

Judicial Analysis and Study on Parking Spaces in Urban Residential Districts

【作者】 王梦瑶

【导师】 王利民;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,我国已快速进入家庭汽车时代。随之而来的城市住宅小区停车位问题也浮出水面,相关纠纷不断增多。《物权法》的出台,反映了立法的进步,但我们也应该看到,其有关小区停车位的规定还有待完善,这需要学者们不断的进行更加深入的研究,以为立法提供理论依据。本文正是在这一背景下完成的,通过法律分析和研究,希望能解决城市住宅小区停车位在归属和流转使用方面的一些问题,为立法提供借鉴。本文采用理论和实践相结合的研究方法,采用了比较、类型化的分析方式,对城市住宅小区停车位的法律问题加以研究。本文通过实证和理论两方面的考察,首先介绍了停车位的含义、分类以及停车位与建筑物区分所有权的关系,建筑物区分所有权理论是解决小区停车位在法律上权利归属和流转使用的基础,在此理论基础上可以将停车位分为专有权停车位和共有权停车。类型化是停车位归属分析的前提条件。小区停车位在表现形态上主要包括:地面停车位、地面独立多层停车位、首层架空停车位、地下停车位。对各类停车位的权利归属,结合建筑容积率和面积分摊标准,应具体情况具体分析。在明确停车位的归属之后,分析了有关停车位的流转使用问题。房地产开发商只能向小区业主销售可成立专有权的停车位,小区业主应基于“方便生活、公平合理”的原则使用小区停车位。小区停车位可以进行转让、设定抵押等,但其转让的对象应限于小区内的业主。最后,本文对《物权法》中有关停车位的规定进行了评析,提出了完善立法的建议,力图解决城市住宅小区停车位的相关法律问题,平息房地产开发商、小区业主之间的纷争。

【Abstract】 With the development of economy and society, we have entered the era of home-cars. The disputes of parking spaces in urban residential districts have emerged. <The Real Rights Law> reflects the progress of legislative, but the provisions of this problem is still unreasonable, so this needs the scholars carry on more thorough research continuously, and provides the lawmaking the basic theories. This text is exactly writing under this background, hoping to solve some issues of parking spaces’ ownership, use and transfer, providing some suggestions to the lawmaking.In this paper, using the research methods of combination of theory and practice, applying the methods of type and comparison, research on parking spaces in urban residential districts. From the practical and theoretical aspects, this text firstly introduce the parking spaces’ meaning, category and the relationship of parking spaces and condominium ownership, and the condominium ownership theory is the basis to solve issues of parking spaces’ ownership, use and transfer. On the basis of this theory, parking spaces can be divided into exclusive and owned by all. The classification is the prerequisite to decide the ownership of parking spaces. Parking spaces in residential districts include: ground parking spaces, parking floor, first floor parking spaces and underground parking spaces. The ownership of them should be decided as to their special character. Then this paper discusses the issues of sale, use, transfer of the parking spaces. The real-estate developer can only sell the parking spaces that could be owned exclusively, and can only sell them to the residents in the residential districts. The residents should use the parking spaces under the principle of "for the convenience of daily life, for the justice and fairness". The parking spaces can be transferred, mortgaged and so on, but only can be transferred to the residents living in the same residential district. Finally, this text analyses provisions of parking spaces in <The Real Rights Law>. In order to better solving the questions of parking spaces in urban residential districts, this paper put forward legislative proposals to calm down the disputes between the real-estate developer and the residents.

【关键词】 停车位归属流转使用物权法
【Key words】 Parking SpacesOwnershipTransferThe Real Rights Law
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】534