

On Pricing Agreement of International Liner Shipping

【作者】 刘爽

【导师】 李志文;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着各国海运贸易的深入,国际班轮运输地位逐渐加强,竞争也愈演愈烈,甚至出现了一系列价格战。班轮运输经营人为摆脱毁灭性竞争压力,纷纷通过协议组成多种形式的国际航运协议组织,其中以固定或维持运价为目的的协议组织是班轮公会和协商协议组织,也正是两者存在的基础协议——班轮公会运价协议和协商协议在限制正常航运市场竞争上效果最为明显,一直受到国际公约和各国航运立法的关注,即国际班轮运输运价协议是否适用反垄断豁免制度,目前该制度也遭受了众多反对,甚至面临取消的处境。当前我国尚无规范航运市场竞争的专门性法律,在处理班轮运输运价协议问题上,还存在诸多不适之处,因此笔者认为,我们有必要对国际班轮运输运价协议问题的立法态度和具体规则予以相关分析和研究,从而为规范我国航运垄断行为的立法提供一些可用性建议。本文第一章以国际班轮运输运价协议的概念界定为基础,分析了国际班轮运输运价协议的性质、效力及产生原因,同时对班轮运输市场带来的一系列消极影响做了具体分析,从而指出了国际班轮运输运价协议的性质。本文第二章列举分析了国际公约和主要航运大国对国际班轮运输运价协议的立法态度,其核心内容在于对反垄断豁免制度的立法目的、模式、对象及豁免条件四方面的比较分析,最后总结并展望了国际班轮运输运价协议问题的发展趋势。本文第三章的重点主要放在我国对国际班轮运输运价协议的立法和实践之上。本章分析了我国现行的航运竞争方面的主要立法,并结合2001年全面爆发的THC问题的性质和法律适用问题进行了分析,指出了我国航运垄断立法的两处不足,特别是在国际航运发展的整体发展趋势之下,我国立法存在着一定难度。本文第四章针对建立和完善国际班轮运输运价协议的控制机制提出了两方面的立法建议,其中包括航运垄断规则的体系构建和反垄断豁免的具体规则,以期对我国未来航运法的出台有所裨益。

【Abstract】 As the development of the shipping trades between different countries all over the world, the reputation of the international liner shipping is being enhanced, and the competition in this field is becoming more and more intense, the liner shipping companies even fight for price. In order to escape from the disaster, the carrier established different forms of international association based on the agreements, among them Liner Conference and Stabilization Agreement are the two important associations which are based on the pricing agreements. As the obviously effects of the Liner Conference and Stabilization Agreement on the restriction of the market of shipping, they are always becoming the core of the legislation in most countries, that’s the system of Anti-monopoly Exemption in international liner shipping. But nowadays, the system of Anti-monopoly Exemption is facing the dilemma of canceling. In china, we haven’t made the legislation which directed against Shipping Competition, so when we are in the process of solving the related problems, no exactly law can be appropriately in use. Due to these, the author realizes that it is necessary to do some research on the attitude and rules, then give some proper advice on the Shipping Competition legislation in our country.The first part of the article begins with the conception of Pricing Agreement of international liner shipping, then the author analyses its basic natures, effects, reasons of emerging, at the same time, the negative affects are discussed through defining of its natures of restriction on competition.The second part lists the legislations and conventions of different countries and U.N. of Liner Conference and Stabilization Agreement, it focuses on the comparison and analyses about the legislation purpose, type, objects of legislation, and the requirements of Anti-monopoly Exemption. In the end, the author discusses the developing tendency of international liner shipping in the future, especially in the shipping restriction. The third part of the article puts emphasis on the legislation and practices of Pricing Agreement of international liner shipping in our country. It points out two defects in details, which bases on the problems of Terminal Handling Charge (THC) alongside most ports of china in 2001. Then, we need to pay more attention to the legislation in the field of Shipping Competition, especially under the background of development.In order to build up and consummate the legislation system on the Pricing Agreement of international liner shipping, the author gives his advice in two aspects at the end of the article, one is to build up the whole system of Shipping Competition, the other is to provide the concreted rules on the Anti-monopoly Exemption in international liner shipping, and also wishes to do some benefits in the future.

  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】5
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