

Design and Implementation of Software Integrated Development Environment of Embedded System

【作者】 井靖

【导师】 赵秋霞;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着嵌入式系统硬件技术与软件技术的不断发展,以信息家电为代表的各种嵌入式产品正在广泛而深入地改变着人们的生活。为了支持用户对嵌入式设备进行快速、高效的软件开发,同时尽可能地降低软件开发成本,迫切需要一种集各种嵌入式开发工具为一体的较为通用的嵌入式软件开发环境。本文设计了嵌入式软件集成开发环境PLAEmbeddedIDE的层次结构,介绍了其中各个模块的功能;在深入分析GNU GCC编译器后端重定向原理的基础上,定义了一种目标机结构信息描述表,设计了目标描述文件的自动生成工具,实现了目标描述文件的自动生成,并给出了通用交叉编译接口,对交叉编译器做了相应封装;在深入分析GDB源码的基础上,给出了GDB stub在内核层和应用层的通用设计流程,提出了移植GDB的一般方法,并设计了通用调试接口,对GDB做了相应封装。在此基础上,实现了PLAEmbeddedIDE v1.0嵌入式软件集成开发环境原型系统。论文还结合基于M·Core硬件平台和uc/os-Ⅱ环境的应用实例,给出了PLAEmbeddedIDE开发嵌入式应用程序的一般步骤,并通过实际调试、运行目标代码,验证了交叉编译器和交叉调试器等工具的正确性。

【Abstract】 Along with the ceaseless development of technology of hardware & software in embedded system, people are influence of all kinds of embedded appliances. In order to quickly and efficiently develop embedded products with the lowest development cost, a universal IDE(Integrated Development Environment) for embedded software development is essential.This dissertation introduces the hiberarchy of the PLAEmbeddedIDE and the function in each module at first, then analyses the back end of GNU GCC, abstracts the table structure from the target description files, achieves the automatically production tool for target description files, and designs the common compiler interface for IDE. Next, this dissertation elaborately analyses the source code of GNU GDB, on this basis puts forward an universal model of remote debug, then comes up with the design flow chart of GDB stub in kernel layer and application layer separately, and gives the general plan to transplant GDB to a new target and designs the debugger interface for PLAEmbeddedIDE.At last, the dissertation takes a web server program for example, explains that how to develop an application by the PLAEmbeddedIDE, and then, via editing, compiling, debugging, and running the object code, verifies the validity of the PLAEmbeddedIDE.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】245