

Research on Simulation and Virtualization Based Virtual Overlay Network Model

【作者】 陈盈盈

【导师】 杨树堂;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现有Internet网络功能强大,服务类型多样,但是随着网络规模指数型的增大,以及应用需求的多样化,我们也逐渐开始意识到Internet正逐渐步入僵化。本文正是在这样的背景下提出了一个基于仿真理论及虚拟化技术的虚拟覆盖网络模型。该网络模型能够为用户建立起一个具有更高独立性、安全性、灵活性并具有物理位置与用户身份分离特性的网络,这使得用户能够在自己的私有网络中提供或享用更多种多样的个人网络服务,这些服务不但包括应用层各项服务,还包含了应用层以下的各种服务。该模型的核心主要是基于虚拟化技术建立起来的,其中用到的虚拟化技术包括虚拟路由器技术、虚拟网卡技术、虚拟拓扑技术等等。本文还在现有主流仿真技术研究的基础上,用ns2仿真软件对该网络模型进行了仿真,得出了对该网络性能参数的评估。同时还结合利用了Planetlab测试床,对该网络模型的系统参数也给出了评估。此外,本文讨论了该网络模型的实际应用。它的应用范围十分广泛,既可以用于个人用途,也可以用于组织机构建设网络的情况,还可以用于给网络研究人员对前沿的网络技术进行方便而灵活的实验和仿真。特别地,本文在对现有信息安全公共服务平台体系结构进行研究的基础上,给出了该网络模型在该平台中的应用,提出了新一代信息安全公共服务平台体系框架,为进一步发挥信息安全公共服务平台的优越性奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Today’s Internet is robust, and can provide various services. But with the exponential development of the network scale, and the increasing variety of application needs, we begin realizing the fact that Internet is becoming ossified. It is under this circumstance that this paper proposes a new simulation and virtualization based virtual overlay network model. This network model can set up an overlay network model of great independence, security, flexibility and location-identity split. This enables users to provide or enjoy various personal services, both on and under the application layer, in their own private network.The key technology within the virtual overlay network model is virtualization, which includes the virtual router, virtual network adapter, and virtual topology, etc. Based on research of the mainstream simulation technologies, this network model is simulated using ns2, and related network performance parameters are evaluated. Also, to test its system performance, the Planetlab testbed is further used along with ns2.Moreover, this paper discusses the practical use of the network model. Its application is so wide that it covers the individual use, the organizational use, and the research use. The research use enables the researchers to experiment and simulate the most advanced network technologies more easily and flexibly. In particular, on the basis of the research on the architecture of the existing Information Security Public Service Platform, this paper discusses the application of this network model in it, and presents the framework of a generation of Information Security Public Service Platform. This enables the platform to fully exert its superiority.

  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】194