

Studies on Wood-Inorganic Biomineralized Composition

【作者】 杨燕

【导师】 邱坚;

【作者基本信息】 西南林学院 , 木材科学与技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究从木材科学的角度出发,探讨了天然木材-无机质生物矿化复合的形成机理,进而运用其形成机理将研究对象从“死细胞”变成“活材料”,通过对人工林树种进行生物矿化的模拟实验从而起到对木材进行功能性改良的目的。本文主要对天然木材-无机质生物矿化复合材中硅石含量,天然木材-无机质生物矿化复合材周围环境条件,天然木材-无机质生物矿化复合材形成机理,竹材-无机质生物矿化复合材,硅酸钠胁迫下苗木生理生化反应,硅酸钠胁迫下木材-无机质生物矿化复合材等几个方面的内容进行了研究,研究结果表明:(1)天然木材-无机质生物矿化复合材中二氧化硅的含量的变化规律。在不同轴向分布上,柠檬桉木材和山油柑木材中二氧化硅含量均从树干的基部向树梢部位依次减少;在不同径向分布上,柠檬桉木材中二氧化硅含量是由心材向边材逐渐增加,山油柑木材中二氧化硅含量是由心材向边材逐渐减少。(2)天然木材-无机质生物矿化复合材周围环境条件的分析。天然木材-无机质生物矿化复合材中二氧化硅含量与土壤中二氧化硅含量的含量呈正相关关系;天然木材-无机质生物矿化复合材一般生长在酸性或微酸性的土壤中,随着土壤pH值的减小,木材中二氧化硅含量积累的会较多。(3)天然木材-无机质生物矿化复合材中硅石的SEM-EDXA分析。木材中硅石及晶体主要存在于射线薄壁细胞、轴向薄壁细胞、分隔纤维细胞以及导管中;木材中的晶体的主要化学成分是CaCO3晶体和CaC2O4晶体,硅石的主要成分是SiO2,形态主要有粗糙颗粒、光滑颗粒、硅砂、葡萄颗粒、云彩颗粒等;晶体和硅石的尺寸大小从树干基部向树梢部位依次变小。(4)天然木材-无机质生物矿化复合材(柠檬桉木材和山油柑木材)中硅石的XRD、FTIR、XPS分析。XRD对分析,硅的物相,主要为无定形的SiO2(硅胶);FTIR分析,波数在2931-2924 cm-1、1051-1048 cm-1、834 cm-1范围内现Si的谱图;XPS分析,在结合能为284-290 eV,531-534 eV和103 eV附近有强吸收峰分别为C,O和Si元素,天然木材-无机质生物矿化复合材中存在Si-O-C的形式,硅以SiO2的形式存在木材中并与木材中的有机大分子结合。(5)苦龙竹中硅石的SEM-EDXA、XRD、FTIR分析。SEM-EDXA分析苦龙竹中除含有大量的C、O外,还含有Si、Mg、Al、K以及Ca等元素;XRD分析苦龙竹,根据物相可分析竹材中硅石是以无定形态的形式存在;FTIR分析苦龙竹,波数在2921-2900 cm-1、1052-1048 cm-1、852-834 cm-1、771 cm-1范围内现Si的谱图。(6)分别采用不同浓度的硅酸钠溶液对三角枫和滇润楠苗木进行生物矿化的模拟实验,在0.0 mmol/L-21.0 mmol/L硅酸钠浓度范围内,可以促进苗木的生长,保护苗木细胞不受伤害;在21.0 mmol/L-35.0 mmol/L硅酸钠浓度范围内,对苗木的生长起到危害作用。(7)人工模拟构筑的木材-无机质生物矿化复合的SEM-EDXA分析。可以清楚地看到二氧化硅以及晶体在射线薄壁细胞、导管壁上、导管壁螺纹加厚处、穿孔内、纹孔上以及木纤维中的沉淀情况,其形态有硅砂状、粗糙颗粒、光滑颗粒以及不规则状等。说明人工模拟实验是可行的、是成功的。

