

Study on the Composite Electromagnetic Scattering from a Model of a Simple Target above Sea Surface

【作者】 赵蕾

【导师】 吴振森;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 无线电物理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文利用微扰法、基尔霍夫近似及相位微扰法研究粗糙面电磁波散射特性,数值分析了X波段、不同高度起伏均方根和相关长度下随机粗糙面的后向散射截面;利用高阶等效边缘电磁流法及综合分析法分别计算了二维平板目标及三维尖锥圆柱的双站及单站散射截面,得到了与实验结果吻合的数值结果。考虑目标边缘绕射的影响,将等效边缘电磁流法、物理光学近似和互易性原理结合起来,研究目标与粗糙海面的复合散射特性。数值计算了不同边长正方形平板、三维尖锥圆柱与海面的复合散射,改进了未考虑目标边缘绕射的结果;分析了目标尺寸、位置及边缘绕射对复合散射的影响。

【Abstract】 The characteristics of electromagnetic scattering from rough surface are investigated based on the Small Perturbation Method, the Kirchhoff Approximation and the Phase Perturbation. In X-band, the backscattering radar cross sections of random rough surfaces with different height root-mean-squares and correlation lengths are numerically analyzed. Backscattering and bistatic radar cross sections of 2-D and 3-D targets are calculated with the method of higher equivalent edge currents and comprehensive analysis, the results are in good agreetment with experimental data. In order to take into account the diffraction of the edge of targets, the method of equivalent edge currents, Physical Optics approximation and the reciprocity theorem method are combined to calculate the composite scattering field from a target above sea surface. The composite scattering field of square plates and cone-columns in different size above sea surface are also calculated, with the results improved from unconsidered diffraction. The influence of size, position and edge diffraction on the composite scattering field is analyzed.
