

Research of Web Services Reliable Messaging and Fault Tolerance Mechanism

【作者】 刘吉哲

【导师】 陈如亮;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息化进程的不断发展以及各大企业对企业运行环境,特别是对企业关键性业务稳定性要求的不断提高,企业迫切需要在网络环境下实现跨平台、便于通信、松散耦合、易于管理的异构应用系统的信息交互,Web服务就是在这种环境下出现的新技术。由于目前基于Internet的应用所基于的操作系统、网络环境千差万别,就可靠性和容错性而言,Web服务对于用于关键性业务应用的支持还不是很充分,目前还没有一个被广泛接受的完善的机制。随着研究的深入,可靠的消息传递机制和完善服务质量成为热点问题。本文以跨平台分布式系统的应用为背景,以现有的Web服务规范为基础,研究了Web服务中的可靠消息传递机制和Web服务系统的容错性问题,并以此为基础设计了一套基于Web服务技术的企业服务器日志警报系统。本文的主要工作包括:本文首先研究了Web服务技术在网络环境下的应用、Web服务的相关概念、技术组成以及补充的Web服务规范,并指出了目前Web服务的不完善之处。其次,研究了分布式系统的容错机制,系统容错性的指标。利用相关技术设计了基于Web服务技术的高可用性的容错管理模型,针对三种容错策略分析了实现的组成框架和运行流程,并利用相关的技术进行了验证。最后,针对企业日志系统的可靠性和容错性的需求,利用可靠的消息传递技术和容错管理技术设计了基于日志的企业服务器警报的系统。本文对基于、Web服务技术的系统中信息传递的可靠性和服务容错性进行了有益的探索,对提高Web服务可用性和在关键性业务领域的应用具有实际的意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of information and enterprises’ improving requirements to, the operational environment, especially the stability of mission-critical environment, the enterprises urgently need to make heterogeneous application, which can facilitate the cross-platform communication, loosely coupled, and easily to managed information interaction within the network environment. And this leads to the new technology of web services.For the differences of Internet based operating system and network environment, web services can not provide mature support for complicated application of high-availability, in terms of reliability and fault-tolerant performance. Up to now, there is not widely accepted sound mechanism. In the new research, the reliable message transmission and to perfect the service has become the hot issue.Backed with application of cross-platform distributed system, and based on existing web services standards, this paper makes researches on the reliable message transmission mechanism and fault-tolerant issue of web services system, based on which an alarm system for web-service-based enterprise server logs.This paper makes research on the following subject:Firstly, this paper researches the relevant concepts of web services, technical components, web services standards, and points out imperfections of the current web services.Secondly, this paper researches fault-tolerant mechanism in distributed system, and measures of it. Fault-tolerant framework of high availability, based on the web services, is designed with related technology. And three fault-tolerant strategies described the components and operating process in detail. Finally, this paper introduces the enterprises’ requirements to reliability and tolerant performance of its log system, and designs log alarm system with reliable message transmission technique and fault-tolerant technique.This paper makes researches on the reliability and service-fault-tolerant performance of within system message transmission based on web services technique, which will be a help to improve the web services reliability and its application in mission critical area.

【关键词】 Web服务可靠性容错日志系统
【Key words】 Web ServicesReliabilityFault ToleranceLog System
  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】180