫乏、立法不足、实践空白。如何借鉴欧美的理论与实践,建立我国相关市场界定的法律制度,完善我国反垄断立法,当今中国显得十分迫切。鉴于此,本文在分析相关市场理论,考察欧美实践的基础上,提出建立和完善我国相关市场界定法律制度的建议。除了引言和结论外,本文共分三章:第一章阐述相关市场的一般原理。本章廓清了相关市场的理论涵义和法律涵义;分析了界定相关市场的理论意义和实践意义;介绍了相关市场界定的原则和方法。第二章全面分析了欧美相关市场界定的理论与实践。本章分别从相关产品市场和相关地理市场的角度并结合典型案例分析了欧美相关市场界定的理论和实践。第三章提出了建立和完善我国相关市场法律制度的建议。借鉴欧美的实践,结合我国的实际,本章提出了完善立法、确立原则、设立机构等有关界定相关市场的建议。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the phenomena of enterprises’mergers are emerging in endlessly and the surges of foreign investment’s acquisitions are running mountains high. Competitive environment around us has been changed by the market behavior of enterprises . It is arduous task for us on how to control mergers and acquisitions by antitrust law. The relevant market definition is not only the premise of controlling merges but also the basis for evaluating the character of enterprise’behavior. Thus ,it is very important in antitrust law.There have been long history, perfect legislation and abundant practice about market definition in EEC and U.S.;however, indigent theory, deficient legislation and lacking practice in our country. It is urgent for us to construct our legal system of the relevant market definition and perfect our antitrust law in light of theory and practice in EEC and U.S..Considering above reasons, this dissertation puts forward some suggestions to construct and perfect legal system of the relevant market definition in light of theory and practice of EEC. and U.S..Besides the preface and the conclusion, this dissertation is divided into three parts as follows:Chapter one mainly illuminates basic principles about relevant market. This chapter is clarifying theoretical and legal definition of relevant market , analyzing theoretical and practical meaning and introducing some principles and methods in defining the relevant market.Chapter two mainly analyzes theory and practice in defining the relevant market in EEC and U.S. both from a relevant product market and relevant product market point of view.Chapter three puts forward some suggestions on how to construct and perfect legal system in defining relevant market. This chapter puts forward to perfect legislation, establish principles and set up organization when defining relevant market.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】750