

A Study of Extracting Terrain Character Lines Automatically and Exchange of Data Format

【作者】 尹亚娟

【导师】 秦志远;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 摄影测量与遥感, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着地理信息系统的不断发展,数字高程模型作为地理信息系统的一种基础数据,在地学领域发挥着越来越重要的作用,已完全成为地理信息系统的重要组成部分。数字高程模型的质量是决定其使用价值的首要因素,而地性线自动提取及DEM数据格式转换是该领域中值得研究的问题。论文的主要工作包括:1、本文全面系统地论述了基于地形特征建立各种高质量DEM模型的理论和方法,分析了DEM研究的主要问题及发展现状,提出了地性线提取和矢量数据转换是当前研究与应用的主要方面,明确了本文的研究范围和基本思路。2、借鉴制图综合的理论基础,提出了采用曲线弯曲原理和分析方法对等高线数据进行地性线自动提取的方法,详细阐述了按拐点分割等高线、分段提取特征点、按属性连接地性线的实现过程。3、针对提高建模效率和改进建模精度等问题,研究了基于不同矢量数据建立高质量DEM模型的方法,包括基于离散点构建不规则三角网的常用算法、顾及地形特征约束条件下不规则三角网TIN的建模方法和改进措施、基于等高线数据构建不规则三角网的算法实现。4、研究了基于各种数据源建立规则格网DEM的理论和方法,详细分析并实现了从不规则三角网TIN到规则格网DEM转换的改进算法——磨光函数内插算法。5、研究了基于不规则三角网DEM和规则格网DEM数据进行等高线的自动追踪算法,根据这两种数据存储格式的拓扑关系,提出了同时适用于两种数据结构追踪等高线的通用算法等。最后,对本文的研究成果和有待进一步研究和解决的问题进行了总结。

【Abstract】 With the developments of Geographic Information System, Digital Elevation Model, as a kind of base data of Geographic Information System, plays more and more important role in the geoscience area, and it has already become an important component of the Geographic Information System. The quality of Digital Elevation Model is the priority factor in determining use value. At the same time, extracting terrain character lines automatically and exchange of data format are worthy to research. In this paper, the main works include:Firstly, the author discusses the theories and methods on constructing high quality Digital Elevation Model based on terrain feature from digital contour line. The main problems and current research of DEM are analyzed, extracting terrain character lines automatically and exchange of data format are the main directions in current research and application, which vital theory and methods based on are the base of this thesis.Secondly, on the basis of referencing the theories on cartographic generalization, the author makes the study and experiment on automatic extraction of terrain character lines from digital contour by using principle and method of curve. The implementation process explained in detail include segmentattion of contour lines by inflection point, extraction of character points segment-by-segment,link terrain character lines by attribute.Thirdly, in order to improving modeling efficiency and model accuracy, the author studies the method on constructing high quality Digital Elevation Model based on different vector data, involve common algorithms of constructing TIN based on irregular discrete points,modeling method and improving measures on constructing constraint D-TIN considering the terrain character, algorithms of constructing TIN based on contourlines.Nextly, theory and methods on constructing Regular Grids based on Various data sources are researched, and the interpolation algorithm - Smoothing Function interpolation arithmetic of interpolating Regular Grid DEM from Triangulated Irregular Network is improved.Finally, Universal algorithm of tracing contour line automatically from Triangular Irregular Network and Regular Grids are researched. According to the similar topological relations of the two kinds of data storage format, universal algorithm is point out to tract contourlines from these two data Format.At last, the paper summarizes research productions and development direction.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】466