

A Study of Precise Inspection Technology for Dynamic Surveying Precision

【作者】 何峰

【导师】 郑勇;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 动态测量技术作为一种新兴的测量技术已经越来越多地被应用于各种测量场合,使得测量技术无论从效率还是技术内涵上都发生了较大的变革。不同于传统的静态测量技术,动态测量的特性决定了其精度评定和数据处理方法的复杂性。随着动态测量应用的日趋广泛,对于动态测量误差的研究具有很强的必要性,本文的研究目的就是期望通过一定的方法和技术手段为动态测量提供有效的检测平台并能够通过实践完成对动态测量的检测。文中首先根据动态测量传感器及精密机电设备的应用现状提出了搭建高精度动态检测平台的方案,给出了检测方案的工作原理。通过对几种潜在解决方案的分析,确立了最优方案;基于检测平台的基本原理,分别设计实现了20cm、60cm动态检测平台缩尺模型,完成了模型机械结构设计实践及部分相关设备的性能测试,在缩尺模型基础上完成了100cm检测平台的机械结构设计和性能测试;针对检测系统的组成分别对时间系统、光电位置传感器、电机及机械结构的精度进行了分析,根据各组成部分的精度得出系统在不同检测方案条件下的检测精度:低动态条件下(3cm/s以内)对于全站仪跟踪测量能够完成0.4-0.6mm精度的动态检测,中低动态条件下(6m/s以内)对于GPS动态测量能够完成3-10mm精度的动态绝对位置检测和0.5mm精度的相对位置检测;基于100cm检测平台开展了全站仪及GPS动态检测实践,通过事后处理的方法对全站仪在准动态和实时动态条件下的动态测量精度进行了检测,得到不同动态条件下的测量误差;通过相关分析,得到利用全站仪动态跟踪测量的时滞在不同动态条件下约为110-120ms,通过对测量误差进行时滞改正和合作目标360度棱镜的误差改正,取得了良好的效果,其中0.9cm/s条件下的水平位置和高程的平均误差分别从1.02mm、2.18mm下降到0.83mm和0.51mm。在GPS动态差分相对测量时,静态与低动态条件下(0.314m/s以下)的测量精度差异很小,水平方向的标准差在5mm以内,高程方向上标准差接近1cm。不同动态条件下的双动态相对测量中,不仅出现了2-3mm的系统误差,还存在7-10mm的标准差。通过实践证明,检测平台能够有效地完成动态检测,并取得良好效果。

【Abstract】 As a newly emerged technology, dynamic surveying technology is applied to more and more surveying cases, leading to great changes for traditional surveying in terms of both working efficiency and the technology connotation. Dynamic surveying is different from the static surveying in terms of precision evaluation and the methods of data processing. And with the increasingly wide application of dynamic surveying error, it is really necessary to carry out the research into it. The purpose of the essay is to establish an effective inspection plat for dynamic surveying which can be applied in the practice of dynamic precision inspection.The feasibility of inspection platform and the principal are addressed based on the analysis of some optic-mechanical -electric instruments and the appliances, and the optimal proposal is made after the comparison between several potential solutions. Based on the principal of inspection, the 20cm and 60 cm reduce-scale models are designed and the model composition are also depicted, with which some relevant instruments are tested. Then the 100cm model is successfully completed on the basis of the reduce-scale models. In order to achieve precision, the time system, photoelectric sensor, servo motor and mechanical apparatus are tested according to the composition of the inspection system. Different precision for inspection system in different plans are figured out according to the results of all the factors: under low velocity condition(lower than 3cm/s), the precision for total station is from 0.4mm to 0.6mm, while the absolute and relative precisions for GPS dynamic surveying are 3mm -10mm and 0.5mm under low and median velocity condition(lower than 6m/s). the experiments and analysis for the dynamic precision of total station and GPS are carried out based on 100cm model, and the results of preliminary dynamic surveying and real-time dynamic surveying are gained through post-processing. Meanwhile, through the correlation analysis for surveying errors, the surveying delay ranges from 110ms to 124ms under different dynamic conditions. After the correction of surveying time-delay and the cooperated-target 360 degree prism, the errors are dramatically reduced: the vertical error and horizontal error are reduced from 1.02mm and 2.18mm to 0.83mm and 0.51mm respectively under the velocity of 0.9cm/s, which proves the effectiveness of error correction. There is little difference in the static and dynamic errors (lower than 0.314m/s), as for vertical and horizontal results under the condition of GPS dynamic differential surveying, in which the horizontal standard deviation is lower than 5cm while the vertical standard deviation approches 1cm. The experiments of different double-moved GPS dynamic surveying prove a systematic error of 2-3cm and standard deviation of 7-8cm. All the results prove the platform’s effectiveness and qualification for inspection.

  • 【分类号】P228
  • 【被引频次】7
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