

The Organization of Urban Planning Management Data Based on GIS Platform

【作者】 刘世伟

【导师】 宋小冬;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 随着信息技术的发展,信息化管理在城市规划管理中的影响越来越大。目前,国内许多发展迅速的城市,其规划管理部门多数采用规划管理信息系统进行城市建设审批工作,但上海市规划管理在信息化方面却处于相对落后的状态,为了改变目前信息化滞后的状态,本论文对上海市规划管理信息系统现状存在的问题进行相关分析和研究,目的是促进规划管理的信息化进程。通过上海市虹口区、长宁区规划管理局的现场访谈、项目跟踪,发现规划管理信息化存在系统建设与日常业务脱离、数据不完备等现状问题,然后对信息化比较成功的苏州工业园区调研,进行比较研究,为上海市目前的信息系统建设提供借鉴。本文主要对城市规划管理的平台选择、规划管理数据组织和系统功能进行了相关研究,规划管理数据是规划管理信息系统的核心,也是上海市规划管理信息系统的主要障碍之一,通过研究,用地数据、建筑数据、道路交通数据、市政管线数据、规划控制线数据和其它规划相关的数据是系统建设必须的核心数据,这些数据的有序建设是规划管理信息系统可持续发展的基础,也是上海市规划管理信息系统建设的重心之一。从数据库的角度,把城市规划管理中的数据分为基础地理数据、规划成果数据、规划相关数据和建设审批数据四部分,在一定程度上解决了上海市目前规划管理信息系统在数据建设方面的混乱的局面。最后通过具体的实例,研究以GIS为平台的信息系统在管理数据的查询显示上的优势和历史数据存储上的实现方法,从专业的角度为信息系统的功能实现提供参考。限于笔者缺乏管理实践的局限,论文在内容上还有不完备之处,规划相关数据还有待完善,系统功能的应用还有待深入研究。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of information and technology, the informationization management has a greater influence on the urban planning management. At present, many domestic development rapid cities, their planning control sections apply the plan management information system to the urban planning examination work most, but in this aspect , Shanghai is actually at the relative backwardness .Through investigation, empirical analysis and comparative research, analyze its present situation and existing questions and discuss it thoroughly in the data and the function in order to contribute to the process of the informationization management on the urban planning management.Through talk show, the project track of the Shanghai Hongkou Area, the Changning Area plan administrative bureau, the phenomenon that the system construction and the daily business are separated and the data is not complete exists in the plan management informationization. Then investigate and compare the successful Suzhou Industrial Park, carry on quite studies to provide reference for the Shanghai present information system construction uses. This article lays emphasis on the urban planning management’s platform choice, the plan managerial data organization and the system function. The plan managerial data is the core of the planning management information system, also one of the chief obstacles in Shanghai planning management information system. Through studying the land use data, the building data, the road and traffic data, the municipal administration pipeline data, the plan control wire data and the other plan related data are the system’s core data. These data’s order construction is the foundation of sustainable development of the planning management information system, which is also critical. From the database angle, they are divided into four parts, such as the base geography data, the plan data, the plan correlative data and the construction permitted data, to a certain extent, which have solved the confusion in the data construction aspect of Shanghai planning management information system at present. Finally through the concrete cases, study the superiority of the information system on the platform of GIS and practical methods of the data inquiry demonstration and the historical data memory and provide the practical function for information system for reference from the specialized angle.Due to the author’s lacking in the management practice, the paper also has the incomplete place in the content. Meanwhile , the related data also waits for consummating, and the system function’s application also waits for the further research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】TU984;P228.4
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】887