

Studying on Litigation of Patent Invalidation

【作者】 赵德林

【导师】 寿步;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展和全球化,我国越来越重视知识产权的保护。专利权作为知识产权的一种,对社会的发展起着重要的作用,国家专利制度设计是否高效合理对整个社会的创新能力有着重要的影响。我国通过相关的立法和一系列的司法解释,已经建立起了系统的专利制度。我国的专利无效诉讼制度作为专利制度中的一个重要部分,已经在审判实践中凸现出很多问题,制约着我国专利制度作用的发挥,而专利无效诉讼制度的改革是解决这一问题的有效途径和必然趋势。本文首先从司法实践中的两个案例着手,介绍了我国专利无效诉讼的司法实践情况,然后对我国当前法律规定的专利无效诉讼制度中所存在的主要问题进行了分析,最后通过借鉴外国相关的制度设计,在前人相关的研究成果上,提出了自己关于专利无效诉讼制度改革的设想和方向。全文共分为三个部分:第一部分介绍了我国专利无效诉讼制度的基本概况,包括专利无效诉讼的历史发展和现在的立法规定,然后引入了于彦奎案和大豪兴利家具案两个案例,并结合案例对我国专利无效诉讼制度在司法实践中的应用情况作了一个简短的分析。第二部分主要对我国专利无效诉讼中所存在的一系列问题,包括循环诉讼问题、当事人问题、专利侵权诉讼与专利无效诉讼间的协调问题和法院对专利效力的判定权限及判决方式问题进行了分析和阐述;第三部分在介绍了美国、法国、德国和日本几个国家的专利制度设计后,分析了其有关专利无效诉讼模式的规定和专利无效诉讼与侵权诉讼的协调问题的规定的可借鉴性,最后提出了对于我国专利无效诉讼制度改革的建议,即通过立法或司法解释对当前的专利无效诉讼制度作出以下变革:无效诉讼法院可以直接作出专利权是否有效的判决,专利无效诉讼采用民事诉讼模式,专利无效可作为专利侵权诉讼中的抗辩事由,设立专利法院和知识产权上诉法院,减少无效争议的审级。其中由于日本和我国的专利制度设计最为近似,日本有关专利无效诉讼和专利侵权诉讼的协调改革经验更值得我国借鉴。而美国和日本等国提出的知识产权审判大格局将是未来包括专利无效诉讼在内的知识产权诉讼制度的构建方向。

【Abstract】 With the economic development and globalization, the protection of intellectual property rights has been paid increasingly much consideration in china. As a part of intellectual property rights, patent right plays an important role in the promotion of the society development. Whether the system of patent is reasonable and effective has a great effect on the ability of innovation. Our country has established a whole patent system by a series of enactments and judicial interpretations. As an important component of patent system, litigation of patent invalidation has many problems in the judicial practice, which restricts the effect of patent system. It is necessary to reform the present system of litigation of patent invalidation.The article, commencing with two cases, has an analysis on the statute about patent system which has some problems. Then the paper provides some suggestions about the reformation about litigation of patent invalidation system, basing on foreign enactments and present research.The article divides into three parts. The first part gives an introduction about the situations of patent invalidation system including the history and development of patent invalidation litigation. Except that, there is also have a description on how the system is used in the judicial practice by two cases. The second part has an analysis and expatiation about the shortage of the system including circular action, improper litigants, lack of the link between patent infringement and patent invalidation litigation, the court having no power to decide the patent validity directly. The third part pays a comparative analysis after an introduction about foreign relevant systems of different countries. At last, the paper provides some suggestions as follows: granting court the power to make a decision about the validity of patent directly, taking a civil procedural mode in the patent invalidation litigation, patent invalidity can demur to the claims of patent infringement in the lawsuit, establishing patent court and court of appeals about intellectual property, reducing the grades of judgment.

  • 【分类号】D923.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】399