

Legal Problems of Maritime Security

【作者】 梁永刚

【导师】 朱清;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作为保障民事权益的担保是一种古老的法律制度,涉及债权法和物权法两大法律领域,在民商事法律体系中具有极其重要的地位。海事担保是担保法律体系中一个重要的分支,是一项比较新的法律制度。2000年7月1日,我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》颁布实施,海事担保制度得以正式确立,为处于发展和完善阶段的中国担保法律体系注入了新鲜的血液。但《海事诉讼特别程序法》的规定不能完全揭示海事担保制度的基本原理,解决海事担保司法实务的全部问题,与海事担保有关的理论研究和实践探索需要进一步加强和完善。本文通过对海事担保的定义、性质、特征、范畴和种类的简单论述,以及对海事担保基本实务的叙述,说明作者对海事担保基本原理的理解和认识,在此基础上对其中的一些疑难问题进行了一定的分析,并结合工作和学习过程中的一些体会,对海事担保理论的发展和司法实践的完善提出若干粗浅的建议和设想。

【Abstract】 Security scheme, an ancient legal system for the protection of civil rights,covers the legal fields of both properties’ and credits’ rights, the importance and complex of which are beyond any exaggeration. In a strict sense, maritime security is an important and unique part of the whole security laws. And maritime security established with the adoption of Special Maritime ProcedureLaw of PRC, has injected new energy to China’s security law in progress. It is a common sense that without correct understanding and proper application, one cannot make the best use of the law. But, due to the limited rules in Special Maritime Procedure Law of PRC and for want of theoretical research and practical probe, the underlying principles of this relatively new legal system of maritime security have not been fully unveiled and some of the problems met in judicial practice not solved yet. These defects shall be redressed as soon as possible.In this dissertation, the author gives a basic understanding of maritime security through the elaboration of its category, definition, nature and characteristics in Chapter one. In Chapter two, emphasis was placed on the analysis of some difficult issues on the basis of a general survey of maritime security in reality. And in Chapter three, from his own working and studying experience, some practical suggestions are made by the author to further develop and improve the research and application of maritime security.

【关键词】 海事担保理论实务
【Key words】 Maritime SecurityCategoryJudicial Practice
  • 【分类号】D922.294
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】125