

On the Humanistic Characters of Judges

【作者】 丁国强

【导师】 李道军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 人文精神是对人的价值追求,以人文尺度为标准,关怀人的全面价值的实现,关怀人的自由、尊严、理想、信仰、生存方式、生存意义,强调人的自身发展和完善,反对将人物化和工具化,张扬人的主体性。法学是一门关于人的学问,关注着人的需求、权利、利益和尊严,体现着人的价值判断。法的价值是通过尊重人的价值而实现的,法治是将人类带到秩序和幸福的最可靠、最稳定的途经,也是促进人的全面发展的重要动力。司法的人文功能主要表现在促进司法认知、推动司法认同、巩固司法价值等三个方面。法官职业是人文色彩浓厚的法律职业,不仅要求法官成为法律方面的技术精英,同时,又是具有渊博学识、良好道德修养和较高公众威望的社会人文精英。但是,受历史和现实因素影响,中国法官的人文身份显得并不清晰。无论是传统文化背景下的“道德人”形象,还是苏联模式下的“刀把子”形象都体现着司法人文理念的断裂、司法人文思维缺失和法学人文教育的不足。法官是理解法律、阐释法律、适用法律、执行法律的重要角色,其职责的履行必须要以法律知识、法律精神、法律思维等为支撑。法官的人文品格是人文精神在法官这一司法主体上的投射,并在实践中形成具有主体性的力量。全文共分六章。主要内容如下:第一章:法官的独立品格。司法独立的实质就是法官独立,而法官独立的核心在于内心独立,法官独立就是法官精神自治,就是法官自主判断,法官独立负责。第二章:法官的公正品格。公正是司法的内在本质属性,也是司法活动的根本目的。法官是纠纷的裁判者,公正是法官的灵魂。公正来自法官中立。正义感是公正品格的灵魂。追求效率则是法官公正品格的题中之义。第三章:法官的亲和品格。法官不是生活于书面法律之上,而是生活于现实的生活世界里的。法官只有亲和于人性、时代和生活,才能更深刻的理解法律,更成熟地作出判断。第四章:法官的自律品格。良知是法官职业道德的人性基础,是推动公正司法的内在力量。法官具有严格的职业伦理要求,道德瑕疵败坏司法公正。第五章:法官的理性品格。法官是法律运行的主要推动者,法官不但需要洞悉法律严谨的逻辑体系,而且要掌握法律解释、法律推理、法律论证、利益衡量的技术。法官的理性品格是法官专有的职业品格,包括司法理念、司法知识、法律思维、法理底蕴等内容,最终形成一种理性自觉。第六章:法官人文品格的提升思路。法官人文品格的形成与完善是一个漫长的过程,法官人文品格建设是与司法文明、司法现代化的发展是同步的,我们无法脱离社会文化背景来凭空设想司法的人文图景。法官人文品格的提升离不开法官个性、经验、话语和人文形象等诸方面的提升。只有将人文价值渗透到法官内在和外在的各个方面,转化成为一种常态运行的东西,才能够保持凝结成为促进公正司法的稳固性的精神要素。

【Abstract】 Humanism aims at the protection of human being, with great consideration of freedom, dignity, ideal, thief, living methods and the meaning of life, which accentuates the development of human being and opposes to regarding human being as tools and things. The science of law is the science of human being, focusing on the demand, right, benefit and dignity of human being. The value of law is realized by the method of respecting human being. The rule of law is not only the most credible and stable way to bring human being to the society of order and happiness, but the important motivity to make the comprehensive development of human being. The humanistic functions of justice are to promote the judicial cognition, push the judicial identification, and consolidate the judicial value. Judicial humanism demands that the judges become the elite of legal affairs and social humanism. However, affected by history and exiting conditions in China, Chinese Judges’ characters of humanism are rather invisible. Meanwhile, judges play an important role in law-understanding, law-interpreting, law-applying and so on. The Humanistic Characters of Judges include such 6 chapters as following:(1) Independence Character. Judicial independence is the independence of judges in fact. At the same time, the essence of independence of judges is spiritual independence.(2) Impartiality Character. Judges are the determiner of disputes; impartiality is the soul of judges. (3) Benignity Character. Judges are not insulated from life. Only with great knowledge of times and lives, can judges apply laws more comprehensively. (4) Self-discipline Character. Conscience is the foundation of judges’ humanity, and the impetus to judicial impartiality. (5) Authority Character. Judges are the symbol of authority. Without public credit, judicial authority cannot exist. (6) Rationalization Character. Judges are the important appliers, who must understand laws logically. (6) Promotions of the Humanistic Characters of Judges. The establishment and perfection of the humanistic characters of judges is a long-termed process, with the same step of judicial civilization and modernization. We cannot imagine the judicial humanism departing from the background of social culture. Only when penetrating through all areas of judicature, can humanism becomes a regular spirit to secure the judicial impartiality.

【关键词】 法官人文品格公正良知
【Key words】 JudgesHumanismCharactersImpartialityConscience
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】D926.2
  • 【下载频次】354