

The Historical and Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Surnames

【作者】 常雁

【导师】 顾銮斋;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 世界史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 姓氏作为一种社会结构中的血缘关系符号,是人们待籍以相互区别的标志。姓氏是传统文化中生命力最旺、凝聚力最强、感召力最大的人文历史情结,是认知民族文化的伟大基石。大干世界,芸芸众生,人人有姓,各各有名,汉英姓氏体系与民族历史、宗教信仰、传统文化、风俗习惯有着密切的联系,并且生动具体地反映出两种社会历史形态的演变、古代文明的起源发展、民族文化的融合进步以及社会习俗的改革变迁,为研究两个民族的历史、文化提供了丰富的信息。汉英姓氏各自生长在不同的社会环境中,经过漫长的历史洗刷和积淀,各自张扬着迥异的文化个性,进发出独特的历史魅力,体现出鲜明的民族特点,揭示出不同的价值取向和审美标准。本文从汉英姓氏的概念内涵入手,一方面,对比分析汉英姓氏在历史形成时间、历史起源、历史发展、历史结构、文化特点、民族融合、文化内涵等方面的差异。另一方面,从社会变革、宗教信仰、民族心理、价值观念和政治经济等方面探究产生差异的主要原因,分析姓氏的语义取向,揭示中英姓氏的历史文化差异,提高跨文化意识。全文共分四章。第一章介绍汉英姓氏的概念内涵。第二章阐述汉英姓氏的历史差异。第三章分析汉英姓氏的结构差异。第四章论证汉英姓氏的文化差异。研究汉英姓氏的历史文化差异,有助于我们认识两种文化习俗的共性特征和个性差异,掌握中英社会的发展历程。在跨文化交际中,姓氏的历史文化差异值得人们深入地分析和研究,它是拓展文化意识的重要渠道,对丰富历史知识,弘扬传统文化,增进彼此了解,促进文化交流具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 As the kinship signals in the social structure, surnames are the signs to distinguish people. Surnames are the most energetic, cohesive, inspiring humanistic and historical complex in traditional cultures; they are the foundation stones to realize two national cultures. Everyone has his own surname and given name in the world. Chinese and English surname-systems have close relationship with their national histories, religious beliefs, traditional cultures, and social customs, and vividly reflect the image and evolution of two social histories, the origin and development of ancient civilizations, the melting and improvement of Chinese and English nations and the change and reform of social customs, they also provide a great deal of information for the research of two national histories and cultures. Chinese and English surnames have been growing in two different social environments, after long period of historical clearance and accumulation; they have shown various cultural peculiarities, bursting special historic charms, expressing distinct national characteristics, disclosing different valuable orientations and aesthetic standards.At the beginning of this thesis, I deal with the concepts and connotations of Chinese and English surnames. On one hand, I mainly contrast and analyze the differences of their forming time, historical origins, historical developments, cultural characteristics, national melting, and cultural connotations. On the other hand, I try to search for the main reasons from social reforms, religious beliefs, national psychologies, valuable conceptions and political and economical elements, studying the semantic meaning of surnames, disclosing the difference of Chinese and English histories and cultures, enhancing cross-cultural consciousness.This thesis is divided into four chapters.The first chapter introduces the concepts and connotations of Chinese and English surnames.The second chapter illustrates the historical differences of Chinese and English surnames.The third chapter analyzes the structural difference of Chinese and English surnames.The fourth chapter proves the cultural differences of Chinese and English surnamesIt is helpful for us to study historical and cultural differences of Chinese and English surnames, so that we can recognize the common features and unique differences of two cultural customs, grasp the developing courses of two societies. It is worth analyzing and studying the historical and cultural differences of surnames in cross-cultural communication, for it is the most important channel to enlarge Chinese and English cultural consciousness; it also plays the practical roles in enriching the historical knowledge, expanding the traditional culture, strengthening the mutual understanding and improving the cultural communication.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】H0-05
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1721