

The Research of Modern Chinese Census Registration Institution of Law

【作者】 黄筱倩

【导师】 肖金明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 户籍法律制度在国家行政管理制度中居于基础性地位,在相当程度上影响着国家经济社会发展。从人类进入文明时代之后,户籍制度就始终伴随我们。特别是对我国公民而言,户籍制度与每个人的日常生活息息相关。随着社会变革和权利意识的觉醒,我们发现中国现行户籍法律制度有着越来越多的弊端,虽经30多年的修修改改,但并没得到根本的改善。本人从中国当代户籍制度的形成入手,分析了当代户籍制度确立和演进改革的社会历史背景,从法律层面上剖析其中的不合理性,并根据当前中国社会经济发展的特殊背景设想了户籍制度改革的基本途径,并在此基础上提出了户籍立法应确立的几个基本原则。文章导言部分简要梳理了从商朝到中华民国户籍制度形成发展的历史脉络,分析了1949年建国之前户籍制度的共同特点,介绍了本文的研究方法。文章第一章介绍了当代户籍制度的建立和改革过程。第一阶段1949年到1957年是户籍制度初步建立和完善的过程。在此阶段前期公民具有迁徙的自由并享有较多的权利,此阶段后期随着计划经济制度的确立和完善,城镇户口迁移控制渐趋严格。第二阶段1958年至1977年是以城乡分割为特征的二元制户籍制度确立的过程,此阶段城乡间户口迁移壁垒森严,户口与社会保障和日用品供给紧密结合,公民如果没有户口将难以生存。第三阶段1978至今是户籍制度逐步改革的过程。受传统体制和思想观念的制约,中国的户籍制度改革破冰是从个别地方冲撞底线,采取变通措施开始的,随后才有中央政策的跟进。其中最大的推动力来源于经济社会的深刻变革,市场经济体制的建立必然要求户口迁移的自由和人员流动的自由。文章第二章评析了当代户籍制度。一方面,当代户籍制度在建国初期特殊的历史背景下,对我国工业化的迅速发展,保持城市农村就业的平衡,维护社会稳定,加强社会管理发挥了不可替代的巨大作用。另一方面,户籍制度弊端也不断暴露,一是城乡分割的二元化户籍制度,造成了城市和农村公民在经济权利、政治权利等方面的不平等,违反了平等的宪政理念;严格控制人员迁徙剥夺了公民迁徙自由的基本人权;对劳动力流动的人为限制阻碍经济社会发展。文章第三章对当前户籍制度改革的路径进行了探讨。首先是对30年来户籍制度改革的几种模式和理论进行了评析,在此基础上,以“路径依赖”的理论为支撑,探讨了户籍制度改革的途径,即从继续推进小城镇户籍制度改革入手,逐步改进和完善社会保障制度,使之与户籍制度逐步剥离,降低城市入户门槛,建立“新市民”制度,最后建立合理完善的户籍法律体系。文章第四章对户籍立法应坚持的几项原则作了探讨。即:正义的原则、平等的原则、迁徙自由的原则、扩展身份登记的原则、隐私保护的原则和姓名权保护的原则。结尾部分提出了户籍制度走向自由平等的期望。在期待的同时,简要分析了户籍制度改革面临的困难,以及应采取的措施。

【Abstract】 The system of census registration law lies in the foundational position in the system of state administration, and it affects the development of economy and society of a country in a big way. This system occurred from the entering of the enlightenment era of our human beings. The census registration system is closely interrelated to everyone’s daily live, especially for the inhabitants of our country. With the social changes and the awakening of the rights sense, we can find out so many disadvantages in our present system of census registration law. This system has been modified for thirty years, but it wasn’t improved in a radical way. From the formation of this system, I analyzed the social background of the foundation and reformation of this system; dissected the irrationalness from the law aspect; according to the special background of the Chinese economy and social development, I conceived of the basic ways to reform the census registration system, and on this basis, I put forward some basic principals of founding the law of census registration.In the introduction part, I made the venation of foundation and development of the census registration system clear from Shang Dynasty to Republic of China, analyzed the common grounds of this system before the founding of our country in 1949, at the same time, introduced the research methods of this article.The first chapter of this article introduced the process of foundation and reform of modern census registration system. The 1st stage is from 1949 to 1957 and this is the process of preliminary founding and improving of this system. In the earlier peroid of this stage, the inhabitants had the rights to migrate and had much more rights, but in the later period, with the foundation and improvement of the planned economy, the control of domiciliary transfer in the town became stricter. The 2nd stage is from 1958 to 1977, this is a stage of foundation of the binary census registration system. The mainly character of this system is the partition between the city and the countryside. During this period, the domiciliary transfer between the town and the countryside was so hard, and it connected with the social security and the supply of the articles for daily use, without a registered residence a man couldn’t live. The 3rd stage is from 1978 up to now, this is a period of improvement of the census registration system. Because of the traditional system and thought, the reform of Chinese census registration system began with the braking of the bottom line from the individual local places and adopting the flexile methods, then the policy from the central government followed. Among this, the most important driving force was from the profound transform of the economy and socity, and the foundation of the market economy called for the freedom of the registered residence and the move of residents.The second chapter of this article analyzes and discusses the modern census registration system. On one hand, this system works very well on the industrialization of our country, keeping the employment balance between the town and the countryside, keeping the society steady, enforcing the management of our society. On the other hand, the disadvantages of the census registration occurs, one of it is the binary census registration which departs the town and the countryside, and makes the differences between the economic and political rights of the inhabitants in the town and in the countryside so, it is against the ideal of equal of the constitution. The strict control of people’s migration is against the basic human right and the limit of labor’s migration will block the development of economy and society.The 3rd part of this article mainly talks about the improvement path of the modern census registration system. Firstly, the author analyzes and discusses several patterns and theories of the reform of the census registration system, on the basis of it, depending on the theory of " relying on the path", the author discusses the path of the reform of the census registration system, that is to say, starts with the reform of census registration system in town, improves the system of social security and departs it from the census registration system, makes the limits of entering the city less, builds the system of "New citizen", finally, makes a perfect census registration system.In the 4th part of this article, the author mainly talks about several principals of legislation of the census register law: the principal of just, the principal of equal, the principal of migrating freely, the principal of enlarging the identity register, the principal of protect the privacy and the principal of protect the right of name. In the last part of this essay, the author talks about his hope of making the census registration system free and equal. At the same time, the author talks about the difficulties and problems of the reform of census registration system and offers some methods to solve them.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D922.14
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】367