A Design of 3-Millimeter Wave Oscillator
【作者】 宋雨竹;
【作者基本信息】 长春理工大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2008, 硕士
【摘要】 微波振荡器是雷达、通信、电子对抗等微波系统中最基本的组成部件,其作用是将直流功率转变成射频功率。随着三端器件的发展,相对于毫米波二端器件振荡器而言,毫米波三端器件振荡器具有工作频带宽、效率高、工作稳定和集成度好等优点,特别是用PHEMT和HBT器件制作的振荡器,具有更低的噪声,更大的动态范围,更好的集成度,可以工作在更高的频段,所以固态器件毫米波振荡器已逐步向三端器件振荡器发展。本文主要是在国内首次用化合物磷化铟(InP)完成单管工艺流片的实现,通过外推法测试得到截止频率为220GHz,提出在InP晶体管上搭建振荡器电路的方案,并进行了电路仿真设计,版图制作等。本文是根据对InP PHEMT流片成功,针对973项目的演示性实验,在InP PHEMT有源器件上,搭建振荡器电路。此电路采用负阻型振荡器,采用共源极电路拓扑结构,用一个简单的T型结构作为反馈回路,采用并联谐振的方案进行振荡器的谐振分析,使振荡器在设定的中心频率起振。鉴于工艺设备有一定的局限性,因而全部采用共面波导作为传输线。利用有源器件的小信号S参数达到起振和振荡平衡条件,调谐电路并作具体的优化。本文还简要介绍InP PHEMT单管的工艺制作流程及分析。依照前期的理论分析,文中对振荡器进行了仿真设计与版图绘制,实现在94GHz的单频点上的振荡。
【Abstract】 Millimeter-wave oscillator is the basic components of millimeter-wave systems such as radar, communication system, and electronics rivalry. It turns DC power into RF power. Recent years, tri-terminal devices develop fast, compared with bi-terminal devices, they have more advantages: much higher working frequency; more efficient, steadier and higher level of integration, etc. An oscillator fabricated on PHEMT or HBT is even better at noise reduction, higher dynamic range, working frequency and level of integration. ALL solid-state device oscillator has been migrating to tri-terminal device technology.Based on the successful taping-out of single transistor on InP ( 220GHz threshold frequency), this paper proposes a design of oscillating circuit on InP with PHEMT active devices, including simulation results and layout. The circuit uses a negative-resistance oscillator, and common-source topology comprising a simple T type structure as feedback path. This paper uses parallel connection harmonic oscillating as analyzing method, makes the oscillator start to oscillate at the central frequency. Use coplanar waveguides as transmission lines. Optimize the circuit according to the active devices small-signal S parameter, the starting-state and the balance of oscillating.The oscillator proposed in this paper achieved oscillating at the single frequency of 94 GHz.
【Key words】 W wave-band; oscillator; InP PHEMT; coplanar waveguides;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 长春理工大学 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
- 【分类号】TN752.7
- 【被引频次】2
- 【下载频次】210