

Enterprise Application Integration and Enterprise Portal Research

【作者】 顾建军

【导师】 薛大伸; 赵焕忠;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 企业根据自己的实际业务需要进行业务过程的规划设计,开发出相应的信息系统来辅助业务过程的开展。随着企业信息化的不断发展,逐渐形成了企业内部的一个个“信息孤岛”。于是企业应用集成的概念应运而生,它可以按照企业业务过程的要求,借助各种技术手段和辅助工具,来连接企业内外各种业务相关的异构系统、应用以及数据源,从而满足E-Commerce、ERP、CRM、SCM、OA、数据库、数据仓库等重要系统之间无缝共享和统一运作,进而实现企业业务过程一体化目标。企业门户系统为不同的系统目标用户(客户、业务伙伴、员工等)提供统一、个性化的界面,允许客户、雇员、合作伙伴或供应商直接连接业务流程,并且不需要繁琐地、深入地了解就可以进行自我服务,从而实现了企业资源的巨大节约,同时也把业务市场扩展到了Internet领域。本文阐述了课题的研究背景、研究目标和研究方法,是全文展开论述的起点和基础。分析了企业应用集成的逻辑结构和物理结构,描述了企业门户技术的概念、层次架构、单点登录技术、主流门户平台产品的对比分析以及企业应用集成的几种主要方法,并以IBM公司的MQSeries产品为例着重介绍了企业应用集成中最常用的消息中间件技术。论文以天津中远国际货运有限公司的集成项目建设为实际案例,结合该物流企业的实际情况,进行了系统架构和业务流程的分析和设计,探讨其在系统应用集成、企业门户以及商业智能等方面的战略实施规划及具体解决方案。论文对企业应用集成和企业门户未来的发展方向进行展望,同时对中国企业信息化建设过程中,特别是信息系统整合、门户建设以及电子商务等领域提出了一些有益的见解。

【Abstract】 Enterprises scheme out business process according to their business requirements and develop the relevant information systems to assistant their extension. With the development of Information Technology, the problem about "the Island of Information" becomes more and more serious. Thus the concept of Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) came into being, which can, connect the various related isomerous information systems, applications and data sources in accordance with the requirements of business processes by using various technical means, thereby to make E-Commerce, ERP, CRM, SCM and OA, databases and other important systems share seamlessly and operate uniformly, and finally to realize the goal of business process integration.The different users of systems (customers, business partners, staff, etc.) can be provided unified and personalized interface by Enterprise Portal (EP) systems, which allowing customers, employees, partners or suppliers to link business processes directly, serving themselves without deeply understanding. Thus, it is not only saving tremendous resources for the enterprise but also extending the business market to the Internet.This paper demonstrates the research background, object and method, as the starting point and the basis for the whole paper. Focusing on the concept and the structure of EP technology, the logic structure and physical structure about the EAI are analyzed. In addition, IBM MQSeries products are taken as the examples to highlight the middleware technology which is used most commonly in the EAI. Subsequently, the integration project of Tianjin Cosco freight Co., Ltd is taken as the case. Finally, in the conclusion, the issues of the project are summarized, and the development of the EAI and EP in the future is prospected.

  • 【分类号】F270.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】159