

Technical and Economic Analysis of Semi-centralized Greywater Treatment and Reuse System

【作者】 郑林静

【导师】 屈计宁; 陈洪斌;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 环境工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对上海城市地区和青岛市的居住密度分析,并以上海安亭新镇新建社区和青岛市—典型小区的数据调研,提出半集中式处理系统概念(Semi-centralized Treatment Systems)。本文将这一概念应用于半集中式处理系统灰水处理模块的计算,在课题前期模型的基础上,进一步对处理单元的居住区域和建筑物等简化设计,即以占地面积500,000m2,人口当量11520人的低层居民小区为1个计算单元,从理论上计算不同规模的半集中式处理系统灰水收集和处理模块的投资和运行费用,从技术经济角度来分析适合的半集中式灰水处理和回用系统的最佳规模。研究表明,对于一个灰水处理单元而言,综合管网投资费用为4424元/(m3.d-1)。通过比较IMBBR(一体化移动床生物反应器)、BAF(曝气生物滤池)和MBR(膜生物反应器)三种工艺作为灰水处理单元主体处理工艺的投资和运行费用差异表明,三个工艺用于处理灰水的投资费用分别为3558、3627和5224元/(m3.d-1);随着处理单元的增加,管网投资费用呈现上升趋势,而污水处理系统的投资和运行费用均呈现下降趋势:当处理规模达到4个单元时,管网投资费用达到4607元/(m3.d-1);IMBBR、BAF、MBR三种工艺的投资费用分别为2362、2154和4134元/(m3.d-1)。技术经济分析表明,半集中式处理系统的投资和运行费用与小区中水处理系统或分散式处理系统相比具有技术经济优势。综合考虑灰水处理装置和中水管网的投资、运行费用以及水价对投资回收期的影响,模拟计算的结果表明,在上海地区,半集中式灰水处理回用系统的最佳规模为4-8个单元,即日处理量3000m3/d-6000m3/d,相应的人口当量约为5-10万人。在这样的规模条件下,IMBBR、BAF和MBR工艺不含折旧的制水成本分别为0.59、0.62和0.67元/m3;含折旧的成本分别为1.8、1.8和2.7元/m3左右;IMBBR、BAF和MBR的投资回收期分别为12年、12年和16年。而对于我国北方地区而言,1个单元以上规模已比较适宜,但4-8个单元更佳,在此规模下,它们相应的投资回收期分别可降到6年和8年。

【Abstract】 Based on fundamental data from the Chinese residential aera (Shanghai and qingdao), we proposed the concept of "Semi-centralized supply and treatment systems". In this paper, the concept is applied to analyze the economical and techinical feasibility of the greywater treatment and reuse system in Chinese residential area. Alike the prototype, the so-called supra cell is developed based on data from shanghai residential aera, which covers an area of 500,000 m2 and includes 11,520 inhabitants. From the technical and economical point of view, the simulation of the investment and operation cost on such semi-centralized greywater reuse system is performed in order to determine its appropriate size for Chinese residential aera.The result shows that the specific investment cost of pipeline for one supra cell is 4424 yuan/Cm3.d-1), while the specific investment costs of the corresponding greywater treatment process of IMBBR(Integrated Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor), BAP(Biological Aerated Filter) and MBR(Membrane Biological Reactor) are 3558, . 3627 and 5224 yuan/(m3.d-1), respectively. The specific investment cost of pipeline increases with the number of supra cells, whereas the specific investment cost of treatment process is the opposite: when the scale reaches 4 supra cells, the specific cost of pipeline and the two treatment processes are respectively 4607、2362、2154 and 4134 yuan(m3.d-1).With comparison to the decentralized traditional "cluster" and "on-site" treatment system, "semi-centralized greywater treatment and reuse system " is confirmed to be more suitable for Chinese residential area.Finally, through the calculation on investment and operation cost of pipeline and treatment plant along with the influence of water price on investment payback period, the simulation indicate that in the shanghai region, the optimal size of semi-centralized greywater reuse system is between 4 and 8 cells, i.e. the treatment capacity between 3000 and 6000m3/d which correspond to 50,000 and 10,000 inhabitants. In such scale, the opearation costs of MBBR、BAF and MBR are approximately 0.59、0.62 and 0.67 yuan/m3(depreciation cost not included), whereas if the depreciation cost is considered, the costs are 1.8、1.8 and 2.7 yuan/m3 respetively, the corresponding investment payback period are 12 and 16 years respetively. While in north China region, over 1 cell is believed to be appropriate, but bewteen 4~8 cells is also confirmed to be optimal, in such sacle, the investment payback period of the two treatment process are 6 and 8 years respectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】195