

The Permafrost Temperature Study of an Automatic Testing System and the Modeling in Qinghai-Tibet Railway

【作者】 尚迎春

【导师】 齐红元; 蒋秋华;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 针对高海拔低纬度青藏冻土状态的变化对铁路安全行车的影响问题,为了确保我国铁路建设的实施,其地温状态测试研究成为目前重点课题之一。本文分析国内外的冻土各种测试方法,通过上位机系统和下位机系统设计,进行青藏铁路冻土地温自动检测系统的研究,具体内容如下:(1)以热敏电阻为温度传感器,设计与布置测试点的深度和间隔,通过包含MCU模块、时间系统、AD采集模块、存储系统、选通模块、通信系统、电源管理和湿度与电量检测等八个部分的下位机系统的定时地温数据测试、保存与发送,实现地温数据的采集;并通过涉及ADO数据库、网络通信等技术的上位机系统对数据的接收、处理与分析,可完成地温参数变化的描述与分析。(2)设计的冻土地温采集系统应用于青藏铁路,借助C++Builder与数据库的软件编程,实现了对地温数据的计算、管理与分析的目的。同时以某些个断面采集数据为实例,分析了青藏铁路多个断面的属性孔的地温变化特征规律。(3)通过采集的冻土地温数据,应用人工神经网络,建立了基于BP网络模型的数学模型,实现冻土地温预测,可为青藏铁路的安全运营提供数据依据。同时以DK1278断面为建模实例,通过BP网络参数的选择,网络模型的预测地温值可满足工程测试的精度要求。

【Abstract】 Aimed at the influence of variable state of the high-altitude and low-latitude permafrost on the safety of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, in order to ensure the realization of railway engineering, testing of permafrost temperature becomes a key subject presently. After examining the achievement of permafrost study nationwide and worldwide, an automatic testing system of permafrost temperature has been designed, containing a master computer and some slave computers as follows.Firstly, thermistors are used as temperature transducers and are arranged at testing points along vertical direction of the test location. The slave computer consists of an MCU module, a time system, an AD module, a memory system, a gating module, a communication system, a power managing system, a humidity testing system and a source testing system, thus, acquiring the timely collected permafrost temperature data. Meanwhile, using the ADO database, communications and other technology, the master computer can analyse the variable parameters of the permafrost temperature.Secondly, applied to Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the automatic testing system of permafrost temperature has realized kinds of data processing such as the computation, management and analysis with the help of C++ Builder and database. Taking some locations for examples of testing permafrost temperature, the various characteristics of permafrost temperature in testing holes are analyzed.Finally, using the collected data, a BP model has been determined to predict permafrost characteristics, and support the operation safety of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. Taking the permafrost temperature of the cross section of DK1278 for an example, the prediction model of temperature satisfies the requirements of engineering accuracy.

  • 【分类号】TH811
  • 【下载频次】138