【Abstract】 The formed mechanism of wood-inorganic biomineralized composition has been investigated from angles of wood science .Using this formed mechanism to become the research subjects from dead material to the living material. It can arrive to improve wood properties. In this paper,the silica contents of natural wood-inorganic biomineralized composition , the ambience comdition of natural wood-inorganic biomineralized composition,the formed mechanism of natural wood-inorganic biomineralized composition,the bamboo/inorganic biomineraliazation composition , the response of nursery stock physiological and biochemical characters under Na2Si3 stress and wood-inorganic biomineralized composition under Na2Si3 stress were researched. The research results are as follows:(1) The variety regularity of the silica contents of natural wood-inorganic biomineralized composition. The SiO2 contents decrease in turn from underside of trunk to treetop in different axial distribution of Eucalyptus citriodora and Acronychia pedunculata . In different radial distribution,the SiO2 contents of Eucalyptus citriodora increase from heartwood to sapwood and the SiO2 contents of Acronychia pedunculata decrease from heartwood to sapwood .(2) Studies on the ambience comdition of natural wood-inorganic biomineralized composition.The SiO2 contents of natural wood-inorganic biomineralized composition and sorrounding soils are positive correlativity. The natural wood-inorganic biomineralized composition are growing in acidity or tiny acidety soils . The SiO2 contents increase with soil pH value decreasing. The pH value of natural wood-inorganic biomineralized composition increases with tree height increasing. However,the SiO2 contents of wood decrease.(3) Studies on the natural wood-inorganic biomineralized composition by SEM-EDXA. The silica and crystal of wood are deposited in ray parenchyma,longitudinal parenchyma,septate fiber and vessel. The main chemical elements of crystal is CaCO3 and CaC2O4. The main chemical elements of silica is SiO2.The shapes of silica are mainly rough grains,smooth grains,aggregate grains,grape grains,cloud grains. The dimensions of silica and crystal change small in turn from underside of trunk to treetop. (4) Studies on the natural wood-inorganic biomineralized composition(Eucalyptus citriodora and Acronychia pedunculata wood) by XRD、FTIR、XPS. The phaze of silica is mainly amorphous SiO2 analyzed by XRD. Si spectras presented to 2931-2924 cm-1、1051-1048 cm-1、834 cm-1 analyzed by FTIR .The binding energy of C,O and Si elements presented to 284-290 eV , 531-534 eV and 103 eV. The natural wood-inorganic biomineralized composition existed the form of Si-O-C. The silica exists in wood in SiO2 form and combines with organic macromolecule .(5) Studies on the silicon of Pleioblastus amaru by SEM-EDXA、XRD、FTIR. The silica of Pleioblastus amarus contained C,O,Si,Mg,Al,K and Ca elements analyzed by SEM-EDXA. The phaze of silica in Pleioblastus amarus is mainly amorphous SiO2 analyzed by XRD. Si spectras presented to 2921-2900 cm-1、1052-1048 cm-1、852-834 cm-1、771 cm-1 analyzed by FTIR .(6) The Acer buergerianum and Machilus yunnanensis have been stressed by different Na2SiO3 concentrations. it can be shown that Na2SiO3 concentrations in certain limit can promote the grown of plants from 0.0mmol/L to 21.0mmol/L.,and meanwhile,it can also protect the cell of plants. However,high Na2SiO3 concentrations can be harmful to the cell of plants from 21.0mmol/L to 35.0mmol/L.(7) The nursery stock stressed by different Na2SiO3 concentrations were researched by SEM-EDXA.The silica and crystal are deposited in ray parenchyma,wall of vessel,spiral thickening of vessel wall,vesselperforation,pit and fiber. The shapes are aggregate grains,rough grains,smooth grains and abnormity. It shows that the manual modelling is feasible and successful.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】TB332
  • 【下载频次】231