

A Study on the Effect of Jurisdiction Clause of Bill of Lading

【作者】 张文超

【导师】 郭萍;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 提单是国际海上货物运输中最为常用的单证之一,因提单而引起的纠纷十分常见,而在众多的提单纠纷中,提单管辖权条款引起的管辖权异议案件是最为典型的一类。提单纠纷若诉诸法院,首先需要确定的便是法院对此是否有管辖权。而管辖权的确定结果往往会在很大程度上影响法律适用、举证责任、公正判决以及判决执行等重大问题。可以说,提单管辖权条款效力的认定至关重要。另外,从目前各国司法实践来看,提单管辖权条款效力的认定带有普遍性和国际性。因此,建立完善的提单管辖权条款效力认定制度,无疑对维护当事人的合法权益,促进我国海运、外贸事业的发展,维护我国海事司法的权威具有重要意义。本文从提单管辖权条款的分类、特征和性质入手,将该条款界定为一种特殊的协议管辖条款。随后对认定提单管辖权条款效力的各个因素加以探讨。由于提单管辖权条款效力认定问题的实务性,以比较的方法研究有关管辖权的公约和主要航运、贸易大国关于该条款的法律规定和司法实践,是探讨我国立法价值取向及司法完善途径的有效方法。本文以分类的方式对当前主要航运、贸易大国关于提单管辖权条款的不同态度作了分析,并对与管辖权有关的国际公约进行了介绍。紧接着,本文对目前我国的立法及司法现状进行了评析。通过比较与分析,本文认为,基于该条款的特性及当今国际贸易和海运的现状,我国应借鉴当今海运、贸易发达国家的经验,采用国际协调与国家主权原则并重的立场,建立原则上承认其效力,但允许个案审查的灵活的提单管辖权条款效力认定机制。与此同时,我国应加快相关立法,以便使我国法院对该条款的效力所做出的裁判,能够有利于维护提单运输制度、有利于促进国际民商事诉讼管辖权冲突的协调解决、有利于维护我国司法主权。

【Abstract】 Bill of lading (B/L) is one of the most widely used documents in the international carriage of goods by sea. The dissentions arising from the B/L are quite ordinary, and among all the dissensions, the dispute of jurisdiction caused by jurisdiction clause in the B/L is the most typical one. In recent years, the effect of the jurisdiction clause has become the focus of attention in both theoretical and practical realm. Whether the forum has the authority over the case is the problem which needs to be resolved first as the dissentions arising from the B/L come to the forum. The ascertainment of jurisdiction, to a great extent, will influence the law applicable, the burden of persuasion, the justness of the judgment, and the enforcement of the judgment, which will have an effect on the benefit of the shipper, consignee, and carrier directly, and the development of international shipping enterprise indirectly. Shortly, the cognizance of the effect of the jurisdiction clause is extremely important. Otherwise, the cognizance has a character of universality and internationalism. Undoubtedly, building a perfect legal system will be great significance to the protection of the benefit of the participant of shipping enterprise, to the ordered development of shipping and international trade of our country, to the maintenance of the authority of our judicature, and also to the magnificent goal of making our country the center of maritime judicature in Asia-Pacific area.Starting from the categories and characters, this article advances that the jurisdiction clause is a jurisdictional agreement. Subsequently, the factors relating to the effect of the jurisdiction clause are discussed. Due to the practical quality of the cognizance of the jurisdiction clause, comparing the international treaties and the legal systems and practices of influential shipping and trading countries is an effective approach to discuss our choice of legislation value, and to find the means to perfect our legal practice. This article categorizes and evaluates the attitudes of influential shipping and trading countries regarding the effect of jurisdiction clause, and also introduces some international treaties relating to jurisdiction. After that, this article evaluates the legislation and legal practice of our country. Through comparing and analyzing, this article holds that based on the actuality of international trade and shipping, we should adopt the experience of the country which are advanced in trading and shipping. We should pay equal attention to both international harmony and national sovereignty. We should build a cognizance system which acknowledges the effect of jurisdiction clause in principle. But in order to keep flexibility, it should be permitted to examine some specific case in special condition. Meanwhile, we should perfect out legislation in order to make the judgments made by our forums beneficial to the maintenance of transportation system by B/L, the settlement of international jurisdiction conflicts, and the maintenance of our judicatory sovereignty.

  • 【分类号】D996.19
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】205