

Sign Translation: From a Perspective of Functionalist Approaches

【作者】 李灵

【导师】 胡兆云;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今社会,随着我国经济的发展和国际交流的扩大,公示语在社会活动中的重要性日益凸显,其翻译活动也越来越必不可少。在北京成为2008年奥运会的主办城市之后,为创造一个良好的语言环境,一场大规模的公示语纠错及规范活动在全国范围内展开。因此,公示语翻译课题变得尤其重要。然而,目前中国的公示语翻译状况却无法令人满意。传统的对等翻译理论及其翻译策略越来越无法解决公示语翻译的问题。以往的研究大都停留在微观层面上的数据收集和标示纠错阶段,而没有深入到从宏观高度上用一个可行的理论系统地指导公示语翻译。直译,尤其是字对字的翻译是目前公示语汉英翻译中一个常用的策略,而这样的策略也会随之产生难以读懂甚至几乎是无法读懂的“中国式英语”。系统的可行的公示语翻译理论研究并未得到足够重视。本文采用描述性翻译学研究方法,以功能翻译理论为框架,试图从一个新的角度研究公示语的英译。本文深入分析了描述翻译学和功能翻译理论的实际应用,在此指导下构建了从译前分析,译时策略选择到译后质量评估的一整套公示语翻译的方法策略。描述翻译学研究方法是一种完整的描述与阐释的分析模式,包括发现和验证两个阶段。功能主义翻译理论是以目的法则为主导的理论体系,以目的语文本及其所在的目的语文化为导向,强调译文预期功能的实现。因此,译者被赋予权力,可选择他们认为灵活可行的翻译策略以实现翻译的目的。正如诺德所说,翻译应该从“语用”的层面开始,先决定翻译的目标功能。功能主义所倡导的是一种自上而下的描述式而非规定式的翻译模式。本文在国内外收集的大量公示语语料库的系统分析的基础上,首先对公示语这种特定文体的语言特点和功能类型进行了探讨。公示语在语体上有简洁性,直接性和互文性的特点,在功能上有提示,命令,指示和诉求的功能。从赖斯的文本类型角度看,公示语这种体裁可以涉及表情类,传意类和使役类;而从诺德功能类型的角度而言,公示语都属于工具类翻译,也就是说,其翻译目的是产生在目的语的特定文化背景下取得预期交际功能(目的)的译文。文章分析总结了目前公示语汉英翻译的错误和问题,这个步骤是与在描述翻译学的验证阶段为指导的,紧接着从公示语文本的功能出发,分别从目的论,翻译纲要,原文分析(文本类型学和功能类型学)及翻译质量评估入手,阐述了功能翻译理论在公示语汉英翻译上的应用。在此基础上,本文试图展现出从译前,译中到译后的理论体系和决策因素,并指出该翻译过程是一个以功能为中心、译者所进行的复杂的跨文化交际活动。在这一过程中,译者是跨文化交流专家,可以采用任何实现翻译目的和功能的可行性策略,以保证翻译的成功。在功能翻译理论的指导下,本文总结了一些公示语翻译策略,如对等翻译,公式化翻译,删译,拼音法,及各种灵活有效的翻译技巧的运用。总之,在“目的决定手段”的原则下,译者可以采取灵活有效的翻译策略以期产生具备交际功能、符合预期目的的译文。最后文章对翻译质量评估标准和中国公示语翻译的标准化提出了建议。

【Abstract】 In modern society, the economic development and international exchanges have given rise to a growing need for signs and their translation. Things are especially true after Beijing became the host city for 2008 Olympic Games and thus China began its campaign of correcting and standardizing translation on signs throughout the country. However, the current situation of sign translation in China is far from satisfactory. Traditional equivalence-based translation theories and corresponding strategies seem increasingly inadequate. Previous researches on the Chinese-English translation of signs largely focused on the micro-level of primary data-enumerating and specific error-correcting, often failing to work out a feasible theoretical guidance on a macro level. Literal translation, especially word-for-word translation is a frequently employed strategy at present, leading to English signs of poor readability and almost incomprehensibility. Studies of systematic and feasible theories that can be applied to sign translation leave much to be desired.Taking functionalist approaches as the framework and adopting the methodology of Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS), the thesis seeks to open up a new perspective for the C-E translation of signs by providing an insight into the practical application of such theories and establishing a set of systematic methodologies, from pre-translating analysis, while-translating reverbalization, to after-translating quality assessment and monitoring. The methodology adopted for DTS analysis features a two-stage procedure: discovery and justification. The functionalism is characterized by its purpose-orientedness since it gives top priority to the achievement of intended function of the target text in the target culture. Within the framework of functionalist approaches, the translator is entitled to choose whatever feasible and flexible translation strategies they think appropriate to achieve the Skopos of the translation. Therefore, starting on the pragmatic level of identifying the intended function of the translation, a functionalist approach advocates a top-down model in a descriptive way.The starting point of the thesis is a large yet systematic collection of sign translations from both China and abroad, on the basis of which our discussion proceeds into a linguistic study and a functional typology analysis of signs as a specific text genre with unique functions. Signs are characteristic of conciseness, directness, and intertextualtity, with prompting, directing, referential and appellative functions. Linguistically, signs, as a text genre, include such text types as expressive, informative, and operative, though functionally they all belong to the instrumental translation according to Nord’s translation typology. Thus the aim of sign translation is to produce a text that achieves the prospective function or Skopos of the target text in specific situation and cultural background. And then, based on a detailed analysis of collected data to identify the problems in current C-E sign translation, which is in line with the key steps in the justification stage of the DTS, the thesis sets out to introduce the application of functionalist translation theory to sign translation with special reference to the Skopostheorie, translation brief, source text analysis (the theories of text typology, and functional typology) and translation quality assessment—all on the basis of the function of signs. Under the guidance of these theories and rules, the thesis presents a clear picture of the pre-translating analysis, while-translating decision-making as well as after-translating evaluation, and points out that the whole process is an intricate function-oriented intercultural communication for the translator, who is supposed to be a bilingual and bicultural expert and adopts various strategies of any feasibility in pursuit of a successful translation. With the functionalist approaches as the overall guidance, the thesis generalizes such translation strategies as equivalent translation, formulated translation, omission, the use of pinyin and various flexible translation skills. Each translator is expected to produce a functionally appropriate translation by selecting flexible translation strategies since“the end justifies the means”(qtd. In Nord 29). At last, the thesis makes some suggestions on translation quality assessment and standardization of sign translation in China.

【关键词】 公示语翻译功能翻译理论
【Key words】 sign translationfunctionalist approaches
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】2083