

Research on the Heat Trabsfer in the Matching of Air to Air Intercooler and Radiator of Commercial Vehicle

【作者】 王问雄

【导师】 杨林; 邓耀文;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 机械工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 针对国内汽车企业在商用车发动机冷却系产品开发方面技术手段落后、开发周期长的现状,本文在查阅大量国内外有关文献的基础上,对强制循环水冷式发动机冷却系统空-空中冷器和散热器的匹配传热的多个环节进行了研究,提出了中冷器和散热器的分区匹配方法,从而建立起商用车中冷器和散热匹配传热工程模拟计算方法。该方法的应用为企业发动机冷却系产品开发提供了新的手段,为企业缩短产品开发周期起到了积极的推动作用,本文做的主要工作如下。1.研究了中冷器和散热器匹配传热的多种影响因素,提出了中冷器和散热器分区匹配传热计算方法,使中冷器和散热器匹配传热能较好地接近实际情况。2.利用中冷器和散热器分区匹配计算方法以及部件(中冷器和散热器)传热特性数据,研究了部件传热特性的空-空中冷器和散热器匹配传热的工程模拟计算方法,开发了相应的计算程序,具备工程实用价值。3.进行了相关整车和部件的试验研究,将模拟计算和试验结果进行了对比分析,计算结果能较好地接近实际情况,目前已在企业产品开发中得到应用。

【Abstract】 According to the laggard state of researching technology for commercial vehicle engine cooling system in china, several ideas on main aspects of the heat transfer in the matching of cooling system components air to air intercooler and radiator for internal combustion engine have been provided and some works have been done in this dissertation, which were based on a large amount of concerned referrence in this paper.1. A new heat transfer calculation method has been presented by setting up an subaera for the matching of intercooler and radiator,which is well used in the heat transfer calculation for the intercooler and radiator. A valuable result has been obtained by considering various main influenced factors for the heat transfer analysis.2.An engineering calculation method of heat transfer in the matching of cooling system components air to air intercooler and radiator has been presented by using cooling system components test dates and subaera heat transfer calculation method. The calculation method can be put into use in practical design for the cooling system.3.Some test works have been down on the velcile and cooling system partrs.By comparing with the calculation results and test results, the calculation mathed is proved to be able to satisfy the needs of the heat transfer calculation on matching of intercooler and radiator .

  • 【分类号】U464.138
  • 【下载频次】279