

Research of IT Projects Bidding Evaluation Decision Support Model

【作者】 徐伟伟

【导师】 陈如亮;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现代社会的信息化进程促使IT项目在企业、政府等单位的发展过程中的地位越来越显著。许多重要的IT项目开始采用了招标投标的方式,以确保项目高质量、高效率、以合适的成本完成。但此类项目的评标具有金额大、指标多、投标商实力接近、指标关联度复杂和过程透明度低等特点,其高度的非结构化特征使评标决策过程变得愈加复杂。因此结合现代评标理论和模型算法,如本文的粗糙集和灰色系统理论,应用到IT类项目的评标工作,采用信息处理技术建立决策支持系统,用以优化评标准确度,提高评标效率,成为当今解决评标问题的有效手段。本文首先分析总结了粗糙集、项目评标以及智能决策支持系统等方面取得的主要理论研究成果和实际应用。接着按照项目评标的原则分析,采取了德尔菲方法设计、建立并分析验证了评价指标体系,同时介绍了当前主要的评标方法、模型,给出了完成的项目评标工作流程。然后,在详细介绍了粗糙集和灰聚类决策理论的基础上提出了基于这两者的项目评标决策模型:利用Rosetta软件进行属性约简和决策规则的提取,在此基础上结合层次分析法计算出各级指标的权重和属性重要度,利用灰聚类决策模型对投标商进行综合评价,简化了评标过程,提高了其客观性和科学性。最后,参考智能决策支持系统的结构框架,采用基于关系型数据库的决策表操作、规则推理和模型综合评价的合作推理机制,对该评标决策支持模型的应用进行了实例研究,充分利用粗糙集、灰色系统理论方法的优势和信息技术的处理效率,提高了评标工作的准确性、公正性和用户的决策能力。论文对IT项目评标模型的研究不仅可以扩展到其他类型的项目评价决策活动,也可以在其它领域的决策问题中起到一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 The informationization of our society makes IT projects play a more and more important role in this progress of enterprises, governments etc. In order to make sure projects are completed in high quality, efficiency and at a suitable cost, many important IT projects are started with the help of project bidding. However, the bidding evaluation of such projects has the following characteristics: the great amount of money involved, lots of indicators contained, closer capability among bidders, complicated relationship of indicators, low transparence of bidding process, and so on. Due to these highly un-structural features, the process of bidding decision making is much more difficult. Therefore, applying modern bidding theories and algorithm models, such as Rough Set and Grey System theories, to IT projects bidding evaluation process, with the help of information technology in decision support system building, could be an effective method to solve such problems. It could also optimize the veracity and improve the efficiency of the evaluation process.First of all, the paper makes. a summary of the research achievements and practical applications of projects bidding evaluation theories, rough set, and Grey System theory. Then according to indicator system designing principles, the Delphi method is used to design and build evaluation indicator system. Current main project bidding evaluation methods and models are introduced here, and a complete evaluation working process is established.Secondly, a project bidding evaluation decision model based on the detailed introduced theories of rough set and grey clustering is described in detail, including reducing the indicator properties, distilling decision rules using Rosetta software, computing for the importance weights of indicators based on Rough Set and AHP theory, and applying them to the grey clustering model to evaluate the bidders comprehensively. The model simplifies the evaluation process and improves the objectiveness and science of bidding. Lastly, according to the intellectual decision support system theory, the paper does an example experiment of this bidding decision support model, with the reasoning mechanism of decision table operations using relation database, rule-based reasoning and comprehensive evaluation model, which fully takes advantages of rough set algorithm, grey system theory, decision support system framework and information technology. The model improves the exactness, impartiality and the decision making ability of clients.The paper’s research on IT projects bidding evaluation modeling could not only expand to other kinds of project decision making, but also could be certain references for decision problems in other working or research fields.

  • 【分类号】F407.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
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