

Establishment and Realization of General Software Measurement System for R&D Enterprise

【作者】 胡成龙

【导师】 王英林; 马松伟;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目前一些信息化程度比较高的软件相关企业使用了众多的工具系统以支持其研发过程,导致研发过程的数据分布在不同的工具系统中,同时数据又往往存储于不同种的数据库,并且还可能分布在不同地点,因此很难集中获取这些数据信息,给项目的辅助决策与企业的决策支持带来不便。本文从该问题出发,阐述了软件度量方法论,研究了软件度量过程的信息模型和度量构造方法。在此基础上提出了通用软件度量系统。该系统具有开放性,能支持自定义度量实体,通过动态创建度量指标显示度量信息。度量系统采用目前比较成熟的数据抽取软件把各业务系统数据自动抽取到度量系统数据库中,保证了度量系统的数据与业务系统数据的一致性。通用软件度量系统的功能划分为度量配置、项目配置、数据处理、度量展示四个模块,针对度量实体的属性,按照一定的度量方法和度量函数生成基本度量和派生度量,从而生成指示器。其次,本文讲解了通用软件度量系统的若干技术难点,着重分析和解决了异种异地数据的增量同步,项目基础信息的建立和统一和如何在系统中实现按用户定义动态展示度量信息的技术难点问题。最后,我们对通用软件度量系统进行具体的实践。分析了一家软件相关企业的研发过程现状,并按通用软件度量系统所要求的内容进行实施,取得卓有成效的成果,能实时对系统所产生的数据进行度量展示,保证企业作出正确的决策。

【Abstract】 The modern company meets with the problem for getting effective information difficultly because many R&D process data not only exists in varied R&D system tools, which are developed by varied company, but also exists in different kind of database. So it is hard to make decision for project and enterprise manager.This paper brings up one General Software Measurement System (GSMS) for R&D enterprise from this problem based on the research of software metrics method. The system is open, and supports owner defined measure item and also can create measure figure according to need. The model uses data ETL software to load the data from varied tools automatically. The GSMS has four modules, which are Measure Configure, Project Configure, Data Process and Measure Display. It is to show the measure information by Basic Measure, Derived Measure and Indicator according to some Measure Methods and Measure Functions. Then the critical problems for the system are studied, these are the problems including data synchronization for varied kind data in different area, establishing and unifying base project information, dynamic measurement by need.Finally, the implementation example of the system in one company is given. It gets the effective result and can measure and show the data of the company by owner defined measure figure dynamically.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
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