

The Wireless Monitor System of City Fire Protection Design

【作者】 曲斌

【导师】 滕国库;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济和技术的不断发展,城市高层、超高层建筑、地下建筑以及大型综合性建筑日益增多,火灾隐患也大大增加,消防在人们的日常生活中扮演了越来越重要的角色。于是人们研究设计了消防监控系统,在一定程度上做到了火灾预警。但是现有的消防监控系统彼此独立,还不够智能,由于人为疏忽等因素大大降低了消防监控系统的火灾预警能力。所以就需要一套更智能的、不需要过多的人为参与的消防监控系统。城市消防监控系统采用联网和无线通讯的方式将整个城市的消防监控系统结合在一起,监控手段、通讯手段、报警等都采用更智能的方式。本课题主要是设计城市消防监控系统中的监控模块、短信报警模块和数据无线传输模块。实现了检测到有火警时能够通过短信自动向有关人员和监控中心报警,并由监控中心远程控制监控模块进行现场信息采集,然后通过无线通讯终端传输到服务器显示并存储。为了更好的实现以上功能,本文首先分析了现在消防监控设备的优缺点,并研究了消防监控设备的发展现状,决定采用比较流行的ARM2410开发板和比较有发展潜力的嵌入式操作系统Linux。在无线通讯方面我们采用了CDMA网络,针对我们的需要对模块进行二次开发,使之可以自动发送中文短信报警并具有无线传输数据功能。在视频采集模块中我们采用Linux自带的Video for Linux视频接口,外接摄像头,基本满足对现场信息进行采集的需要。

【Abstract】 With the development of economy and technology, there are more and more high-rise buildings, underground buildings and large buildings. At the same time the threat of fire is increasing and fire protection is playing a more and more important role in people’s life, so people begin to design fire protection monitor equipment to protect them from fire. But the existing equipments are not intelligent as they are separated with each other. The alarm capability of equipments is weaken greatly because of people’s carelessness. Therefore some equipment with more intelligence and less human participantion is strongly needed.The city fire protection monitor system combines all the fire protection monitor equipments by internet and wireless communication. Ways of control, communication and alarm are all more intelligent. This subject is mainly to design the monitor module, alarm by SMS module and transmitting data.by CDMA module. The system can alarm concerning people and control center when the fire is detected, control center can tele-control the monitor module to collect some spot information then store transmite and display the information on screen of control center server by CDMA.In order to carry out the fuctions metioned above, the thesis analyses the advantage and disadvantage of existing fire protection monitor equipment and reviews the development situation of current fire protection monitor system. Then we adopted the popular ARM 2410 and an embedded operating system Linux. We use CDMA to transmit data and we develop a interface circuit to use CDMA. In picture collecting moduls we use the Video for Linux interface of Linux to drive the camera to meet our need basically.

【关键词】 嵌入式短信报警信息采集ARMLinuxCDMA
【Key words】 Alarm by SMSPicture collectingARMLinuxCDMA
  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【下载频次】458