

【作者】 冯萍

【导师】 沈强;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 油田化学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着胜利油田勘探开发的发展,特别是近十年来,以注水开发为主,多种采油集输技术的应用,原油及回注水中的成分复杂,不仅给原油及污水的处理造成困难,而且对炼油装置的稳定操作、设备腐蚀、产品质量带来严重影响。其中原油中的氯含量日益引起人们的重视。原油中的氯化物分为两种:一种为无机氯化物,另一种为有机氯化物。氯化物对原油加工过程有很大危害。为了控制原油中的氯化物含量,减少经济损失,必须对原油中的氯化物的来源及影响进行正确地评价,这就需要对原油及污水中的成分进行分析,确定氯化物的组成及来源,并对氯化物的危害程度进行正确地评价,提出合理的控制措施。在此过程中,完善了胜利原油中有机氯含量检测技术和测试方法,研究了氯化物在原油中的存在形式和胜利原油中的氯化物来源,以及原油中氯化物对炼油过程的影响。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of exploitation in SHENGLI oilfield, especially in recent ten years, Oilfield is exploited mainly by injecting water , and the injecting water have complex additives resulting from a few kinds of stimulating products, gathering and transportation technologies applied. These additives not only give difficulties to the treatment of crude oil and waste water, but also bring great difficulties to the stable operation, equipment corrosion and products properties of refinery. More and more attention has been given to the chlorine content .There are tow kinds of chloride, they would bring great harms during crude oil processing. In order to control the chlorine content, reducing the economical losses, we must make a accurate evaluation, so we should analyse the composition of crude oil and waste water, determine the composition of chloride and their origination, evaluate the extent of the harm caused by chloride. Finally, we can give resonable control methods. After all these works, we can improve testing technology and procedures of organochlorine content in SHENGLI crude oil,study how do chlorides presence in crude oil, what’s the origination of the chlorides in SHENGLI crude oil and the effect on refining caused by chlorides in crude oil.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】TE622.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】614