

Research on the Properties of Heat Preservation and Thermal Insulation Materials Used in Buildings

【作者】 邹学红

【导师】 邹钺;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑节能是解决我国能源问题的根本途径,而建筑节能最直接有效的方法是使用保温隔热材料,胶粉聚苯颗粒保温浆料、EPS板、XPS板已成为我国三大主体保温隔热材料,另外,单组分聚氨酯泡沫(PU)填缝剂也成为建筑上主要的密封保温材料。然而,关于上述几种材料的导热性能方面的研究数据还很有限,尤其是缺少导热系数的数据及经验公式,在现有的设计手册中只有传统的保温材料如蛭石、膨胀珍珠岩等的经验公式。为了提高工程质量及节能效率、满足节能设计和产品验收的需求,有必要对上述几种保温隔热材料进行实验研究。本课题的实验设备及材料由常州工学院提供,主要结论如下:胶粉聚苯颗粒保温浆料性能研究:对实验周期(28天)内胶粉聚苯颗粒保温浆料的主要性能变化及各性能间的影响进行研究,得出:(1)通过实验发现,加水量多少对保温浆料的密度、导热系数、抗压强度有较大的影响;因此,在施工时,应严格按照材料厂家推荐的配料比例和要求进行浆料制备及施工;(2)在实验周期(28天)内,胶粉聚苯颗粒保温浆料的含水率、导热系数、抗压强度的变化非常显著,研究表明:导热系数、抗压强度的变化受含水率的影响最大,在实际施工时,胶粉聚苯颗粒保温浆料抹灰工序完成后应养护至少14天后,方可进行下一步护面层的施工,这样作为保温层的浆料才能充分发挥其良好的保温隔热、较高的机械强度等性能;(3)实验结束后,保温浆料的含水率仍很高(10%以上),且受自然环境的影响含湿率波动较大,所以导热系数、抗压强度等性能与产品说明中干燥状态时的数据有很大的差距,在热工设计及计算时,应以现场实测的数据为准。单组分聚氨酯泡沫(PU)填缝剂性能研究:通过反复实验,确定了振摇料罐的频率、振摇料罐后的最佳使用时间以及喷射形成的最佳泡柱直径;研究表明:聚氨酯泡沫填缝剂最佳密度值范围为22~26kg/m~3,当密度ρ<15kg/m~3或ρ>29.69kg/m~3,平均温度35℃时导热系数大于0.05W/(m·K),不满足相关标准的规定;对实验数据进行线性回归分析,得出不同密度填缝剂泡沫体的导热系数随温度变化的方程式,为工程测量及热工计算提供方便。EPS板、XPS板导热性能研究:通过实验测试,结合导热理论分析,得出不同干密度的EPS板和XPS板的导热系数与温度的关系式,以及EPS板和XPS板在一定含湿率时导热系数与温度的关系式。通过本次实验在一定程度上也说明了在保温材料市场中存在大量的不合格产品;因此,提出把好保温材料质量关、从源头保证工程质量的建议。

【Abstract】 The construction energy conservation is a basic way to solve the energy question in our country. And the direct and effective method for energy efficiency in buildings is to use heat preservation and thermal insulation materials. Colloid powder polyphenylene grain thermal insulation mortar, EPS foam and XPS foam have become three major heat preservation and thermal insulation materials, moreover, the mono-component polyurethane foam (PU) sealing agent also becomes the main sealing and thermal insulation material used in buildings. However, it is also limited to study heat conduction performance about the above materials, lacking the data and the empirical formulas of the thermal conductivity in particular (only empirical formulas of the traditional thermal insulation materials, such as vermiculite and inflated pearlite, included in existing design handbook). So it is necessary to study the several materials in deep for improving the project quality and energy efficiency and satisfying the energy -saving design and the product acceptance testing.Research on the properties of colloid powder polyphenylene grain thermal insulation mortar: To test the main properties’ changes and influence on each other during the experiment cycle (28d) ,and conclude:(1) It is discovered through the experiment that how much Water poured has tremendous influence on the density, the thermal conductivity and the compressive strength of the thermal insulation mortar. Therefore, the mortar preparation and the construction should be under the material factory’s ingredient proportion and requests. (2) The main properties of the thermal insulation mortar, such as the moisture content, the thermal conductivity and the compressive strength, have remarkable changes during the experiment cycle (28d).The research indicated: the moisture content affects supremely the changes of the thermal conductivity and the compressive strength. In actual construction, it should maintain at least 14 days after the plastering procedure of thermal insulation mortar, then carries on the next step armor layer construction. Only thus can the mortar, as the heat insulating layer, fully display its good heat preservation and thermal insulation, high mechanical strength and so on. (3)After experiment, the mortar’s moisture content is still high (above 10%), and is influenced by the natural environment. Therefore, the experiment data of thermal conductivity and compressive strength are very different from that of product instruction on the dry condition. So design and computation should take the scene actual data.Performance research on the mono-component polyurethane foam (PU) sealing agent: Through testing repeatedly, to determine the frequency of swaying the bucket," the best using period after swaying the bucket, as well as the best spraying column diameter. The research indicated that the best density value of polyurethane foam plate is 22~26 kg/m~3. Whereas, the densityρ<15kg/m~3 orρ>29.69kg/m~3, thermal conductivity is bigger than 0.05 W/(m·K) at the average temperature 35℃, which does not satisfy the correlation standard. Basing on the linear regression analysis to the empirical data, functions of conductivity versus temperature were obtained for PU foam boards of different density, which provides the convenience for the project survey.Heat conduction performance research on EPS foam and XPS foam: With tests and theoretical analysis about heat conduction, functions of conductivity versus temperature were obtained for different dry densities of EPS foam and XPS foam, as well as functions of conductivity versus temperature at containing certain water. To a certain extent, the test also demonstrates that there are massive unqualified products in the thermal insulation material market. Therefore, suggestion of "closing the good thermal insulation material quality and guaranteeing the project quality from the source" is given.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】TU551
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】1576