

The Research of Self-Management Organization in Condominium Community

【作者】 王娅然

【导师】 付荣;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 民商法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑物区分所有权是人们所享有的一项基本物权。2007年3月通过的《物权法》设专章规定了“业主的建筑物区分所有权”,但《物权法》的规定过于原则,不足以调整业主建筑物区分所有权行使中存在的问题,本文通过区分所有建筑物自治管理组织这一业主行使建筑物区分所有权的载体为出发点,在比较法的基础上对自治管理组织制度进行了研究,旨在通过研究和借鉴其他国家区分所有建筑物自治管理组织制度的理论,为我国业主建筑物区分所有权的制度完善提供参考。自治管理组织是业主行使建筑物区分所有权进行自治管理的核心。若要切实地发挥组织的作用,就应当明确其法律性质,赋予法律人格;建立完善的自治管理组织的权力机构、执行机构和监督机构的组织架构;确立自治管理组织的激励、监督、决策机制使其更好的承担诚信义务,完成相应的职责。此外,管理规约是管理组织运作的基石,应在立法中明确其团体自治规则的性质,而且应当高度重视管理规约对优化组织运作的作用。并且应理顺自治管理组织与行政机关、居民委员会的关系,从而使三者更好的为社区管理服务,为业主建筑物区分所有权的行使创造和谐的环境。本文分为五章包括区分所有建筑物自治管理组织的基础理论、法律性质、自治管理组织的治理、管理规约及完善自治管理组织的建议。

【Abstract】 Condominium is a basic real right for people. In March 2007, a new law called“Real Right Law of the People’s Republic of China”has been published. In this law, the“owner’s condominium”is regarded and regulated in one single chapter. However, the regulations about“Real Right Law”are rather fundamental. It is not enough to overcome the problems found in real world. In this paper, we start from the discussion of self-management organization in condominium community, which is a platform for owners to exert their own rights. Then we investigate the institution of self-management organization by using a comparative method. The purpose is to provide suggestions for owner’s condominium community, by researching on theories of self-management organization in condominium community in other countries and referring to them.Self-management organization is the core for owners to exert their condominium. To complete its function, the nature and entitle should be regularized definitely first of all. The second is to set up self-management organization’s institutions for power, execution and supervision. In addition, management regulation is the fundamental stone of management organization. It is important to regulate the natures of self-management in law. Also it is important to recognize the significant functions of management regulation to optimize the operation of organization. Consequently, relationships among self-management organization, government department and residents’ committee should be identified definitely. So that they can provide better services for community, build up a more harmonious environment for owners to exert their condominium. Five chapters in this paper include: the fundamental theory and the nature of self-management organization in condominium community, punishment and administration of self-management organization and relevant regulations, and suggestions to complete self-management organization.

  • 【分类号】D923.2;D922.181
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】145