

Research and Design of Radar Simulator

【作者】 田佳

【导师】 索继东;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 将模拟器作为各种复杂设备维修和操作训练的方法是当今装备发展的必然趋势。本文讨论的雷达模拟器可对船舶上导航雷达进行功能和界面模拟,可产生训练海区逼真的、带余辉的岛岸和运动目标回波,可测定目标方位距离。本模拟器采用模块化设计方法,有灵活的配置方式,可根据需求进行软件功能模拟。既可用于实际操作训练,也可应用于雷达的系统构架、信号处理以及各种雷达杂波理论的研究。本文在参考大量文献的基础上,完成了各种类型海杂波仿真,包括瑞利(Rayleigh)分布、对数-正态(Log-Normal)分布、韦布尔(Weibull)分布、K分布在内的各种杂波模拟。目标的模拟方面,主要模拟目标的距离、方位、抖动三个方面的特性。地面回波的模拟关键问题是遮挡问题的处理,根据微波传播的特点,重点讨论遮挡因子问题。另外,本文针对航海雷达的特点,完成了雷达模拟器的结构设计。叙述了信号发生模块的数据库设计原则与方法,详细分析雷达各平台信息设计方法,内部逻辑关系;设计参数输入对话框并分析各参数对雷达系统的影响;人机交互界面的设计主要围绕如何操作与如何实现两部分讨论,并分析各模块功能实现的理论依据以及软件方法。系统设计根据教学训练特点,分为教练机和学员机两部分。在项目实现方法上,充分利用各种计算机语言的特点,发挥各自的优势。在内部图像信号处理算法上,采用C语言设计。外部调用以及网络方面,则主要用C++完成。数据库的设计与管理采用了高级语言C#和ADO.net。整个系统,在各种语言的支持下,实现了应有的效果。

【Abstract】 Simulator is a good equipment, which can be used for training operation and repairing of relative equipment. This method is an inevitable trend of development. The radar simulator researched in this paper is an equipment which can simulate different types of navigation radar’ function and user interface. The simulator can generate realistic island and moving target echoes in relative area, in addition, it can also determine target’s azimuth and distance. Modularization and flexible collocate method can make the processing of simulation for software function and real target change easily between different requirements. So it can be used in not only real operation training, but also research in different fields, such as radar system frame, radar signal process, and radar clutter.After referring to extensive literature, the paper accomplish the simulation of sea clutter, including Rayleigh distribution, Log-Normal distribution, Weibull distribution, and K-distribution. In the part of target simulation, the simulation method is focused on the aspects of distance, azimuth and dithering. As to the ground echoes, the important problem is shelter. Through researching the character of microwave transmission, we give a new gene named shelter gene as a discuss focus.In addition, we have designed a feasible framework for the radar simulator based on the real navigation radar in the paper. The paper gives out the design principle and method of database, labour design method of the information flat roof and logical relation. And we designs the parameter input dialog, and analyze the relationship between the parameters and radar system. As to the UI, we focus on the two parts: how to operate and how to achieve, and analyze the method of software and theory. According to teaching and training function, system is designed into two parts, teaching PC and student PC. In the implementation of the project, we make full use of all the features of computer language, and also make their respective advantages play well. In the internal image signal process algorithms, C language is used in design. Call and external network was mainly completed by C + +. Database’s design and management refer to the high-level language C# and ADO.net. The entire system, with the support of various languages, achieved the proper effect.

【关键词】 雷达模拟目标回波海杂波数据库
【Key words】 Radar simulatorTarget echoesSea clutterDatabase
  • 【分类号】TN955
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】729