

Discussion about the Problem of Third Party Intervention in the Arbitration of WTO

【作者】 韩璐

【导师】 胡加祥;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 国际法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着1994年“乌拉圭回合”各项协定的缔结,多边贸易体制下的仲裁制度在经历了半个世纪风风雨雨后,终于“盖棺定论”了。WTO下的仲裁体制形成了以普通仲裁条款为核心、以特殊仲裁条款为辅助、以DSU之外的其他协定中的仲裁条款为补充的多层次的完整体系。WTO仲裁中的第三方制度凭借其独特的价值也应运而生。第三方制度在WTO争端解决机制中占据重要地位。毫不夸张地说,今天几乎所有进入WTO争端解决程序的案件都会有一个或多个第三方介入其中。GATT从总体上来讲属于“权力型”,因此在GATT时期更多地是通过外交手段来解决争端,几乎谈不上第三方的问题。但是,随着GATT解决争端的程序不断司法化,乌拉圭回合谈判结束时通过的《关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解》(Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes),(以下简称DSU)对第三方介入做出了一些原则性规定,但是这些规定基本都是针对磋商程序,评审团程序及上诉程序中的第三方的,对于涉及WTO仲裁第三方的程序性问题和实体性问题几乎没有涉及。实践中,仲裁员在缺乏具体规定时,除了类推适用评审团程序中的第三方规定外,也存在依据自由裁量权来处理案件涉及到的第三方的准入及其权利等问题的情况,因此WTO仲裁第三方所享有的权利极其不稳定。实践中也成为各方争议的焦点。对DSU进行修改,明确并完善扩大第三方权利则成为了WTO成员方的共识。国际商事仲裁中的第三方,NAFTA体制下的第三方与WTO仲裁第三方的区别与联系对于如何完善WTO仲裁第三方制度非常有借鉴意义。多哈会谈中,在各国提案基础上形成的主席案文中关于第三方问题做出了若干修订。然而WTO争端解决制度的准司法性注定了WTO仲裁第三方改革的道路必定是漫长而崎岖的。

【Abstract】 With the conclusion of Uruguay Round final Agreement in 1994, the arbitration within the multilateral trade system which having been gone through a rough and bumpy road in the past 50 years defined at last. The arbitration with in the WTO is the integrated system which serves the general arbitration as the chief clause, the special arbitration as the assistant clause and the arbitration under the covered agreement out of DSU as the subsidiary. The third participant in the arbitration within the WTO emerges as the times require by value of its particular importance.The third participant in the WTO settlement system of disputes is indispensable. As a matter of fact, almost all cases under WTO settlement proceedings have one or more third participants involved nowadays. Since GATT belongs to“the type of power”on the whole, disputes were settled more by the diplomatic method at the beginning; thus, it hardly involved the problem of third participant. However, GATT disputes settlement proceedings are more and more judicial in practice. At the end of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, the Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) was adopted. The DSU includes more details on third party’s intervention than the former documents, but nearly all the rules concern the consultation proceeding, the panel proceeding and the appealing proceeding. The rules of arbitration are seldom. Arbitrators have to apply the rules concerning the panel proceeding to arbitration cases, and DSU provisions on panel proceedings, referred to by analogy in the arbitrators’ working procedures, give the arbitrators discretion to decide on procedural matters. As the results, the rights of third participant in arbitration cases are not steady and clear. Hence, the amendment to the DSU is inevitable.The difference and the similarity between the third participant of arbitration in the DSU and the third party in NAFTA or the third party in the international commercial arbitration brighten our horizon to perfect the reform to the third participant of arbitration in the WTO settlement. At the Doha Ministerial Conference, many member governments call on reforming third party’s system and some agreements have been made. However, considered the special characters of WTO settlement, the future of the reform will be rough.

  • 【分类号】D997.4
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